Can we PLEASE do something about camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hashi, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Saool

    It is on topic. If camos actually covered everything your problem would not exist would it?
  2. Hashi

    But then what's the use? You'll be having enemies who all look alike when wearing camos. Instead of screwing over one faction you'd be doing it to all of them. They should keep their distinguishable colours and leave it at that. I'm not planning on making it even harder for free players to get into the game and succeed.
  3. Saool

    I guess it's personal preference. Having camo that does not work as camo is just putting on makeup.

    Having camo that is true camo is realistic. In the real world people got out of the idea of running across the battlefield in national colors right at the start of WW1 pretty damn fast.

    Your alternative is not bothering with any camo at all. Easier to play, but not very rational. However I do take your point. It is similar to the 'air overpowered' argument. It is in fact very realistic, however I guess its a game not real and a balance needs to be found. Personally I would prefer more effective camo.
  4. Gary

    I have no problem with people picking a camo scheme they like and applying it across all of the vehicles and classes. My problem comes when it gets difficult to distinguish. Both the NC and VS look almost identical to a new player when using Giraffe camo and other camos that do not use the faction colours combined with Composite Armor and Apex helmets.

    Now i play TR so this does not affect me so much but i do have an NC alt i log on from time to time. Often i find myself double checking before firing yet the TR still have plenty of red on the armor to identify them. Kneepads, Elbows, Shoulders and Helmet tops should always be faction colored no matter the skin/model used.

    If a NC,VS and TR all want to use a snow camo so be it... But make sure they are clearly marked with Faction colors still!.
  5. Redshift

    I saw this properly today, i jumped down behind 3 VS, 1 in giraffe, and just assumed it was an NC sneaking up being the VS (since it was a three way fight), doesn't matter to me as TR i shot them all, but i can see how it'd be a pain as NC.
    • Up x 1
  6. ent|ty

    Not sure what helmets they are, or camo outfits, but I was shooting my own Infiltrators and LAs yesterday playing NC much more than usual, because they looked like they were Vanu shapes.
  7. Hashi

    I'm thinking it could be the illuminated ones, they tend to have a more circular look to them I think
  8. Wibin

    goes both ways, I constantly shoot VS wearing this crap.
  9. Boris

    Same, always realise before actually killing them but it is frustrating.
  10. Wibin

    I don't get that lucky. most of my shots dont count when I shoot infantry, so they are usually safe even though I put 15 rounds into them.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Here is my NC light assault:
    Composite armor, illuminated apex helm, aspen snow cammo.
    AC-X11, with suppressor, 6x scope, HV ammo, Aspen snow cammo.


    Here is me standing next to normal NC:

    Here is me when your CQC with me.

    This is you taking to long to decide if I am enemy.

    This is how you would normally see me.

    Yes I'm under there.

    I have a 6x scope on my AC-X11, you were dead before you even saw me hiding under that console..
    • Up x 1
  12. The King

    Cannot believe those people couldn't tell you apart, you look so different than them. Maybe the NC needs a buff in their eyes, however, the devs cannot alter their eyes, so they need to go to an eye doctor to get the buff.

    added: you as in the person in the video
  13. Prince Planet

    Oh I see, you want camo to NOT blend into the surroundings. Now that's a new angle on it. LOL :confused:
  14. Hashi

    No that's completely wrong. I won't want camos that make factions look like each other. I love the idea of terrain camo, but where the hell does giraffe come into the picture?
  15. olievlekje

    using a disguise in war is too common learn to see the difference between a friendly and enemy better.
    in doubt use Q =)
  16. Hashi

    If everyone had access to it I wouldn't say anything. But that's not how it is. and again, why is it that the NC are the only ones gimped by having to press Q on their own players to check? Nice try.
  17. olievlekje

    Just used to pressing Q and after a while its easy to see who is friend or foe

    battefield uses the same system and even without camo`s on first glance its hard to tell friends from foe but you get used to it after a while.

    and idd they should add a purpleish camo for the NC/TR and a redish for the VS/NC
  18. XphaedX

    this boggles my mind. i've never had an issue confusing the enemy because of what they're wearing. the only problem i have with camo is that my sunderer still has huge yellow and blue graphics on it after it's camo'd. same with uniforms. it's silly.
  19. MarcusD

    It's almost like you were using camouflage!
    Also, aiming for anything other than the head, which is covered in faction colors, is a quick way to disaster.
    inb4 you claim that you can't aim at the heads, or that it is impossible to tell blue square helmets from red round helmets and purple LaForge visors.
  20. Mold1184

    Color is not a problem for me. I identify the enemies by shapes.