Can some one confirm this?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nintyuk, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Nintyuk

    Week 5 - WDS Pre-season Rewards Granted
    They gave the reward to the TR AGAIN?
    Even though the VS quite clearly won this week?

    I don't have any alts so I can't confirm any thing my self but did this really happen?
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  2. Lazaruz

    I got no idea. All I know is that I got a boost, and they said that TR won week 5 by a tiny amount on tonight's TNO stream.
  3. Sen7rygun

    TR master race!
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  4. Teegeeack

    So the VS got shafted. Who cares?
  5. Sordid

    Looks like someone dun goofed and copypasted the wrong announcement. :p
  6. Amundsenkalmah!/wds

    I took data from here at 7:50 GTM-6

    Maybe its overall?


    VS is leafing again.
    I dont know why
  7. MasonSTL

    It's has to be who is leading overall each week, I can't think of anything else. Pretty demoralizing.
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  8. Tragachinos

    Luperza must be drunk or something.
  9. VSDerp

    i thought vanu won this week.
  10. gigastar

    That cant be right either. VS have overtaken TR for the season total.

    VS has an immense lead on TR for this weeks running score. TR actually scored less than NC this week.

    And VS are leading on half the servers for the season total, and leading on 7/8 servers for this week and theyre behind on Briggs by just over 100 points.

    Theres absolutely nothing to justify a TR victory this week, unless they decided to award it based on the performance of a randomly selected server, which happened to be Briggs.

    So im calling ******** on this.
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  11. OddChelsea

    Just like how the TR won the Ultimate Empire Showdown after losing the actual events a while back, perhaps?
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  12. FateJH

    This is why WDS is a pointless exercise. Everyone just redeploy to the Warp Gate and we'll all save ourselves a headache trying to make sense of it.
  13. Ganelon

    TR OP, obviously.
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  14. Puppy

    Yeah, we pulled through again on winning something and again TR get the prize......
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  15. Van Dax

    deja vu eh?
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  16. HadesR

    The scores were close so they took a poll on Twitter and Facebook :)
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  17. Snoozzzer

    It is pointless. This is why WDS was created - to distract us from the optimization update and lack of new content / hossin. We all get the free XP boosts, win or lose.
  18. Hatesphere

    no, not everyone gets a free XP boost, not everyone has alts they log into for a few minutes just to leach a free XP boost they didn't really earn didn't earn.
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  19. FateJH

    Just participation trophies and empty hype.
  20. S7rudL

    The WDS series might work better with the continent link update, where the maps would be truly huge.
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