Connery broken. TR Overpop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archlyte, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Archlyte

    SOE needs to stop new TR toons from being made on Connery and needs to limit logins. TR overflow needs to go back to Briggs and Miller. Do it soon before too many peeps leave.
  2. Leftconsin

    NO! Set fire to the server! That will stop all logins!
  3. Shinn

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  4. Archlyte

    Just don't log in if you're NC. It's a lame TR farm 24/7
  5. minhalexus

    More TR means more fights for me AKA easy farms.
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  6. Bujias

    tr was usually underpop in connery, never as bad as nc and vs are facing right now, but well im not to sad for you, im sad for the fact that i want to play on my tr but the overpop just makes it boring as hell, so i put in spandex and started killing those new guys, most of them are really really bad, so i had a little fun, its a pain in the *** to get certs tough i forgot about that.
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  7. Snorelamp

    My, how the tables have turned.

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  8. Archlyte

    I'm not sure how that applies. But TR Pop on Connery needs to be throttled.
  9. Archlyte

    I like how the turds who see it is over pop play VS instead of their TR alt. Nice

    Problem remains, Connery Broken due to TR overpop
  10. DeltaUMi

    I just wish SOE would just merge some more servers together in order to get higher populations and bigger battles more often. Merging Connery with another server might lessen the population difference between TR and the other two factions given that the other server does not have a TR overpopulation.
  11. Bush82

    because it's Connerys turn lets take action. only a few weeks ago Connery players were laughing at everyone else saying the TR are the newest faction to play. deal with it man. s"*t happens.
  12. Archlyte

    I don't know what you are talking about but Connery is not playable atm due to TR overpop. Not a few weeks ago (who cares about that?) but now.
  13. Snorelamp

    They should've fixed Briggs earlier. I am pretty sure a fair number of Briggs players just stayed, and since most went to TR to help underpop TR, and TR got an update even though I thought it kind of sucked...TR become overpop. They tasted the sweet farm of Connery and never looked back.
  14. HadesR

    And 30 mins after you post this ... NC win the Amp station alert 5 / 2 / 2

    It's perfectly playable for us :rolleyes:
  15. Rhumald

    Why don't y'all just consider a coalition? seems like the best way to even the odds IMO. if you're NC, look for places you can subvert the TR's momentum on the VS's front, and if you're a VS player, do the same on the NC front. Work together to overcome your oppressor, I mean, in the end you both want to be smack down the Terran Republic's dogma, right?

    You're both in very good positions to flank the TR on behalf of the other faction, all you have to do is blow up a couple TR sundies and tanks, and you'll have fun playing again.

    Devide and Conquer!
  16. Archlyte

    Yeah the population occasionally dips and you get about 20 min before TR takes over again.
  17. ronjahn

    Hmm I've been playing a new VS character on Connery for the last week and the server seems fine to me. People put to much thought and emotion into server pops. Just take on the challenge and enjoy the extra targets. It will make you a better player.

    You want to see brokenly overpop TR? Time travel back to Waterson last summer and deal with the daily 45% TR spearheaded by a platoon of NUC. That was broken :)
  18. CrashB111


    Sorry, I really can't take anyone seriously when TR is claimed to be overpopped somewhere.

    Good for my brothers, not having to slog uphill 24/7 at least for the time being.
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  19. Goden

    Yesterday (or Friday I can't remember) the TR had everyone warpgated on Indar and Amerish.
  20. Archlyte


    I don't care what you say

    that's the whole of it. If I was writing to you I would have used pictures and crap