Continuing to investigate server issues

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. NoLifeGamer

    I'm loosing money because of this. The day before all this happened I got the 7 day boost to see if it's worth spending more money in game. Then servers where unexpectedly brought down and it's not looking good. Can you enplane to me how I'm not loosing money if I payed for 7 days and get less then that?
  2. EVGA

    You guys had better give me some good god damn compensation at this point, I've missed out on 100 passive certs already (it adds up, trust me), and 2 whole days of my paid membership. At least make this weekend double XP or something. I was looking forward to playing this week with the new changes, and now you've made that impossible.
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  3. SourceAvenger

    Riotfyre, I don't think we can claim they haven't done any work all day. But we can admit that it appears to have been so far unsuccessful at giving us online and stable servers again lol.
  4. Mordicus

    Soon, the need for patience shall be gone: installing Hawken, 8 minutes remaining. Keep fighting FTW, devteam! I'll check back in tomorrow.
  5. BronieSalute

    Watch this while you're waiting! ;)

    And we all love Ponies.
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  6. Grayson

    And SOE is still just a COMPANY whos product is unavailable for god knows how long even for PAYING members. If we view it that way it IS unacceptable.
  7. Gioba

    What the hell are talking about... membership in on a time basis. Every downtime is a waste of money for the customer.
    What choose is it?
  8. AuxiMoron

    I think the disco hippie fits best with little Vanu in your sig there.
  9. Badname293

    Has anyone stopped to think that the reason they play this game religiously is because of the friends they have made here? I keep telling myself that I will never play this game again EVERY time I get ZOE rushed, and I turn it off in anger, only to come back an hour later to see if the people I have met MAY be online! I have friends that have left to play BF4 and not been back, and I miss them horribly. What has SOE done to us? LOL!
  10. Brasileiro

    xD your post made me think of this:

    the mules at the end are the ZOEs :D lol
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  11. TeeHeeNZ

    and it was posted about a hour or so ago in here also.... So yea, seems appropirate
  12. LavenderFennec

    your name in NoLifeGamer i dont really have to say anything but...again you choose to pay and your not loosing money you chose to pay and something inconvenient happened
  13. Zathrus

    well yes that could happen... but not to all the servers at the same time
    My point is.. we arent having any fun... and SOE isnt making any PS2 money... because all their PS2 servers are down... and have been for more than a day.
    If I was a business manager at SOE some heads would roll over something like this... this costs a company a lot of money... and heartache from continuous complaining by players.
    When you make a change... and it breaks something really bad... you roll back and fix it behind the scenes... not sit for days with the servers down while you frantically try to code out a problem.
  14. Cryser

    Thank you @ FinWiz ...... you have saved my day :)
  15. BigBooty

    <3 <3 <3 I agree.
    EDIT: Kick and sway are pretty awesome too
  16. TheCuqui

    It has been more than 24 hours since the patch that infected PlanetSide2, a purge is needed...
    • Up x 5
  17. indian spice

    well, I'm intel quadcore, 8GB ram, windoze on 128GB SDD, PS2 on 2TB 7200rpm HDD, PSU 750W, gtx480 1.5GBw. beta drivers. yes, it can run crysis.

    My FPS never drops below 50 with settings set between ultra and medium, no millisecond FPS drops characteristic of a poorly optimized game. That is with smoothing on. Without smoothing, my FPS varies between 80 in a biolab to 100+.

    When I first started PS2 (with same setup but instead gtx 460's in sli), I got framerates similar to you. You just gotta mess with settings to find the perfect balance for your system. eg. turn shadows to low and fog shadows off, and mess with HUD to get instant 10+ fps.

    And Sony, 2 gtx 460's in sli are supposed to be faster than a 480... That I get 2x the FPS with the 480 shows that you really need to fix SLI...
  18. NoTwitch

    Back out the patch. Try it again later, after xmas. Just saying.
  19. Tarriom

    I think everyone needs to relax. I'm sure SoE is doing all they can to fix this issue, remember they are loosing money too. **** happens. Better just to chill out and hope for the best, instead of whining non stop on the forums.
  20. AuxiMoron