Could you imagine if 1/15 U.S. military deaths were FF?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dulu, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Uben Qui

    Get rid of the wife?

    -There are two types in the situation. The idiot that willy-nilly runs across a lane of fire, and the idiot who shoots people in the back because he cannot control his fire. Both are detriments to the effort. Both are equally in the wrong.
  2. Cpu46

    I was a heavy assault plugging away at the vanu with the chaingun and someone decided that moment would be a good moment to run through my cone of fire. He died and I hear "Cpu your a f***ing moron" through local chat.

    With players like this there is no good system for punishing TK's. So many people would be banned by the pure stupidity or malicious intent of others.

    Not saying that the person who yelled at me was stupid or malicious. But they didn't handle it in the best manner and I don't want their hand hovering over a forgive/punish button just because they forgot bullets have the right of way.
  3. Verisimilituder

    I don't have any issues with teamkilling; it's a fun aspect to the game, even when you die in the stupidest way to a total idiot friendly. On the bright side, you know a bad guy didn't get kill credit. But if there was a vote system, I would select yes every time. The same way I always vote yes for a kick/ban vote in, say, TF2, even if it's me that had a vote levied against, or even if it's obviously a joke vote. A prompt comes up in a FPS game, I'm going to vote yes as soon as possible to get rid of it. And I'm not alone.

    Intent can be modeled, but it takes time and effort to develop, and any flaws in the system will be exploited (generally to either grief players without possible punishment, or to reverse-grief).
  4. Cyridius

    That's just not true.

    Anyways, you're probably only accounting for US on US Friendly Fire. There's also other allies - such as NATO & Afghan troops you need to consider.
  5. Raigir

    FF is serious issue even today. It is no small fact that it will happen, no matter how advanced technology gets. Granted this is just a game and people are particularly trigger happy and grenade happy, it makes sense that the FF rate is much inflated for this game.

    Its sad, it is tragic, but it is bound to happen.
    A semi recent event of friendly fire:

    and a not so recent but still proves the point (skip to 2:00 mark):
  6. Selentic

    The problem with your example is that tf2 popups pop up while you are alive, and obstruct a huge piece of the screen. When you're waiting to spawn there is no real rush.
  7. Verisimilituder

    That's actually a fair point. I'd still just vote yes out of spite, but I would expect less people would be quite so douchey. But then, people are jerks, so I can't say I'm entirely optimistic.
  8. wowie

    The simple solution would be to give less "weight" to players who voted "yes" all the time, while giving more importance and "weight" to "yes" votes that come from players that rarely vote "yes" when asked if a TK was intentional. So, for a person that reports everything as a TK, their "yes" votes would likely be ignored, but for someone that only "yes" votes those that truly deserve it (e.g. reporting people using the tower turret on your own forces at the crown, but not reporting that unfortunate, but accidental, magrider TK) will get more attention paid to their votes. Additionally, if lots of people report the same person for TKing in a short span of time, it could add more weight to the reports, because spikes in a normally low amount of "accidental" TKing are unusual. Granted, even that's not perfect, because some people are just TK magnets, and some outfits will mass grief just to spite people they hate (repeatedly walk in front of them, then hit "yes" when given the report TK screen), and some people will just have a bad day every so often (e.g. rubber boomerang grenade lands at your feet and instagibs your entire squad).

    Automated systems are tricky, there's never a "perfect" way to do it, because a short logic string will never beat a GM when it comes to determining intent, and can be easily manipulated... which tends to happen more often than not. GMs are tricky, because you can only have a few of them (relative to the # of players) and they can't monitor everything at once, and also can themselves be biased. I could go on and on about this, but, ultimately, it won't really mean much, unless TKing started showing up in over half of all forum titles.