Can't spawn the Mosquito aircraft.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Deedy, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Higby Developer

    Hey guys, we have a hotfix going up to address this on Wednesday.
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  2. Markerp

  3. Riscadw

    Thank you! Will be looking forward to it.
  4. Metryn

    Hey, sometimes you just gotta go out of your way to attact attention. The most active SOE spot I've seen is twitter so that's why I suggested it. 1 or 2 people posting to it might not matter, but a reddit AMA + multiple people reporting it on twitter draws more attention than a single forum post, even with 2k+ views.

    I'm glad to hear it's officially looked into and when I can fly again, I'm gonna get me some shiny new toys.
  5. Zermus

    Awesome, thanks Matt!
  6. rguitar87

    After camping the canyons so much, it's finally happened. PREY has cleared 10 man TR Warpgate hard mode. First Waterson looting of [Cswic's Tarnished Bulldog], grats Augr. Seagretor also got a nice drop from NUC High Council, [Sanguine Tree].
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  7. bobudo

    Thank you Higby! Any chance you want to share what it was - not that it matters, just curious given how weirdly specific it was.
  8. Higby Developer

    From what I understand, characters that logged out a very long time ago (over 9 months) with active vehicle or MAX cooldowns were having their cooldowns set to an insane number and not cleared.
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  9. Luperza Community Manager

    Hotfix is going in tomorrow morning. :)
  10. Rapture00

    Oh thank god. I hope this truely fixes it.
  11. Frostbitten

    What about mines not exploding when vehicle passes over them? That's been going for weeks.

    There was funny situation related to that couple of days ago: vanguard driving through tower and driving over my mines. When he realized that he quit the vehicle and ran away. Well, I was left with empty tank and pistol to shoot the mine and blow it.
  12. ScouseGeekTR

    Has this been fixed because I have come back recently and can't spawn a prowler?