Cheaters in PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. PastalavistaBB

    Welcome to the world of F2P games. But it has nothing to do with cheating.
  2. allattar

    Obvious cheaters are obvious and when people say they only see a limited number of cheats then they are usually referring to the flyin max. The guy who is shooting from inside walls, or firing dumbfire rockets at aircraft like a machine gun and never missing.

    Yes they are easy to spot.

    Whats not easy to spot is the player with the radar hack, who can see positions through walls. This is because its so difficult to distinguish from radar being provided from other sources. There is at least one player you see on Miller with this miraculous radar no matter who is about or what is about. Even so far that they can be flying alone and can have flares and radar woop woop.

    Or there are the players who can get incredibe accuracy with weapos that are not that accurate at longer ranges.

    Sure this game is full of players, and it can be really hard to distinguish the good, or the lucky from the downright odd, and hey how can they do that consistently.

    We have had players caught out on there own streams with a where to aim reticule for lib bombs for crying out loud.

    Just last night I was shot at with an nc using a gd f7 which sounded wrong. It sounded too fast. (It sounded more like an smg or serpent speed of firing) I asked others on the outfit ts to check and watch out. Because it can be so difficult to tell. It is always worthwhle asking others if they see the same thing as you.

    Of course as we have these discussions certain patterns emerge about who seems to be more odd than others. Problem is it isnt always individuals, it can be outfits as well.

    I do agree making too big a deal on forums can worry players that a problem is bigger than it seems. However we do want reassurance that cheats cannot prosper.
  3. Hiding in VR

    On the one hand, I have suffered some remarkable head-shots recently from BR3 level players that made me wonder, but on the other hand they have all been NC and PU2 seems to have brought about an exodus of players from VS and TR joining NC. So maybe they all have a BR100 VS character on the same server?
  4. PastalavistaBB

    Now who's your Daddy? :rolleyes:

    GD7-F and Serpent share the same ROF and damage per bullet. The only weapon faster firing than these 2 is the Armistice. You might remember the name of the weapon wrong though.
  5. Cyanstorm

    I have seen very few hackers in PS2, but the ones I have actually seen are so blatantly obvious there is no doubt whatsoever they are hacking/exploiting; a couple nights back there was one VS hacker slaughtering TR by the dozens (Shaefly) it ruined the fight completely, but what really pissed me off was the comments some VS were making, such as " stop being cry babies TR" or "deal with it" matter of fact was that we were on the receiving end of this asswipe cheats, we tried killing the ****** but it was like trying to kill the wind of course. Yah we should have just reported him, but watching him cheat so blatantly (he was being "funny" about it too) kinda makes your blood boil.
  6. allattar

    See you go a little crazy analysing things. It was the gd7f, I was listening to the sound of other ones shooting me.
  7. PastalavistaBB

    If the firing sound of the GD7-F sounded as fast as the Serpent or SMGs there's nothing wrong with it. Just saying. Some things are really just psychological in games. The "other side of the Grass" issue.
  8. Utrooperx


    I can agree that there are quicker players with better skills...the clip you showed clearly demonstrates that you, personally, are a great player and a worthy adversary.

    Having said that, the solution in that particular fight would have been AI of my favorite tactics...and Infiltrator sensor darts in each corner of the tower to track your wild rampage. The NC you were fighting clearly never thought of that...a few "Bouncing Betty" presents in corners/behind crates and you would have had a much more difficult time of it.

    Now, on topic...whether there is one obvious script kiddie or hundreds of "subtle" ones, the issue is still the same...the current SoE anti-cheat system is failing miserably. This is self-evident by the many posts/videos clearly showing abnormal game play that goes on far longer then it should.

    Something needs to be done...and the fact that we have already had a Red Name chime in...if only to clarify that SoE does NOT, despite previous reports/comments from Higby, utilize Punkbuster...shows that a SoE dev is indeed paying attention to what we have to say about the issue.

    All I'm asking for, which is the same thing I'm sure anybody who plays this game legitimately wants, is a guaranteed level playing field. As a paying subscriber, I think this is a fair and reasonable expectation.

    A server-based probability script, based upon something like what was in that .pdf that I linked earlier, publically announced and immediately implemented by SoE, would go far to re-assure the player population that the situation is under control and proper steps are being taken to provide that "guaranteed level playing field" which is a totally reasonable expectation.

    This would be a vast improvement over the current /report meaningless failure that is a player's sole defense right now. If it takes several hundred players to contact Smed directly ( ) to get this done, then that is what it takes.

    We, the player community, must unite behind this and politely...but firmly...request action from the individual that can make it happen.
  9. Pie Chasm

    If you grew up on CS, then that would make you no older than... 15?
  10. MorganM

    Many months ago it was much, MUCH, worse and VERY obviouse people were hacking. You would see people standing up in the air(not Light Assaults 'flying'; literally just standing up there) shooting people and when you would respawn to try and go get them... they would teleport away. Usually just 20 or so meters away and kill you.

    There were guys killing vehicles with one shot from a dumb fire rocket launcher. Like you'd be in a galaxy coming in for a drop, you'd slow down for a sec, and then one guy kills you with one ML-7 shot. Again; it was totally obvious.

    Haven't seen guys doing that in a LONG time. They really clamped down on those jerks. Didn't see anyone for months. I had my suspisions on some people. I truly try not to look for hackers behind every weird or seemingly inhuman kill. It actually can just erode your joy of the game if you really belive and assume most people killing you are somehow cheating. You feel powerless and the game feels pointless.

    Over the last couple months I, and others, have seen the occasional teleporter. It's usually really obvious. They are up on a hill sniping. Just when you close to kill them... they dissapear and reappear not far away. Or you'll see someone appear 100 meters off, dissapear, reappear 50 meters away, dissapear, and reappear on some highpoint 75 meters away. You'll hear people over /yell saying "Hey did you guys see that?!" or "ugh another teleporter..." so it's not just me.

    However this weekend I saw a couple of guys running some sort of invulnerability hack / bug. Their prowlers wouldn't take any damage. It was totally obvious; no question about it. One of them I was IN the prowler and didn't realize it right away that he was exploting. It wasn't just "oh I shot him 4 times he SHOULD be diead! HAAAX!" No I saw the vehicle health bar, I saw guys shooting him with other tanks and launchers, and it never took damange.

    I guess my point is... yeah there's hackers... but they aren't THAT prevelant.
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    I caught a killboard with a high profile player once recently and took a screenshot. Dude suicided himself like 10 or 15 times in a row, back to back, at the end of his play session for the day. I found that quite suspicious indeed. I also have seen a couple of them in the warpgate unloading magazines into nothing.
  12. BloodyG

    Suicid is my thing, i always drop from this damn sniperspots, one time i managed to drop twice from the same spot on the Techplant, that was quite embarrassing...:oops:

    But 15 times?
    Thats a bit to suspicious.
  13. NC_agent00kevin

    Not just that but you can see the times too; it was spawn>suicide>respawn>suicide over and over with no delay in between. No delay meaning only the few seconds needed to respawn.

    An above poster mentioned teleporting; I saw that yesterday evening at Zurvan Pump Station. As soon as my ironsight was on the guy, he blipped out of existence. I figured he redeployed but he was back in a few seconds, behind the same rock. he repeated it once more, then I wound up rooting him out with a nade.
  14. BloodyG

    As sniper you see that quite often and it is sure as hell no coincidence (and alot of this people have nice camos and armors...), they probably buyed the hackopro MLG deluxe version, that gives them a warning when death is near and teleport away.:mad:
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  15. ZMdeTora

    Oh, good, you can type semi-intelligibly. I was scared that you'd had an aneurysm or stroke while at the desk or something.
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  16. BloodyG

    First one on my Ignolist, congrats
  17. Flapatax

    While this whole thread is predictably populated by "mad cuz bad, but don't point that out because reasons", I figure you're kidding in this instance. I mean, CS has been around since the 90's.

    1.3 was my jam.
  18. EnVader

    GMs need more tools. Subtle hacking by top players ruins the integrity of the game.
  19. reticentbassist

    In my experience, hacking USED to be a problem. There was a time back in Feb - March 2013 when hacking was a real problem, llke every big fight had at least 1 hardcore hacker. SOE has done an EXCELLENT job of getting rid of hackers in my experience. I play on Connery and out here I have not seen a hacker in a very very long time. Keep up the great work SOE
    • Up x 1
  20. Pie Chasm

    1.3 was in the 2000's...

    I'm older than the oldest person in your outfit, therefore seniority dictates I am correct, also discounted.
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