Claymores Versus VS/NC AP Mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Ultramarine

    Well actually, I prefer the TR mine. They are not big and bulky :p in fact their vertical shape makes them easier to hide against interiors which almost always have vertical stripes on the walls, but relatively regular floors which makes disk mines easy to spot. The HUGE plus side to the Claymore is its directionality and range.
    A Bouncing Betty needs to be placed in the center of a doorway to cover it. Making it easy to see, obvious, and easier to destroy. The range and directionality of the claymore means you can hide it behind the door frame where it cannot be seen until it's detonated. It's blast range also covers the entire width of most doorways. It also means, that you can be hiding behind it.
  2. CrashB111

    They need to let us place Claymores facing us on the ground. The placement problems wouldn't be as bad if I could drop one snugly against a wall instead of the width of a players body away from the wall.
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  3. z1967

    I would trade a claymore for a bouncing betty or proximity mine any day but probably end up regretting it. I also want that glitch where they sink into the ground fixed, it looks silly at best.

    Yes, make it the alt-fire button (right click) preferably.
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  4. FieldMarshall

    Sorry for quoting myself, but this fits nicely into any and all Claymore threads.

  5. Alarox

    I agree. Make claymores function more similarly to bouncing betties and proximity mines.
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I posted this elsewhere, but I'll do so again here.

    I don't really care for Claymores either, but giving them the ability to be attached to vertical surfaces would help a good bit I think.

  7. MichaelS

    since they changed the lasers i get as much kills with them as with the vanu mine. they atre better at stairs and imo better near generators.
    the others ate better when they sink into the ground :D
  8. Predator01cz

    hurr durr
    I'm TR and I have a personal feeling that one of my toys is not the absolute best one, but only performs similarly to the equivalent in NC/VS.
    Fix that now!!!

    I dunno.. those claymores hidden behind a door frame are doing their job pretty good. And on top of that you can shoot Bouncing Betty/Proximity Mine from a distance, as they're in the middle of the doorway to do their job, yet not so many weapons posses the ability to shoot behind a corner to detonate your claymore
  9. Shellana

    There are definately times when I wish my mines were more directional. I have killed a ton of friendlies because they thought that standing behind the mine was a great idea. Enemy runs in and boom, friendly dies with them.
  10. zu2

    I am the current claymore king among all TR (7900+ kills) and I find claymores to be just fine. However, since OMFG, there has been a problem with placement. Seemingly at random times claymore placement is disrupted as if the claymores are hitting your shoulders as they are dropped. It generally goes right, left, right... etc for some time. Now if this disruption was constant, it could be adjusted for, but it happens randomly and results in frequent wasting of claymores since they often wind up facing downwards after they hit your shoulder. I have no idea why this is happening and it has occurred on every continent and in every situation.
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  11. Shellana

    I have been getting my placement disrupted on VS as well. There have been several time when I drop my mines defensively, and I realize that I still have mines because one of my mines didn't place. It is really damn annoying when it happens in the heat of a fire fight.
  12. CptFirelord

    In response to teks' first post... if I may quote you here "Factions have their perks and downsides. Now, the catch is, the thing has to actually be able to perform its primary role, and the thing has to be fair to the enemy." I take it that, by this philosophy, you're quite aware that ZOE does not follow that philosophy?

    Back on topic.. Claymores. *sigh*

    The worst Anti-Personnel mine.. and the buggiest by far. I've lost count of the numerous times people have seen the green lines of a claymore's "death field" poking out from behind an otherwise invisible location for a BB or Proxi.

    What should be done to balance these Claymores? Give them a 90 degree detection radius, but explode in a 360 area like the Proxi and BB. You'll still have to walk in front of one to detonate it, but your buddies won't be safe from behind anymore.
  13. Tar

    Looks like you're playing a different game. What you wanted to say was this:
    These mines are shining disks, impossible to overlook. The TR mine, however, is thin, black, and thus almost invisible.
  14. Takoita

    Please check the 'green lines' again. They've been toned down to the point of being almost invisble.
  15. Lucidius134

    I wouldn't mind a much longer activiation delay on BB/Proxies with much shorter deploy times on Tr's. That's what I'de do if I was working in delay for balance.

    IDK how much higher the blast damage is on different levels of black though so chances are TR's currently defeat higher levels of flak than the 360 degree BB/Proxies and all nanoweave.
  16. Hoki

    Hrmm.. the OP makes a good point.

    Lets nerf sniper range.
  17. Crackulous

    Those who fall for bouncing betties and proximity mines will also fall for claymores. They don't look on the ground, the AI mines could be shooting rainbows out of thin air and they would still net kills. The thing is, you can't just rush into the ground and net 10 kills by throwing them down if you're TR due to the directional blast radius.
  18. Bulltahr

    Being directional is a great plus for the claymore, apart from the crooked placement deal that we have at the moment, I wouldn't want to swap for the other mines at all.
    Never been one for the cheese-play of running in and dropping into a group of enemy anyway, that's cheapo, cheezy game play as far as I'm concerned and it lowers the players rep with me big time.
  19. Hot Pockets

    I wasn't aware of the fact that claymores had been changed, as all of the previous threads I'd viewed on the matter were old. Still think the 90 degree blast radius puts them at a severe disadvantage.
    Could anyone tell me how they've been modified since the last update?
  20. Hot Pockets

    Claymore king you say?
    I could use some advice on proper placement tecnuiqes.