Connery and Helios merge "Soon"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. 13lackCats

    Primetime Connery is 33/33/33 more often than not when I play.
  2. Outlier

    An optimistic assessment, but I agree.

    During an Indar alert.
    You should look at the world pop sometime.
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    It would be nice to see some new faces to play with. Nothing against our bigger TR outfits on Helios but most just don't fit my play style. I dislike getting overwhelmed by two platoons at every base as much as the next guy but I am happy for this merge. Only problem is I'll never play my NC alt anymore cause they will be on same server :(
  5. Outlier

    Connery TR are a hardcore bunch. Our zerg can be stupid, but we're stubborn and never give up without a fight. If you're looking for organization, check out The Terran Alliance ( All of these outfits coordinate their efforts, and we generally accomplish more than our numbers suggest. I'm in TRG, Snafus up there is in MERC, and you'll find quite a few of our members on the forums. Looking forward to playing with Helios TR, provided you guys can keep up :eek:
  6. Whargoul

    Here's the lowdown on Helios: NC usually have a 15-20% pop advantage during the morning hours and win all the alerts . NC gets owned during primetime hours when the population is closer even though they will still maintain the highest pop. TR has become rather timid and likes to ghost cap and sneak attack the VS or NC when they are fighting each other. VS does pretty well but has a lot of derps.

    Got to stay positive man :)
  8. Nogrim313

    yeah really looking forward to 70% NC pop

    I'm sure some coordinated pounding of TR/VS will thin them out :)
  10. 13lackCats

    Actually, when I wrote that, I was specifically remembering an Esamir alert.

    Negative = nothing
  11. HadesR

    You can have Connery's hacker's just don't bring your own
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  12. IndX

    Does anyone know when this is supposed to happen?
  13. SikVvVidiT

    Bad new is this means this game is dying more and more with each patch.

    Right now on Matterson I am running around trying to find a hotspot and they are few and far...

    Two months ago it will be jumping right about now.. I know a lot do not want to hear this but this last patch seems to have killed the population a bit... I am seeing less and less people on the Highest Pop US server, that is not a good thing at all..
  14. Roxputin

    The game is not dieing. People are just taking a break, that is all. There is more than enough players to shoot least on Connery.
  15. Minimum Force

    That and summer is right around the corner. Plus some folks are either graduating, banging out finals, or like I said.. getting ready for summer. Why does everyone start screaming that a game is dying when pop drops? It's not the only reason nor the true real reason.
  16. travbrad

    "Soon" as of 2 months ago. My definition of soon is a bit different than theirs apparently.
  17. HMR85

    My guess is when we see Hossin is when we will see the merge happen.
  18. Nogrim313

    i doubt we will see hossin before september-ish at this rate. and if the pop is going to be low for the summer would make sense to save it till then to get people back.

    look at when most games release x-pac and big DLC thats about the same time of year we can expect their big stuff to be scheduled around
  19. PhiladelphiaCollins

    LOL TR are seriously ******** about population imbalance on Connery? Esamir Alert last night at around 9CST, TR has over 50% of the population. You guys do need all the help you can get though...even with it being so ****** you couldn't get a domination victory.
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  20. iller

    Why the Sarcasm?

    You guys and TR never fight eachother anyway in the Alerts. You constantly win-Trade. And us N.C. haven't won a single primetime Alert in 2 weeks now b/c of it. Do I need to post screenshots again? Basically, you're telling the Devs that you WANT EVEN MORE NC TO FIGHT AGAINST. You would have stopped this constant 2-vs-1 double teaming long ago if you really really wanted a fair fight. So don't come crying here if the shoe ends up on the other foot and you actually start losing a few when it becomes a 2-on-2 fight.

    Though Credit where Credit is due I guess.... the NC is also full of idiotic zergs and even some platoon commanders who constantly fall for your "Trap" of going diagonally straight accross the middle of the map in a "wedge" right between you and the TR. ...Or heading straight to a Biolab they don't already own to fight there and forgetting to get control of the Ancillary bases BEFORE taking down the SCU. Those Guys need to Uninstall this game immediately or join your faction and GT*O of ours b/c we're all sick to death of them making the rest of us look like the stupidest Faction on earth Auraxis...