Convert Planetside 2 to Unreal Engine 3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. raw

  2. JohnG

    Only a Sith deals in absolutes...
  3. Jourmand1r

    This thread suffers from my inability to do forums very well.

    All I'm saying is that Forgelight is an unomptimized mess and it needs to go.
  4. Nubs

    Yep... and the metacritic score from "actual gamers" is 7.8 at the moment. Against 8.6 from critics. And since actual gamers usually include idiots that give the game a 0 because thye have a 5 year old computer that cant run it.. i know which score I would take more seriously.

    But way to miss the point, the point isnt the scores, it's the comments about the technology of the game.

    And there was an MMOFPS in development based on unreal engine tech...

    It was what a lot of PS1 gamers were watching to see if it was the sequel to PS1 they wanted. It wasnt. Instanced gameplay, maximum battle sizes of .. you guessed it... 64. They originally wanted to have "over 100" but could not get the tech to work. So much for your theory on UE3 being better for MMOFPS.
  5. Freyar

    UE3 is bad.. really bad for open world environments.
  6. Jourmand1r

    Wow @ this post.

    First off Diablo 3 is trash, and everyone knows it is trash. I read several "professional" reviews that called Diablo 3 the best RPG ever made.

    My point was that Diablo 3 got basically a 9 out of 10 average out of all of its reviews and people hated it so much they forced it down to 3.

    As to your second point, I love how you brought up a game developered 4 years ago by a run of the mill Korean developer to prove that "big first person shooters" cant be made.

    Forgelight is just as bad as if not worse than UE3 for this time of game, as evidenced by the horrible TERRIBLE optimization in this game.

    The reason EA and Activision arent making MMOFPS games is because they don't sell as well as CoD/BF style games.
  7. Jourmand1r

    IDC what they do as long as they either fix Forgelight and make is a decent engine or start working on something new.
  8. McHiggins

    I think we should all accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
  9. Bonga

    well if you love hacks. and want to see more of them in PS2 then unreal 3 engine is a good thing. U3 is one of the most open engine for hacker.. so NO plz dont......
  10. Jourmand1r

    Lol now you are seriously reaching.
  11. Jourmand1r

    Also thank you to everyone who actually discussed with me or tried to have a decent debate about this.

    I hate the Forgelight engine and I'm not a coding genius (none of you are either), but I still deserve the right to be dissatisfied with the optimization.
  12. PlayerOneSVK

    And who is playing on MAX if this game using only 1 core whahaha...
  13. Nubs

    I'm not getting into a conversation about diablo 3, i wasnt talking about review scores, i was talking about review comments. You say d3 got bad player reviews because it was garbage.. ok.. but your point is still worthless, ps2 has great player and critic reviews. As I said before, it wasnt about the review scores anyway, it was about the comments from the reviewers.

    Look at the amounts of money being banded around in that wikipedia article.. millions of dollars. Webzen is HUGE in Asia. Just because you have not heard of them, does not make them "run of the mill". The game was beta'd and released in 2009-2010 - that makes it 2-3 years old. And it doesnt change the fact that a big games development company, with lots of money and experience COULD NOT GET AN MMOFPS TO WORK ON UE3. Saying forgelight sucks for MMOFPS is just rediculous, it's THE ONLY engine that works for it on release at the moment.

    PS2 was played by more people on Steam yesterday than COD:BO2. And steam doesnt show those playing direct from the PS2 launcher (most players). EA/Activision doesnt do proper F2P games and they only focus on games that can be cross platform. Meaning games that use engines that are cross platform. Those engines are things like Frostbite and UE3, they simply are not focused on the PC which is the only platform that can support a game like ps2. Which is why those engines cant do MMOFPS, they were not designed for it.

    This is my last comment in this thread, because im starting to feel like im being trolled or im arguing with someone who is stupid and that never goes anywhere good.
  14. IshanDeston

    Ever since Everquest 2 SOE has done the smart thing and got MMOs with technology that couldn't be fully realized at the current hardware and was beyond what the majority had commonly available.

    Why would they do this? Simply, so we still have good graphics in 5 years from now. Go and log into Everquest 2, that game still looks gorgeous. And it came out before World of Warcraft.
  15. Jourmand1r

    Yeah BF3's engine wasn't designed for PC. That's why it is the most powerful engine out in PC games.

    You should also work on your ego. You seem to think that you are incapable of being wrong, and that anyone who disagrees with you is either trolling you or stupid.

    Its a pretty common attitude among MMO players. I'm right and if you disagree I'll report you for trolling.
  16. Jourmand1r

    1. If you think EQ2 looks gorgeous, that explains why you think PS2 is a cutting edge game graphically, when it is actually just a mediocre looking fps by 2012 standards.

    2. How in the name of god can you reasonably say SoE has ever done anything smart regarding MMOs?
  17. IshanDeston

    Because i could care less about this god you are talking about and have been playing SOE games since Everquest1. I've seen good and bad decisions and of all the companies out there, providing MMOs, they are in my opinion the best and most consumer friendly.
  18. Jourmand1r



    SoE is the worst MMO developer there is. They ruined SWG. They killed The Matrix Online. IDK what they were even thinking with Vanguard. DCUO was ok I guess.

    I have high hopes for PS2 though because Higby is awesome.
  19. RKB

    Suddenly, everyone and their grandmas are experts in what each engine is capable of.

    It's all just whiny children complaining that their computer isn't good enough. At the start of the beta I could barely make 2fps in large scale battles, now I'm at a steady 30-40.
    Rage threads with stupid ideas are not going to get you anywhere.
  20. Jourmand1r

    I hate computer elitism.

    I know enough to know that an i5 2500k shouldnt have to run this game on low to get decent FPS.
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