Congratulations Terran Republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReconTeemo, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. ReconTeemo

    NC used to be a force to be reckon with, biggest rivalry with TR. They were actually slightly better than TR after the merge. I guess it went down hill after being vanu slaves?.
  2. Messaiga

    What I am assuming what happened was after the merge of Waterson and Jaeger, many of the NC from Jaeger who were actually very proficient when fighting the TR may have left the game after the ESRL's came out and the NC Max got nerfed. Since the lattice system came out the NC on Waterson lost their edge really. I don't know any other servers that have good pop balance and an NC population that can actually work together though. Since the lattice system came out all we have on NC lots of newer players while we consistently get pounded by TR day and night since they have some of the better outfits of the server (NUC, TRAF, HSTL or whatever they are, and some other outfits) and TR have lots of good equipment (Strikers, Fractures, Vulcan, Marauder).