Claymores pt 2

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hellhammer, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. redsevenski

    There has been a move towards flak armour over nanoweave (possibly due to lolpods and tank spam but I'm not too sure) but I don't think it needs to be nerfed. This makes people more susceptible to sniping (no defence to that OHK) and gun fire generally. They make a choice and it allows them more survivability against one form of attack but less survivability in other areas.
  2. Timeraider

    I used to kill 100% of people stepping on my mines.. now everyone is using flak armor and they just step on my mines without giving a ****...
    at one hand its sad.. at the other hand, less health so at least you can shoot them faster.
  3. zaspacer

    I play an Infiltrator with each faction. I only bought Level 1 Claymore (TR) and I am not gonna get the other. I just use the MedKit. MedKit is also great cause you can use it on all your classes for that character.

    VS Proximity Mine is much better (works better and harder to spot), and the NC Bouncing Betty is INSANELY BETTER (works better and VERY, VERY hard to spot).