Connery broken. TR Overpop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archlyte, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. MounTE

    I have no clue how long you played but every time I play I see NC having the most pop...must be me (also on Connery)
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  2. epicnomad2001

    its the only us west server and right now the map is only TR and NC. also TR somehow ttook the nc warpgate! and i am a vs player so if i swap servers that means deleteing my character :(
  3. maudibe

  4. maudibe

    Thats 60% TR on INDAR on june 1st 12:23 pm sunday
    INDAR................The continent that almost always stays even.
    And that is population NOT...TERRITORY
  5. Bujias

    You feel good for beating some br 1s from other server?? we should give you a medal, funny that most of my outfit went to play some other server or other faction that day, i wouldn't be surprised if other competitive outfits did the same, anyway the jab wasn't even directed and you, that's why i said Most of them not all of them.

    Besides it was ONE day, I rarely saw any complains from tr guys during the last year where we mostly outpop during the day by NC and at night by VS, but one day of outpop and so many threads and complaints it just funny.

  6. Zar

    dude show me friday or sat cause im tr on connery but i only really play on friday or sat cause well thats when i have time and cool **** happens. noon on sunday im not even awake xD
    damn bills and jobs don't let me play planetside all the time damn them!
    oh and show me the other two continent's cause any time the nc or vs start to lose they ***** out and go to esmir or amerish so show me all 3 or world pop or bs.
  7. Idle

    Op TR overpop isnt broken its just their turn. Its was annoying to see a post saying that Miller people were coming across to TR because they needed help!!! That was BS they joined the FOTM faction with overpop so they could steam roll. Other factions still win alerts, TR win the most NC next then VS with the under pop still win sometimes.

    TR and VS have a long standing habit/alliance of both attacking NC as NC has had the most stable high pop. VS hate NC and NC hate VS slightly less, while both factions get along ok with TR. Sooo chances of a alliance with NC and VS are zero.

    As you could see from the post from a VS member saying that it was just NC crying about Zoe when there were just as many TR crying as well.
  8. Darkwulf

    Deal with it. Sometimes war is not perfect and balance shifts from faction to faction. I prefer to play the underdog because steam rolling with more numbers is not fun. I would rather be warp gated and fight my way out. But I guess there are just not a lot of men left in the world. We are all just left with kids who want everything balanced and instant.

    See this is what kind of people we get when school sports teams don't keep score and everyone is a winner. They grow up and make posts like this.
  9. Darkwulf

    This post just oozes weakness. Glad your not on my team.
  10. DaninTexas

    NC complaining about TR overpop - Yeah no. You have not earned that right. I always log in and play the side that has the lowest pop and needs me the most. I haven't gotten to play my NC till this weekend - first time in a very long time.

    I did get a good laugh though
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  11. Rogueghost

    It applies because for months, NC had over pop and TR and the lowest pop on Connery, so quite literally the tables have turned.

    But I'm going to enjoy the NC tears for the time being, glory to the republic!
  12. Taemien

    Still beat them 2v1. Aren't you a sore loser? :D

    Next time bring better people.
  13. PWGuy93

    I kind of like the TR overpopulation of late - well the past couple of days at least. I have seen new strategies, new formations from the TR and well, it's fun to fight them again. They've got more playing but they also brought something different to their playstyle and I love fighting it.
  14. Yuki10

    If they present a fight - why not. if they camp warpgate - i'll just go somewhere else.
  15. Bujias

    How am i a sore loser if i didnt even play tr that day?, man you make no sense, anyway say w/e you want later.
  16. Brenold

    Before the "exodus" from Briggs, it was always NC overpop or VS super-overpop especially at nights.
    However, now I see that the factions actually take turns on the pop (VS still has some zerg nights), but I do see TR having pop advantage more often now.. maybe it's just at the times you usually play?

    Couple of days ago on Amerish we were the lowest pop around 28% I think... while NC was like 33 and VS 33%. Alert was capture Amerish and we had Amerish control the day before and when the alert started NC and VS had already started on retaking it so our territory was like a diagonal line from the top left to bottom right with NC and VS on each side.. NC and VS were already fighting each other at the bastion and cut our territory in half, so we focused on the NC and VS zoomed to 46% control within the first hour

    Eventually we were able to even out with NC and at the same time NC started to focus on VS.
    We slowly started to focus on the VS as well, but did not engage fully and just played peekabo with VS bases. If they showed up somewhere we'd go somewhere else.

    We gained the lead within the last 20 minutes and won the alert. It was glorious and shows how population is just one factor in the big picture. I remember an alert where we had 40% pop and almost 50% continent control. both NC and VS just pounded us down since 40% is no match for 60%. We lost horribly and got massacred on all fronts.

    Why do you think the game has 3 factions?
  17. Brenold

    that is continent population, not world population. which is the usual dynamic when not in an alert. each faction ends up
    picking a continent with the least resistance and end up over-popping a continent.
    TR will always be mostly on Indar except during alerts. Although I've seen too many alerts lost on other continents because half our pop stayed in Indar anyway.

    for all we know the server could have been 45$ NC when this screenshot was taken. but they were hiding on amerish instead of giving you ideas like Indar is the continent that almost always stays even.
  18. Silus

    Sorry bro, while I agree with the whole "TR overpop" thing (Seriously, they were at like 41% server pop the other day), I can't hear the rest of your argument over the sound of my Longshot and +50% XP gain due to being underpopped.
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  19. Krayus_Korianis

    That's Indar, not the entire server.
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