[Guide] comprehensive engineer guide

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by fuzzyfoot, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. fuzzyfoot

    I keep seeing the SAME questions over and over, with ill informed bad information and advice being given, so I thought I would write this short and sweet guide to clarify some things :D

    I'm a rank 46 TR on genudine, and I play exclusively engineer while ground pounding and have dumped all of my infantry certs into this class ( and planes / tanks )

    Claymore/c4/Tank mine mechanics:
    -Say you can drop 3 tank mines, if you place those tank mines, go resupply, and place 3 more tank mines, it will wipe your previously placed 3 tank mines
    -Mines stay until you log out, or switch continents, or they blow up obviously : )
    -If you place 3 tank mines, go to an infantry console and resupply with claymores, you *CAN* place your claymores down without wiping your tank mines, so you can deploy c4 tank mines and claymores all at once.

    Utility pouch:
    -This cert line upgrade is NOT a rip off, and is by far one of the best lines to upgrade in the game, it DEFINES engineers
    -The cert cost is high, the utility is paramount. This game was not made to be beaten in a week, it was intended to be played for months + years, so be patient
    -Maxed out utility pouch equals:
    4 C4's
    5 Anti tank mines <(=== holy !#$@ batman!!!
    3 Claymores (AP mines)

    Claymores (AP mines):
    -Are fantastic for securing capping points, try to place behind wall corners, heavy foot traffic areas etc but not in obvious areas
    -Claymores are directional, other factions are not
    -The claymore's green lasers are *NOT* visible to enemy

    C4 :
    -Decent for killing armor, but you have to be pretty suicidal to get a kill
    -FANTASTIC for killing clustered up groups of infantry, and for killing MAXes
    -Can spam all of your C4 using right click, and then left click to detonate

    Tank Mines
    -Huge blast radius, can be used against infantry by shooting your tank mine after placing it
    -Can ****DECIMATE**** Incoming Zerg convoys. With 4th level utility pouch, you can place 5 frikken tank mines!!! Could you imagine what 3 engineers with level 4 utility pouches and tank mines could do to a 20 zerg + incoming tank convoy? Render it COMPLETELY useless and stop the push dead in its tracks, do not underestimate this!!!
    -Tank convoys have to keep moving, once the first couple of tanks run into mines and die or are crippled they will want to stop, causing a traffic jam, and ensuing madness :D
    -Place tank mines in choke points, narrow roads in canyons, on bridges leading to the crown etc, plan ahead where the armor will come, place your mines and enjoy the free exp :D
    -Keep a mental note on your tank mines, if you have 5 placed, and see a "Magrider kill" exp message, assume you now have 4 and feel free to place an additional mine somewhere.

    Sticky Grenades:
    -Fun, semi pointless mechanic, upgrade if you want, but it is no more, or less effective than a regular grenade IMO once you get used to the arc of throwing. Not to mention they are 30 resource points more expensive than regular grenades.

    Ammo Pack:
    -The upgradable ammo pack is garbage, get explosives
    -You can still deploy ammo after getting mines, select your mana turret, push b to switch firemode, and you now have an ammo pack that lasts longer than your upgradable pack.

    Mana Turret:
    -This thing is sweet, in fights like biodome, select a corridor of fire around a corner, or at top of stairs, sit back and rake in the exp
    -Mana turret is super accurate for the first 4-5 shots, after that the cone of fire increases dramatically making it impossible to hit range targets, so burst fire is your friend
    -Not so good in outdoor environments, open to sniper fire

    Other uses for Mana Turret:
    -Taking heavy fire and hiding behind a rock, deploy your turret on the right to draw fire and attention, and exit the oppisite side. Mana turrets are bright, and catch people's eye, even if they dont shoot it they will take a moment to look at it before noticing nothing is there.
    -MY *PERSONAL* Favorite use of the mana turret, which is always overlooked, is the fact it is a mini ladder. Deploy your turret, and use it to climb over walls, climb over force fields etc.
    -On Tech plants, you can deploy your turret on the ledge next to the cable by the force field doors that light assault can fly over, hop on top of your turret, jump onto the cable, and run up and over the wall and into the plant.

    -Dont for a second think you are useless in a fight, with a clever approach you can easily 1 man rambo an 8-10 man squad, suicide charge a sunderer and throw 2-3 anti tank mines down, solo maxes etc
    -You are also a kickass support class, if you see a max doing AA, or trying to break an infantry line, stick onto him like a suckerfish!!! Keep him healed, and drop an ammo pack for him. Maxes are intimidating by themselves, but with an engineer around the corner consta healing him and keeping his ammo up, they are a force to be reckoned with : )

    Anyways there's my guide, Keep it bumped, feel free to add, and hopefully we can get it stickied! Cheers!!!

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  2. fuzzyfoot

    I just want to add... If you hate tanks, engi is the way To go. A smart engineer is the bane of armor!!! Learn to read the map, and figure out where enemy armor is going to be active..

    And for maximum asshattery, tank mines on landing pads can be fun for when enemy libs land to resupply :D

    Tank mines on vehicle pads and vehicle ramps is pretty roflwin too :D anyways cheers and hope this helps some of the newer engineer
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  3. Afifikas

    Add on a bit:

    As an engineer, don't always follow the zerg after capping a major base/air outpost. Take your time to repair the AV and AA turrets (for obvious reasons). You can always chase after the Zerg in the ever faithful Flash.

    Also: if you are into the insanity of combat repairing tanks, upgrade your nanite repair gun.
  4. maroscz

    After certing utility pouch. Can you lay more mines without wearing it? (lay 2 APs, resupply, lay third)
  5. NovaAustralis

    Hear, hear.
    I'm one of those OCD people that tries to go around repairing everything after a capture.
    You'd be amazed how much XP you get for doing it.
    Let alone knowing the base is now fully functioning again for YOUR faction's use!
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  6. fuzzyfoot

    Nope, utility pouch must be equipped in place of nanoweave armor etc
  7. Adamar09

    Until the enemy infiltrators get in. Alternately, when they do cap it back it's a prime target for you to swap to INF and cause some chaos.

    If you change suit slot without putting down any mines, will the higher number stay deployed?
  8. joe smo

    Fun fact about the Mana Turret, you can knife it to death faster then shooting it.

    o, and for maximum Explosive engineering get the gun that has the grenade launcher
    good for long range engagements if you can compensate for the drop
    Can be used by the LA too
    you have and ammo pack at your finger tips, enjoy spamming it
    does pretty good damage to infantry, can kill groups if they are close together

    not for CQC
    it does not resupply from and ammo pack properly
    (to prevent this interrupt the reload by changing to another weapon and then back, must be done every time and the Fix if it happens is to resupply at a terminal.)
    can get stuck with it, meaning you can't change to your other weapons
    (Fix is to use your mouse wheel to change weapons, pro is you can use it as a fix for the resupply bug as you can reset the animation)
    sometimes you get Training grenades (duds).
    (Fix sweet talk the Quartermaster(s) maybe they will give you the live grenades next time (unreliable))
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  9. MaxDamage

    You seem very excited about the fact that a *fully* certed engineer can place 5 anti tank mines.
    In Planetside 1 he could place a lot more.

    That said, thanks for taking the time to write this.
  10. BOOKEN


    Thanks for the info. I play mostly as engineer and still learning to be effective. I love trapping the enemy. I run a pretty low FPS and fire fights are not my style but I do get gun kills every now and again. And I like getting kill assists just as much as a kill so I'm happy.

    I also enjoy "jihading". It simply makes my day.

    Saving certs now for more C-4 and Mines. Good times ahead.
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  11. AssaultPig

    Note that the utility pouch doesn't let you actually deploy more mines, just carry more. So even though you might be able to carry four or five anti-tank mines, you can only ever have three deployed at the same time (if you have tank mines at rank 2.) I assume the same is true for the anti-infantry mines. You seem to be able to deploy as much C4 as your heart desires, though.
  12. Boomschtick

    Also, when repairing never let the gun hit top temp and CLICK. Always let off the trigger right as the last bar fills up. This may only save you seconds, but it's a huge difference if you overheat the gun and have to wait for it to fully reset as opposed to letting it almost overheat and being able to lay back into a repair before the gun fully cools down.

    I know it's been said before, but those just tuning in, the "Alt Fire" mode(B) of the ACE Tool(Turret) is a Rank3 Ammo Pack. Save your certs for something else until you feel like you have enough to jump passed Rank3. I've heard that cert'ing into your Ammo Pack will also bump the ranks on the Alt Fire version, once you cert passed Rank3 but personally I haven't tested this to see.

    I'm sitting on a bunch of certs right now to see if we get turret love in the patch this month, otherwise I may go ahead and "waste" them to test the Ammo Pack.
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  13. fuzzyfoot


    With utility pouch, the amount that you carry is the amount that you can deploy.

    IF you get level 4 utility pouch, you *CAN* have 5 tank mines up at any given time.
  14. fuzzyfoot

    I definitely think being able to take out 5 magriders / lightnings in one spawn (that dont have mine guard) Is something to be excited about...

    Being able to take out a sunderer in mere seconds, and still have enough tank mines left to take out 3 more tanks, is absolutely something to be excited about :p
  15. Roland0077

    1 Tank Mine = Magrider? the heck i thought it was 2 mines per 1 tank
  16. irishroy

    what would be a CQC-carbine for the engy on NC?
  17. AssaultPig

    It isn't true in my experience.

    I can carry four tank mines, but if I throw them all down next to each other the fourth one will remove the first one
  18. fuzzyfoot

    I have no idea what your set up is, but currently my engineer has both tank mine certs purchased and the 4/5 level of utility pouch, after reading that I logged on just to make sure, and yes, I could carry + deploy all 5 of my anti tank mines without wiping the other ones.
  19. Afifikas

    Rule of the thumb is 2 AT mines to kill all vehicles except for le Flash. Except if the vehicle had already taken previous damage THEN only 1 AT mine can one hit kill.
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  20. Brainpan

    Thank you for the guide. It actually answered a lot of questions and brought to light things I didn't know about my own job. Now I know why people in my faction yelled at me when I thought equipping mines meant I lost the ability to put down ammo packs.

    The larger blast radius for AT mines makes me think I could sprinkle an area I know an infantry zerg will storm through and place AP mines at the end so when the first person triggers the AP mine, the AT mines will be set off like a chain of firecrackers.

    Already had the misfortune of running to a capture point, stare at a rectangular block and ask, "Whose C4 is this?", just in time for the capture counter to go to 6/6 and watch the point explode.
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