[Suggestion] Crash Up Derby cert line for ESF's for causing and surviving impact damage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadAlive99, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. DeadAlive99

    Have you ever seen small angry birds (not the game) swoop down, one after another, attacking a larger bird that has invaded its' territory? That's kind of the picture I have in mind here!

    This cert line would allow and encourage ESF's to make direct impacts on both infantry and all vehicles, allowing it to kill infantry, and cause varying damage to all vehicles, while only taking small to moderate damage in return.

    I know this can be done some now, but I'm talking about beefing the ESF more so they can actually make a serious role out of it.

    The impact resistance for the ESF would be on all sides equally, allowing for all angles of attack, including dropping from above (belly flop), tail diving, top side impacts, wing sweep strikes, and more.

    The single biggest balance for this would be major exposure to close range fire of all kinds, so the balancing factors I list below may not be necessary at all.

    I also believe that all the fuel tank options would be critical for escaping after an attack.

    Optional balances:

    This could go in whatever slot would balance it best, or, there could be a new dedicated slot, but when equipped, it would disable or limit other functions.

    For example, if in a new slot, then it could prevent the use of one of the two gun mounts, or it could limit the primary to the stock gun and the secondary to fuel tanks.

    Alternatively, there could be new limiting factors put in place just for this new cert line, such as, instead of the above gun mount limits, you could use any item, but all of the item upgrades (mag, ammo, zoom, reload) would be disabled. If that's not enough for balance, then mag size and ammo could be cut.

    I would really love to have this! It would be so much crazy fun! Please discuss!
  2. FateJH

    You do know that ESFs can already barrel through Infantry and take no damage from the "collision," yes?

    With that in mind, I think you might have the wrong sort of upgrade.
    Give the ESFs beaks and talons. (The NC will love this.)
  3. Liewec123

    • Up x 1