[Suggestion] Cosmetics for Free ??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrainerS2, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. haldolium

    It's a circle really, so of course everyone is the "customer" because nothing would work without one or the other group(s). It's not "nice" from SOE, it is required for this kind of business model.

    Though all in all, it is still entirely acceptable that cosmetics are in there to make money and still be somewhat useful even. Good balance there for a change.
  2. haldolium

    Free to Play is NOT CHARITY. Free to play is a viable business model that is still very young and an approach to counter todays problems of game development. As I said above, all players need each other equally. You are not superior only because you pay nor vice versa (aside the fact that what he's asking for is kind of dumb, yes - but still)
  3. Gisgo

    Bah... i wouldnt mind if we could buy camos - and only camos, no other cosmetic - with certs.
  4. Gustavo M

    Exactly. HUEHUEBRBR
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    what? you can access the FULL game with every element except cosmetics included. it would have been another thing if you had asked for being able to unlock cosmetics with certs and not just via station cash only. then i might have agreed with you

    but to demand cosmetics for free. how do you think this game's development is able to finance all its expenses? definitely not by giving out everything for free
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  6. Mr_Giggles

    Nobody has posted this yet?

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  7. Oheck

    Camo pricing overall is a bit silly, let alone weapon camoes costing the same as armor cams.

    Bring back the 50 SC camoes for 6 month members. You already removed the early access to content tab. How about giving some love to those that support you monetarily.
  8. Cowabunga

    Derp OP - The OP is derp.
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  9. WookLordz

    How can you have "no" money, but have a fancy *** computer that can play this game? Entitled whiner.
  10. Bolticus

    A loyal solider as in buying SC.:mad:
    I'm still quite sore about that. Plenty of people only got 170 free SC. Some got the free camo. I didn't.:(

    But oh well. The game has to be supported in some way. Camo is one big contributor. I'm just happy that I can earn nearly 300-500 certs in one weekend!:D
  11. Thrustin


    u maek good sugeston heheheh:D how abut u will can chose insted uf prety camo dress u being chosing good wepon wich can do ainal probing of enemi soldier:Di shuld mak veri much dmg!!! hehehe i think if you are achieivieng lvl 100 u r very good player!!!!!! and u desrve anel probing gun :D maybi gun can do armor dmg 2 so u can maibiy probe anus of prowler as well???? :D or mabe u can chose veri prety red tutu!!??

    what u think freind???:D

    sry 4 bad english :D

  12. Bolticus

    You made a good suggestion. HUE HUE HUE. How about you can choose a weapon that does **** probing of a solider instead of a camo? It should have a very high damage! I think that if you get to BR 100, you deserve an **** probing gun. Maybe the gun can do damage to armor as well? SO WE CAN PROBE A PROWLER IN THE ***! Or maybe you can choose a very pretty red tutu?

    What do you think friend?

  13. llPendragon

    I think this is a great idea!

    I believe he is the biggest supporter of the game. Without the hordes of people willing to play the game without boosts, we wouldn't have near enough people to make this game fun. His participation directly impacts the success of this game. He|| yeah I think he deserves some reward after 15-20 days of play time!
  14. MFP_TK_01

    Can I get a refund on my camo's then?
  15. llPendragon

    Nope. But you may be able to get one or two more for free if you're high enough level.
  16. WookLordz

    The fact that this game needs leechers to be viable, doesn't change the fact that people who don't monetarily contribute are leeches.
  17. llPendragon

    Everything you like about this game is made possible by people willing to contribute massive amounts of time for free. They are what attract paying customers, and why paying customers will continue to pay and play. They are the catalysts and backbone all in one.
    The only drawback to this is that it will take up some developer time to implement and deploy.
  18. MFP_TK_01

    I don't need one or 2 more, I have all the camo's I need and one that I didn't need.
  19. Snarfy

    Is this guy stupid or just trolling? both? I honestly can't tell.
  20. Astealoth

    Yea... you already have access to every weapon in game for free, if they give away cosmetics for free they'll be broke. If you play this game enough to want to look cool, buy some station cash.