Can using my Razor Naga Mouse to turn my VS Pistol into a TR Pistol get me banned?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Predator, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Predator

    With the upcoming Stalker Cloak I am debating going back to TR for there Machine Gun Pistol. I have not tried it and dunno if it can even be done using macros but does anyone know where I can find an OFFICIAL answer to making my VS Pistol Shoot 3 shots per mouse click on weather that is bannable or not. Oh also if I am not using a suppressor and then cloak will it take me off the minimap?
  2. Van Dax

    It'll get you banned, unfortunate because using a macro is probably the only way your going to get the maximum ROF on the beamer.
  3. Predator

    Well that sucks. Pretty much forced to go back to TR unless I want to royally **** myself playing my favorite class =(
  4. Predator

    Haha it censored g i m.p
  5. AnotherNoob

    AFAIK macros are fine, if they are "macros" as in you rebind your keys. However 1 key click = 1 action, so you are not allowed to macro a sequence.
  6. Mustarde

    The repeater is good, but I personally do much better with the TX2 emperor. A lot of people I know are really excited about the commissioner + stalker cloak. So... I don't think switching factions just for the repeater is a wise, or logical move.
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  7. AnuErebus

    It can't be done with macros or even clicking faster than the fire rate. All guns have a capped fire rate which includes anything that's semi-automatic. You can potentially make a macro to shoot a million times with each press but all you'll get is a single shot until the game decides it's been long enough to shoot the next shot. And I'm sure that anything that actually made you shoot faster than intended would be an exploit or hack so I'd advise against trying anything.

    I'd also echo the idea that switching factions for pistols is kind of silly. The repeater is a good pistol but it's not all that much better than what other factions have (I personally find it less reliable than the Manticore/Mag-shot). They're also coming out with a new round of faction specific pistols soon and you may fidn the new VS one to be right up your alley.
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  8. Ibuprofen

    The idea would be that, when you clicked, the macro would send a click, then wait for exactly the refire time of the weapon, then send another click, then wait and send another one, allowing you to get the maximum RoF for that burst.
  9. illgot

    I've been using macro's since beta and no issues.
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  10. Rohxer

    Which would be a script, which would violate the TOS.
    "2.3. You agree that you shall not, under any circumstances: ...(f) use ... macros ... or other programs which... impact game play,"

    It can only be a 1:1 macro, which isn't really a macro as much as re-mapping a keypress. Anything you remap that can't be done with a single keypress - that "impacts game play" - is subject to a violation. I'd be cautious about what "impact game play" means though. Macroing some chat text seems pretty safe, but who knows what gets interpreted on Sony's side with whatever software they use (or don't use?) to detect these things. Some people claim to have used macros for months without issue, but personally I'm not willing to risk my multiple accounts SOE-wide for a slight macro convenience.

    If you don't want to risk losing your account you can always submit a ticket to get clarification for your own setup as recommended by the CS rep in the thread linked here:
  11. OldMaster80

    Then they did not notice you, or no one reported you. A friend of mine has been banned because he was using a mouse performing macros. Read the EULA carefully, this is clearly stated: you seriously risk to be permabanned and lose your money without being refunded.
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  12. Compass

    It doesn't really matter because the 3 shots fired is still fire rate capped. If it made your gun fire at 900rpm, sure that'd be an issue, but it's 451 capped, regardless of whether you click 1000 clicks per second or a realistic 8 clicks per second.
  13. PS2Freak

    Answer to OP : Yes.
  14. illgot

    The software to run my macro's is the same that runs the basic mouse functions. I am not going to get banned for using macro's I build in my Naga Razer or Logitech peripherals.

    No one is going to get banned for using multi-shot macro's on their gaming peripherals.

    Here is my proof, I as well as many people have been using Razer and Logitech peripherals. There has not been a single post stating "I have been banned for using my Logitech Mouse".

    Where is your proof they ban people for using gaming peripherals and the software that comes with it?

    Every gaming message board has people like you that love to state how "you'll get banned for using your macro software built into your mouse".

    You know how many games ban you for that? Zero.
  15. Ibuprofen

    Oh, yeah, I wasn't arguing that it would be okay, just explaining to that guy how it would work since he seemed to be not understanding how such a macro/script would be set up given that he was saying the capped fire rate would prevent it.
  16. Adept

    Just rebind fire key to mouse wheel. Most games don't really block it and you can fire with max ROF as long as you keep the wheel turning. I haven't tried this with PS2 yet tho.
  17. Rohxer

    Ha! That's pretty funny, and probably does not violate the one-click-one-action rule directly.. you're rolling your finger 1mm for each "click". Not sure how practical it is in-game.

    Though it's a lot closer to the movement of pulling an actual trigger than clicking a button is!
  18. TeknoBug

    Honestly yes, don't take that chance because "macros" is prohibited in this game.

    PS- I remember the old mouse wheel up/down both binded to fire, rapid firing the G3 in CoD4 was stupidly hilarious and OP (1200+ rpm). Devs in CoD:WaW fixed that in the first 2 days of release when people were abusing it.
  19. OldMaster80

    User IRONMEN on server Woodman has been banned for this. If you check his stats on PS2 official site you'll they're no longer available.
    I could copy and paste the mail conversation he had with ProSieben helpdesk but I'm not sure if you can read italian so :D

    Eula doesn't seem to leave much space for rules interpretation:
    "You agree that you shall not, under any circumstancesuse.... bla bla bla, host or distribute macros, "bots" or other programs which would allow unattended game play or which otherwise impact game play, including without limitation any program which enables or facilitates character kills or level increases".

    According to this macros are totally forbidden. Btw point 4.1 of the EULA litterally means SOE can ban you if they even smell you're doing something wrong and there's nothing you can do about it.

    But there's a very simple way to check if this is actually working as intended: just give us your in-game user name and we will try to report you a couple of times. Just to see what happens :D
  20. illgot

    I tried looking this IRONMEN up and could not figure out what you used.

    Is this a third party program or is this a gaming peripheral? Third party programs like AHK can be used to create more than simple macro's and are often banned (AHK has been used to write trigger bots).

    And how did you use it? Because if you used it to keep your character active while AFK healing or shooting at targets, that's against the EULA. Using macro's built into the peripheral while you play is not detectable because it uses the same code as just using the mouse.