Command Channel - what is in it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EWarren, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. EWarren

    Do all people who cert in Command Channel get to use it? Is there a requirement on whether one has to be leading squads / platoon? On your faction / server, what is actually communicated in it? Does it help out the battles on hand?

    I mostly solo flying all over the map. Sometimes I see stuff (Sundy locations, etc) and would like to report in. Other times I can benefit from intel and can fly over to assist friendlies in need. I am thinking this is where I can contribute and get more involved than lone-wolfing.

  2. forkyar

    nah we dont need more people spaming orders chat
  3. Trickeli

    That certificate opens up two channels, both in which only squad leaders can write. The "leader" chat is cross-continent, and can only be seen by squad leaders, while the "orders" channel is continent-side only, and can be read by anyone who has the certificate.
  4. EWarren

    Perfect, thanks. I think this is a pretty good system - rewards squad-forming.