Congratulations, TR and VS

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by drNovikov, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. RichardDunn

  2. Kirseva

    So does that explain why people are using the phoenix to rocket snipe people instead of vehicles?
  3. Djinn40k

    well.. i like the phoenix ^^

    i mean.. the dmg is.. well.. yeah.. and there is absolutely no splashdmg but its fun to hunt down ppl from the crown if you hit theyr face ;)
  4. LameFox

    You mean... the AA missile launcher is still better for AA? :eek:
  5. ThElement078

    Has anyone experienced a bug where in the Phoenix does not go into camera mode? I have, and it totally breaks it.
  6. Ev3ntHorizon

    I dont know what Phoenix you are using but i find it perfectly functional, simply set your mouse to change to a twitch style dpi when firing and you can fly the phoenix around in buildings if you are fast enough, i dont get kill streaks ever as i like to charge in to combat, but lastnight i had kill streaks after kill streaks

    each of these weapons have there strengths and IMO are all well ballanced

    TR - massive damage, lock can be broken
    VS moderate damage near instant hit
    NC indirect fire moderate damage

    I dont understand where you say the missile is not very steerable, I and several of my fellow 666th can fly these through trees weaving them through trees and can even swing it around to chase an infantry who has seen it coming at them
  7. srockstar

    Except that you didn't. It takes well over a clip to take a single ESF down, closer to 8 missiles which requires a reload and 2x lock on periods. Don't believe me? Go into VR training and try.

    If you get shot down in that time then it is your own fault.
  8. Comptonunhh

    You obviously didnt finish reading my post as i quite clearly explain why it is incapable of being used the way it was intended
  9. Ev3ntHorizon

    it works just fine, it is a guided missile. dont place to much in to it not being exactly the same as a PS1 Phoenix, for the current PS2 state of the game it works

    Perhaps when tool addons are added to the game range and turn can be certed. that may actually add a nice dynamic
  10. P149U3

    so i guessing OP is mad that he cant guide a rocket yet i still get hit by them and cant even see a player who shot them.....might just be you that are bad at using it OP