Continuing to investigate server issues

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Infektion

    I don't get this... it might be my testosterone, or your elevated levels of estrogen, but I just don't like this "pony-scene", it's gay.
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  2. Zazulio

    No they didn't. The Mattocks just got their damage drop-off value adjusted from 10 to 12 meters, to match the values of the other three shotguns. They didn't extend their actual range at all.
  3. theducks

    you dont get the point, the people who pay are the ones who basically support the company's game so they should be their FIRST priority because they want their money and time. no game company should be like, eh u bought the game? how about i make it not work and not refund you. they wont do that because then they would loose all of their income.
  4. Toumal

    I'm in PS1 right now and I'm the only user online...
  5. Geekboy234

  6. Auraxianvanu

    Planetside 2 has not yet been optimized for the newer computers. You should downgrade to windows 95.
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  7. LavenderFennec

  8. Pj3r

  9. LavenderFennec

    i never said they wouldn't get a refund they might they might not i don't know
  10. teks

    I can't get it to run on my IBM 5150 either.
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  11. Bindlestiff

    OK, next time you buy a 2 week holiday / vacation and when you arrive at the hotel they tell you its only for a week, don't go crying to the tour operator. You got what you paid for, right? Don't be so ridiculous.
  12. OldGuyAndy

    This has likely been said already, but....

    Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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  13. Auraxianvanu

    When you paid for both, and know full well that you only got one. After that, you do not complain or try to fix the situation, you are content with getting one when paying for two. That is the definition of a tool.

    SOE really should give us something to compensate. Knowing them, they very likely will, but it is 100% wrong to say that they should not.
  14. xXClawsTheDragonXx

    That my good man Is me when I read the forums but im skiny ^^
  15. theducks

    i didnt say they wouldnt get a refund, you said that if you invest money thats your fault and i was pointing out that that should be SOEs number 1 priority to make the PAYING customers happy
  16. theducks

    and uh get the game running
  17. Gaudette

    Would be great to get an e-mail "alert" when the servers come back online...
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  18. CaptainFLaps

    I hope SOE gets the servers back up and running again, I need to start ghost capping :<
  19. Defosh

    Well, I got it running fine on my i386, but it required a downgrade from i486 because it was running in lightspeed.
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  20. Lavalampe

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