[Guide] comprehensive engineer guide

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by fuzzyfoot, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Takoita

    AP+AT trap definitely works, only with claymores you have to make sure you place the AT one in the blast zone - I once had accidently set them in 'pancake' formation and AT one didn't detonate. Can be use for some revenge on those nasty campers just before the base flips: just mine the terminals inside the spawn shack. Be mindful of explosions dealing damage through walls bug, random teammates with bad grenade aim, trolls and people switching sides to intentionally TK you though.

    When using C4 on a target who has good chances survivng the blast, you may want to wait until someone launches a rocket or something at it - the whole setup will detonate at once. Don't know if HA AV grenades actually work, but I imagine they will be useful in such situations. UGL certainly can be, since direct hit deals some damage to armor.

    Also, medics too have underbarrel GL, they just need to cert another gun for it.
  2. Otega

    I personally like the Lynx, but YMMV.
  3. irishroy

    and for NC? ;)
  4. RichTheMad

    If you lay down mines while wearing the utility pouch, do you lose the amount of extra mines it granted?

    I suppose if this is the case, it would also happen if you switched classes - although also worth a playtest.
  5. 4Dentity

    Few times i have caused semi-massive warfare because this, repaired mid sized outpost and shortly after that was done small squad appeared with sundy so i started to setup some proxy traps and turret sniped other two node rooms when cappers tryed to capture those. So few mins later whole base was suddenly swarming with enemies, luckily small calvary arrived just in time so we didnt lose the outpost.

    One of the awesomest moment in PS2 i have had, nothing is more thrilling than going against superior numbers. 1vs5 i had at start was sweet but after that number doubled it became more of hit and run while trying to ninjacap ninjacapped nodes just to slow them down.
  6. Azimaith

    There are some... errors/confusion statements in the OP's post.
    Allow me to clarify.
    1: Maxed AT Mines with Utility Pouch. Maxed Utility pouch gives you six AT mines, not 5. You start with 2, gain one more from the At mine tree, then 3 more from Utility pouch.

    2: If you placed 5 AT mines (and only mines) and you see a kill message you now almost certainly have 3 mines left, not 4, because an MBT with more than half health takes 2 AT mines to kill, not one.

    3:Stick Grenades: They don't work at all. They're exactly like normal frags and do not stick. Avoid them until they are fixed, even then...

    No you don't lose them.

    I'd like to add some glaring things that were not posted as well.

    1: A fully certed engineer (6 AT mines, 4 C4) can place 5 sunderer killing "mine traps." You do this by placing one triggering AT mine with one C4, the mine will detonate on the vehicle, the C4 will detonate from the mine, the vehicle will eat damage from both. That means you have 4 C4+AT Mines and the last two mines are used as normal. This obviously takes longer to set up but killing 5 vehicles alone is often more useful than only killing 3 but deploying it faster. When placing C4+AT mine always make sure the C4 is closer to the expected vehicle than the mine (if not right on the mine.) You do not want to lose out on a vehicle because the C4 is too far ahead.

    You can combine this effect with any of your explosives. For example, an area with incoming foot traffic can be mined with a AP mine at a door way and AT mines outside the doorway where people likely to gather. One person charges through and it blows up the entire area around the door way as well killing packs of people.

    2: Set a spawn room that will be captured with C4/AT mines and place a single triggering AP mine in the middle between the spawn tubes for or similar that will be reached eventually, but not immediately. Do not put any mines near the door way or the whole room will go off with enemy explosives. Then sit in the spawn and blast away to make damned sure all the kill hungry fools outside know your in there. When the horde rushes in to gun you down one will trample the AP mine and the entire room, terminals and all will detonate killing everyone inside. You can get solid group kills with this and you also destroy the rooms terminal. At the very least you're almost guaranteed a revenge kill.

    3: Find an enemy airbase (such as vanu archives) as an infiltrator and hack the terminal within. Switch to an engineer and drop 1 AT mine and 2 C4 on each air pad. Any plane short of a galaxy that lands will die instantly upon getting near the trap. Do not vary overmuch from this formula of 2 C4+1 AT mine. Aircraft do not take increased damage from AT mines like tanks do thus 2 AT mines won't produce reliable kills, especially if you're not there to finish them off.

    4: Place an AP mine in a location that would be plausible for a MANA turret. Then place a mana turret atop it. Most people in the know have figured out Mana turrets are faster to kill with a knife than a gun. When they do....

    5: Place a MANA turret in location that is in view of a door and take up a position flanking the door and mana turret. Enemies typically try to see if there's an engineer hiding behind or using the turret before checking the room, giving you time to shoot them.

    6: Get a underslung smoke launcher for a carbine and use it to cover approaches to c4 sunderers or provide air cover. You can reload it with an Ammo pack (buggy though.) If you direct hit someone with a smoke grenade it does massive damage, blows out their shield and takes them down to about 40% hp. You can also see through the smoke with IRNV thus use it to help clear rooms. Enemies can still see your name and triangle marker unfortunately which renders this tactics much less useful (its the same problem as the stupid flash grenade.)

    Underslung smoke grenades can damage tanks/sunderers/aircraft on direct hits as well.

    7: If you have some reason to not use mines as bombing tools, you can set C4 in the same fashion then detonate it with a grenade. This is sometimes faster than detonating manually.
    • Up x 3
  7. Wrel Developer

    I've seen the lasers many times, and other times they don't seem to show.

    But it might have something to do with the way the game generates certain effects. Maybe it depends on how close to the infiltrator you are when he places the claymore, etc.

    Anyway, in my experience, the laser bit isn't entirely true.
  8. AuntLou42

    Anyone know if tank mines survive through game crashes?
  9. Azimaith

    Nope, if you log on for any reason they're gone.
  10. kingduckling

    is there any difference on how the ap mine work for the different empires?
  11. SickPuppy

    Get the Trac 5s and cert into (rail) smoke grenades... that really helps for close deployment of explosives
  12. Bill Hicks

  13. SickPuppy

    TR speakin' of course :rolleyes:
  14. Mafarett

    yeah, Bouncing Betty and Vanu proximity mine both explode in a small radius when a enemy walks close to/over it. Claymore has a focused cone and explodes when someone walks in front of the laser triggers (invisible to enemies).
  15. Mafarett

    whens the last time you saw the laser? the inability for enemies to see the lasers is a relatively new thing.
  16. Cirevam

    I saw claymore lasers earlier today. I was at the Crown (because NC somehow had the Crown) and there was a TR infiltrator running around the top. I chased him around a corner, saw some green things in the bottom of my screen for a split second, then as another NC shot the infiltrator I blew up. Death by claymore. Granted, this was the first time I've ever seen claymore lasers even though I've been killed by claymores before, so it's possible that the lasers don't always render. Or maybe you do indeed have to be close to the person who dropped it.
  17. Boomschtick

    I've only run across claymores once. I managed to survive the first one in the room, and spotted the second before I tripped it. I didn't see laser markers coming out or away from it.
  18. Intruder313

    I can see the Lasers on a Claymore - or at least I can see clearly see the emitters which makes the mine fairly obvious to me.
    I've never seen a VS Prox. Mine but I spot virtually every Claymore laid in my path.

    I think with the Claymore being directional the key is to place the Claymore itself out of sight with the blast cone across the doorway or whatever. For us NC or hated VS the mine just goes in the doorway.
  19. Intruder313

    Azimaith I think you are wrong about the # of Mines.

    Yes the AT Mine Cert gives you 2 then 3 AT Mines
    The max Utility Pouch (according to the Wiki and my memory) grants +2 for a total of 5 AT mines.

    Certification levels and (Utility Pouch Certs):

    AT Mines: 2, 3 (+1) (+1) = 5 Max
    AP Mines: 1, 2 (+1) = 3 Max
    C4: 1, 2 (+1) (+1) = 4 Max

    Utility Pouch: gives you +1 in the sequence: C4, AT, C4, AT, AP

    I think the cost to reach and then Cert the extra AP mine is punitive.
    Boosting your AT mines by 1 is reasonable except you have to pay for extra C4 first - something you may not have even Certed for.
  20. NovaAustralis

    I can now vouch for the visible green laser on TR claymores.

    While fighting on Esamir a TR ran up to my deployed Sundy.
    Immediately suspicious of C4 or Tank Mines I jumped out of the top turret and engaged him.
    I killed the TR and had a good look around my Sundy.
    There it was, the little grey and red suitcase, with two green lasers projecting from it towards my Sundy.
    I stepped back and shot it and got the Explosives Kill XP bonus.

    The crisp white snow on Esamir is good for more than just blinding you and making your feet cold!