Cosmetic Question: Which faction has the best looking HA?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Sylvan, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Sylvan

    Which faction's heavy assault looks the most wicked?
    On stock gear, I think both the NC & TR look kind of ridiculous, while the VS looks decent. But from some footage I've seen of higher level players (& some of my death recaps), decked out assaults from other factions can look pretty cool. I've struggled to find anything on google images, so I thought I'd ask you lot. Images are welcome.

    Which faction claims the most bad *** heavy assault model?

    (Sidequestion: The cosmetic changes, are they SC items, achievement items, or cert items?)
  2. KnightCole

    I personally think the NC HA in full armor looks the best. The TR look pretty awesome as well, but I am more for flat squar-ish looks over roundness...the VS I think look just plain Redorkulous..

    The only thing about the NC, I wish they were a Darker blue, the w/e blue they are sometimes looks meh..but the design of the armor, yeah, I like it best.

    The Cosmetics are SC items bought in game.
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  3. Thpthpthp

    Would agree with KnightCole, NC is coolest looking in my opinion.
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    If you like spandex, VS.
    If you like curves, TR.
    If neither of the above appeal to you, NC.
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  5. HerpTheDerp

    NC: cardboard
    TR: biker goggles
    VS: fabulous

    NC: cardboard
    TR: passable
    VS: DAT ***
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  6. Sylvan

    Definitely going male, not a huge fan of the female model.
    & those were definitely my impressions of the stock gear, but as I mentioned I feel like more decked out NC/TR can actually look pretty bad *** while VS never really move past their initial sleek model, at least not that I've noticed.
  7. Swoll

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  8. Sylvan

    So NC is the winner. Anyone got pics or is this based off the stock set-up?
  9. irishroy here you can see all classes with the armor, that you can buy in the in-game-shop for ~250 SC
  10. Sylvan

    Thank you, that's incredibly useful.

    Confirms my thoughts that:
    NC have so much potential but just look shoddy, (might change with better armor)
    VS never really look better than the stock gear (sidegrades ftw)
    TR look by far the best out of those images.
  11. Village

  12. Veri

  13. Vorxil

    Stock HA I'd go with VS. It looks more fitting for a sci-fi shooter.
  14. Sylvan

    I actually wasn't talking about stock. In my opinion Vanu have by far the cleanest looking stock armor. The others' look shoddy & incomplete, which is why I was actually asking what more decked out HAs look like.

    Thank you! Now if only someone else would take pics of their decked out NC/TR HAs....
  15. Veri

    Oh so you were talking about the composite armors available for the factions.
    I'd still go with Vanu.
    I don't really see an obvious difference between the other two factions.
  16. Sylvan

    Yeah, it's just unfortunate. If NC HAs armor was a little cleaner (like their Engi's), they'd look incredible. If TR lost those biker googles, they'd look awesome. Vanu seems to win in my eyes not because they look fantastic, but because it's just lacks the obvious flaws of other two. (I find this very true for stock & it appears to be true for composite as well.)
  17. SomeRandomNewbie


    I rest my case.

    Most cams (like the vanu soldier earlier in the thread) look terrible; the colours just don't meld at all. Ok, it *might* work tactically, but there's no reason you can't be intimidating and look good doing it.

    Edit: Version without the cam for comparison.
  18. ENFORC3R

    I think I look pretty sexy in my TR Heavy with Composite armor. It looks great with the TR Digital camo.
  19. Kastrenzo

    Camo looks downright awful on VS.

    I like the shape of the NC, But Blue is not in my color wheel.

    Default paint job on a TR heavy is my favorite
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  20. hermes konrad

    TR look the best I think, but then again I'm partial to the generic jackbooted Killzone space marine armor look.

    Also, please stop buying skull helmets everyone. They are awful looking in every circumstance.
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