Can you still enter the un hexed or "Neutral territories?"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Colvault, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Colvault

    I'm not on the test server yet but I'm very curious about the lattice system. With all of that "Neutral" territory so to speak, can players still fight on it with tanks, infantry, and aircraft, or do I need to listen to that annoying women's voice for NC because it's a out of bounds or no go zone?
  2. ShadowAquilaX

    you can still go anywhere you used to.
  3. Purg

    Of course you can - the 'lines' only show links between facilities that you can capture. You're free to roam the wilderness just the same as before.
  4. LordMatt XLVIII

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  5. Elrobochanco

    That said some of the neutral zone has old outposts that still have spawn rooms you cannot enter. They are just yellow shielded NS buildings currently.
  6. UrMom306

    I feel like some of the people who are against the new system haven't been informed that you can still travel through the neutral territory...
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  7. SiosDashcR

    It's because of the lack of skill it takes to use numbers to beat numbers versus flanking.
  8. SolLeks

    I can not waite to hear in /y "Hay, How did you guys get around the side of the base? That is not on the colored part of the map!" lol

    although I don't think anyone will be that dumb in game when they see more than just a screenshot of a map.
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  9. PurpleOtter

    Or the "/Report" tickets piling up for hacking! :rolleyes:
  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    Conquest lanes: less confusing. [/sarcasm]
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  11. xen3000

    The only real issue I have with the neutral territories is that you cannot see enemy activity in them atm. I am not sure how SOE will handle it, or if this is actually a good feature of the new system to hide your groups movement.
  12. Roland2TowerCame

    Good point, I think that might actually be a good feature.
  13. LordMondando

    You can, question is why would you?

    Seriously guys, incase you missed it, the entire of the point of the system is funnel activity away from large parts of the map and concentrate it in given 'lanes'.
  14. Badgered


    These areas are prime for flanking. There are no activity indicators that tell you how many people are there, so you can move large forces quickly without being detected by opposing commanders who spend most of their time watching the map. This is going to be great for sneak attacks and/or flanking by both large and small outfits and I look forward to utilizing them.
  15. Cl1mh4224rd

    Which is completely contradictory to the primary purpose of this new system: to make it easier for people to know where the enemy is and, consequently, a good fight.
  16. Purg

    Not necessarily. While it makes the next base fight predictable - hence make it easier to know what base the enemy will likely attack, it should not provide information about which direction the enemy choose to mount that attack prior to the attack. That's what in-game comms should be for. Scout the enemy, spot the enemy, inform those locally.
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  17. Zcuron

    Out of curiosity I tested your assertions; ("allies detected" - easier to test)
    Standing 5m away from a hex = "No ally activity".
    Standing barely inside a hex = "Allies detected".

    Tested on the arms of Nanite Overflow Depot. (seems to follow the hexes exactly)

    So it's easy to see where an enemy can attack, but perhaps harder to see where they will attack from.
    I rather like that~~

    Which means fewer people will be detected - I'm not sure what the implications that has.
    (possible platoons where "squads detected") and so on.

    Large fights should still be visible no matter where they occur through the hotspot flashes.
  18. Gadamlu

    you must admit though, this is a valid Mental and psychological block to keep battle flow in set directions
  19. madman278

    The neutral zone is a good place for squads to fallback and hide from the zerg forcing them to actively scout out for enemy platoons back caping. Good players (in outfits anyways) use the map to track enemy movement using the enemy detection system and squash incoming squads but now small squad play is more viable with them being hidden in the neutral zone. They need to give the squad leaders the ability to speed up caping and also cap zero influence terrority. This will allow true guerrilla gameplay, breaking up the zerg which has become the dominate form of gameplay for PS2..
  20. OldOnyx

    How is small group play more viable when a passing zerg can render nearby facilities uncapturable. Once a decent population is thrown at this thing, it may well turn out that you’re forced to go were the big fighting is because you just can’t cap anything else or impact the enemies ability to receive reinforcements in any meaningful way.

    Influence no longer matters in this system since... it was removed entirely. All facilities have a standard time to cap based on their size and you can not take many of the larger facilities at all until you have at least one of its old satellites.

    I haven’t seen this system in action when a decent population was on, but I’m becoming increasingly worried that things will feel like you’re moving on to the next map in the server rotation.