Clan Magnus Legio [CML] - Organized and Tactical Gameplay

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by ClanMagnusLegio, May 12, 2013.

  1. ClanMagnusLegio


    Clan Magnus Legio reigns on the Mattherson (US East) Server as a brutally effective New Conglomerate outfit. We have over 300 enlisted Legionaries and 150 active, bloodthirsty freedom fighters prepared to demolish enemy units at a moment's notice. Due to the quality of the in-game voice chat, we use TeamSpeak 3 for enhanced coordination in order to execute swift and precise tactics, leaving piles of TR and VS skulls as memorials to our operations. As a unique and balanced clan, our platoons often exercise airborne infantry with supporting armored vehicles and air squadrons for incredible offensive and defensive operations. Attacking, we strike quickly with overwhelming force. Defending, we endure wave after wave of TR and VS drones that fall to our determination and timed counter attacks. Already recognized as one of the prominent outfits on our server, CML is always looking to grow and improve. Planetside 2 is always changing, and the clan is constantly adapting our play-style to overcome difficult challenges. Through insightful strategies and cohesive collaboration, the outfit often turns what seems to be the impossible into something simple. We are not your typical mindless zerg; we are a hard-hitting, fast-striking hammer of destruction. Our S.E.A.L.-like squads are known for moving swiftly and accomplishing tactical objectives to come out at the top of a large combat conflict. We may not have the large numbers of a zergfit, but our superior coordination can overcome the strength of one. We value teamwork and cooperation on all levels. We hold all types of training sessions for both new and veteran players of the outfit to improve on every aspect of the game. Weekly event nights and operations are held maximizing involvement and activity within the clan. As a community, CML is very friendly and welcome mature gamers of all ages. We encourage anyone to roll with us by joining our daily open platoons. Applications to the outfit can be found on our website. If you're looking to quench your insatiable appetite for domination, this is the right clan for you. Hope to see you on the battlefield!

    Our clan follows a hierarchical structure to facilitate efficient organization and communication. There are advancement opportunities for the most passionately involved intellects. We have multiple Cohorts under our larger Centuries (Infantry, Armor, and Air) with specialized training for each Cohort. With the sharpest-shooting troops and unstoppable tank forces accompanied by the most precise aces in the sky in our arsenal, we are one of the most feared outfits of the New Conglomerate.

    We seek mature, disciplined applicants that have both the ability to learn and the tendency to listen. We will teach you the skills you need, and train you until you have the discipline required, but you must LISTEN and LEARN first. We goof off just as much as anyone else, but the key is knowing when to and when to NOT do so. We’ve designed the outfit to appeal to casual gamers and hardcore gamers alike. Whether you’re someone who logs in once a week, or an intense gamer looking for an organized outfit--CML does it all.

    • New Conglomerate character on Mattherson Server
    • TeamSpeak 3
    • A working microphone
    • Mature attitude
    • Ability to work within a team


    Screen Shots
    Visit our Gallery!

    Organized Operations with Allies

    Ready to Steamroll the TR

    Clearing the VS

    Our Famous Flash Races

    CML Huddle!

    - (NC) Black Arrows [BAX] BlackShrike

    - (VS) Hayabusa [HAYA] VDX

    - (NC) Clan Magnus Legio [CML] Grumsy

    "Since joining CML my certs and kills have skyrocketed. I had no idea what having support meant. The past few days have been a phenomenal experience. I believe I have finally found a damn good group to roll with. Live Free In The NC!...howabout Excel In The CML.."
    - (NC) Clan Magnus Legio [CML] M2Cent

    - (TR) The Honeybadgers [HNYB] Gbank

    - (NC) Tactical Gamer [TG] TGRandyShughartClwFL

    - (VS) Vanu Mob [VMOB] MobBoss

    - (NC) Bape

    - (VS) ElSuerteDiego [RGQT] RAAAGEQUIT


    NiteconX's Stream:
    EnglishMat's Stream:
    CrunchBWZ's Stream:

    • Dzire helped establish the New Conglomerate Coalition alliance among the NC of Mattherson.
    • Clan Magnus Legio was represented by Srixun during the Ultimate Empire Showdown on January 25, 2013.
    • Dzire led the way to one of Planetside 2's first and largest tank columns, Sherman's March, during the Beta.
    • Clan Magnus Legio is the very first New Conglomerate outfit from Mattherson to be featured on Major League Gaming's War Report alongside the Honeybadgers and Band of Bros.

    Consul: Dzire
    Faction: New Conglomerate
    • Up x 16
  2. Dzire

    • Up x 5
  3. Fox Reinhold

    One night about two weeks ago, there was an insane two hour long siege battle at The Stronghold, the NC on the inside with the VS attacking. After the siege was finally ended, I was impressed with CML with their courtesy. One of their members had noticed me on the battlefield, we struck up a chat, and he cordially invited me to join CML if I made a NC character. While I'm loyal to the VS ;) I thought the invitation spoke very highly of the quality of their character.

    It should be mentioned that he noticed me by C4'ing my repair sundy which had about 20 Magriders clustered around it. The repair sundy was one of the reasons the siege was able to go for so long (it lasted an hour and half of combat and earned me over 30k an hour in xp before boosts) and sure enough the guy to C4 it was a CML. And then he had the guts to be all classy about it and invite me :p
  4. Valiant Viet

    You should've killed him/her... lol :p
    Always fun to fight NNG!

    OT: CML is the best outfit I've ever had the pleasure of rolling with. After lone wolfing for so long, I've found my home with this pack. When I first joined I was amazed at how such a large group could work together so well.
  5. AEllis

    If you're looking for an outfit with more structure, coordination, and discipline, then CML is where you want to be.
    If you want to play the game and not CertGrind 2, CML is your outfit.
    If you want to play the game to your strengths, whether that's in the air or on the ground, CML will use you to your full potential.

    If you're curious and you don't want to jump in with both feet, message one of us (Dzire, AEllis0, ValientViet, or any CML member) in-game and we'll get you in one of our squads as long as you're in our Teamspeak. We'd love to have you.

    • Up x 3
  6. Dzire

    Much respect to NNG! You guys always provide a great challenge, both on the ground and in the air
  7. Dzire

    Basic Training tonight, 7:30 EST! Come learn how to operate effectively within a CML platoon!
    • Up x 1
  8. TehBenju

    New thread? i remember already giving you guys a shameless thumbs up in the other one :p
    • Up x 2
  9. Valiant Viet

    Yup! We got a whole recruitment thread revamp. Also, way to go CML along with the NCC for the Esamir cap last night!
  10. Shylocke

    As someone who appreciates tactics, continent and global strategy, squad cohesiveness, purpose and precision... CML brought the fire for Planetside2 back when I thought the zerg was everything and the only thing to this game.

    There are some days or moments in this game that are such a rush. Those days when you can feel your squad is clicking, when you know that your outfit is punching far above it's weight, when you know that you made an impact on Auraxis. I can testify that CML will deliver you that rush.

    For the Legion!
  11. TatharNuar

    Unfortunately I couldn't join because I'm in a different faction, but I was really impressed by CML's response to my thread looking for an outfit. It was obvious that they put a lot of effort into it, even though there was a good chance I wouldn't be able to join anyway, and even though it couldn't earn them more than one member. They gave good, helpful responses too, and if they were VS I would have joined for sure. I want to thank them again for proving that even a large outfit can still care about individual people enough to put forth that kind of effort.
  12. Valiant Viet

    Thanks, when CML first started, Dzire personally recruited people he saw as valuable people to lay the foundation of CML. Clearly you must be someone that is serious about your gaming experience. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield, also you're welcome to join us if you ever create an NC character.
  13. TatharNuar

    I'll be sure to take you up on that offer should I ever move to NC.
  14. Opsurdead

    Just started playing recently, very interested in CML. I am into the tactical and intellectual advantages to be had on the battle field, and CML seems to be the place where I can get that. Long history of FPS games, and I strive to reach the highest skill level possible and very rarely have fun unless I am playing competitively and to win. See you all out there!

    Who should I contact for a possible tryout/recruitment?

    • Up x 1
  15. Drasoini


    Feel free to contact one of our members in game, they'll get you linked up with an officer that is online. Failing that, visit our forums and register with us there. Hope to see you in game.

    Now the rest of you &&(^$ can get back to KILLING (Yes, I'm from Ohio).
  16. Dzire

    Thank you for your post in our thread, TatharNuar. My offer still stands if you ever get the itch to experience a little FREEDOM :D

    It was a pleasure to answer your questions. It's easy for some outfits to forget that every member is an important part of the group. Especially in a game like PS2, where so many outfits just try to rake in members to get their numbers up, so they can throw around "platoons" of loosely organized players... What those outfits fail to see is: Every member is a building block in the foundation of the outfit. Each member deserves the respect and attention of the Leaders that run the outfit. THAT is how you build loyalty and establish a community.

    I've reproduced your post from your thread. I believe it will be helpful to those that had any similar questions about CML.

    I'll humor you on this one....

    Outfit Operations
    Every night around 730 EST. We have scheduled optional trainings some of these nights, but we run platoon operations at the completion of the trainings.

    We generally have one squad in the full platoon that is that is public, so people who are curious can join in, hop in our TS, and experience how we operate.

    Without going into great detail., I can tell you one of the first things you will notice is our speed. No waiting around at the warp for 5 minutes, no PFing at a base you just capped. We are GO GO GO with very little downtime. We accomplish this with capable and reliable leadership, as well as trained and disciplined members.

    Teamspeak 3. We do not use in-game chat because of its lack of reliability and quality.

    As along as you communicate accurately, briefly, and clearly, I will have no problems with that.

    There is opportunity for any that show initiative. Every Monday we have what is called Open Leadership Night, where normal members step up to lead under the guidance of our Officers/NCOs .

    A working mic, Maturity, and Respect. An ability to LISTEN and LEARN. Our officers can teach you the ins and outs of this game at the highest level of play, but you must have a willing attitude first.

    The only requirement we have for members is that when you're online, you're in TS and working with an outfit squad/platoon.

    We generally run a full platoon (4 squads) of all outfit members nightly. More for our scheduled operations (around 7-8 squads)

    That we do, and all members are required to register on the forum for out of game planning and communication.

    We have advancement opportunities in the form of our Cohorts, which are our version of what others call Divisions. These are areas within the outfit that specialized individuals can share their skill with others, and operate in game with those people. (Think Air, Armor, Specialized Infantry, etc).

    Basic Training is required for every member. Advanced is optional but highly recommended. Both are held on a weekly basis. After that, Cohort Trainings are available for those that wish the specialize in a certain playstyle, or skillset.

    Outfit Health

    If the outfit leader were to quit, there are several Officers, or Centurions as we call them, that have been hand picked because of their ability to lead and organize both in-game and out of game. The outfit leader has been playing almost daily since Tech Test beta, and has no intention of quitting :)

    Our continued growth and pursuit to be the most effective outfit on our server.

    More members like you!

    We are the fastest moving outfit on our server - guaranteed. Our combined arms effect on a battle is absolutely undeniable. We are never afraid to try new things and continue to ADAPT and LEARN. A stagnant force, both physically and tactically, is a dying force - so we take our mobility and flexibility to heart.

    But when you join my outfit, you aren't just joining us for Planetside.. you're joining a gaming community, full of like-minded members that enjoy many games where you will find that same maturity and respect you see in our PS2 operations.

    So, TatharNuar, I hope I have answered your questions sufficiently....But there is one caveat!

    My outfit is a New Conglomerate outfit by the name of Clan Magnus Legio [CML]

    I you would be willing to create a new NC character, I would be happy to have you in our platoon and Teamspeak to try us out for a few nights. Trust me, you won't regret it.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Clan Magnus Legio [CML]
  17. Drasoini

    Since I can't play, I'll come over here and say: GET TO KILLING with CML.
    I can't wait to get back so I can see friend and foe on the battlefield, yeah, I'm looking at you Veteran run Outfits.

    I wouldn't give a bean, to be a fancy pants..
  18. Valiant Viet

    Look for CML tonight!
  19. ClanMagnusLegio

    Thanks for the support!
  20. Dzire

    Actively recruiting ground-pounders, pilots, gunners, tankers... you name it! CML gives you the opportunity to play what you want to play in a mature gaming environment. Come try out one of the most effective outfits on Mattherson!