C4 - Overused and needs to be toned down

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ancalagon, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. Ripster

    Don't get me wrong, you're still a bad player who needs to improve if you're complaining about C4 as a tanker. It might not even be your driving/aiming skills that need to improve, but your positioning.

    BTW, that "Anchor is a death sentence in any situation where you aren't at extreme range shelling bases..." that is what you should be doing. There is nothing more effective for a tank to do than that. It's what I see the good, effective TR tankers, that don't die to C4, do. Shoot from range or height with a couple tanks; shell the sundies; before subsequently moving to the tanks. That's what I'm talking about good positioning. It's absolutely devastating. From what I can tell, it's why prowlers are the fastest tank. I'm not complaining about this. C4 being nerfed doesn't even really effect these guys.

    That pushing forward with infantry is a death sentence. You shouldn't be in the bases like that without being in extreme danger because you, in a tank, are extremely dangerous. You should be dying to C4 in those situations. If they nerfed the hell out of tanks so they couldn't shell from range and had to be where you say you die to C4 all the time, I'd be all for a C4 nerf. Neither of those things seems to be happening. Fix your positioning. Most of the time you should be further away from the front than the sundy preferably on some vantage point that you can move from into cover. Force those LAs to waste a bunch of time on those attempts to C4 you. Force them to go through friendly infantry.

    If you do insist on driving forward with the infantry, you should be so razor amped that your don't lose focus. It's extremely dangerous for tanks in that position and has to be or they'd be extremely OP farming machines even more than they are now (not that I'm necissarily [**** spelling] saying they're OP, just that they're farming machines).

    If you nerfed C4 you'd be extending the average life of all tanks. We'd return to Tankside2. We'd lose a way to test tankers situational awareness. We'd lose a (the best) way to deter tanks from getting into close quarters and destroying all infantry everywhere.

    This thread seems to not be about C4 anymore but about you learning to position your tank, equipping the correct tools and watching the map.

    It's not just for me that 3 seconds is a significant amount of time. It's 5x longer than you need to kill someone in this game infantry v infantry (with body shots). It's sideways8 longer than it takes to kill infantry with a tank. It's enough for you to get what, 4 shots with your anchored prowler? or is it 3.5 seconds. This isn't planetside 1 with super long TTKs. 3 seconds of holding an explosive in your hand that will explode from one infantry bullet is an eternity.
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  2. MostlyClueless

    You're in a tank! You have all the advantages over infantry, they have to get within punching distance of you to destroy you and you have a very accurate gun that will kill them in one hit at a far greater range. You move considerably faster than them and you're completely immune to small arms fire while doing it while they can be killed in about a second by literally anyone who notices them near you.

    Don't park your tank near a place where infantry is almost certainly going to be. Don't try ram Sunderers or other Vehicles, don't park next to towers or buildings. Don't take cover behind a rock when you know there's enemy infantry on the other side. If you're supporting an infantry push do it from Behind or Adjacent to the infantry front line not among it and don't get too close to the enemy infantry. You're there to lay down fire, not provide mobile cover.

    I've not been here long or been in a tank nearly as much as anyone else but even I got after the first few C4 deaths that you cannot brawl with infantry and win in a tank in this game.


    That one has me taking on infantry swarming from a Sunderer and cleaning up, note I didn't explode to C4 despite there being a swarm of people there. Because I kept my distance and kept moving.

    Most of the time I lose a tank is due to AP/Enforcer Vanguards or because I've gotten out of it to go do something and it got C4'd while I was busy elsewhere. Which I don't care about because it'd done its job by then.
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  3. PastalavistaBB

    That needs to change. Infantry should have a reason to fear tanks. Atm tanks are fearing Infantry because every Infantry Soldier can hunt a 60 ton MBT. It's totally backwards and illogical.
  4. Alarox

    I do not "fear" infantry in my Vanguard. I don't know any tanker who "fears" infantry that isn't mediocre, honestly.

    Infantry, however, do fear tanks (in the sense that being face to face with a tank = death). Why? Because tanks take a lot to destroy but have the capacity to insta-kill infantry up to 300m, and have enough ammunition to kill dozens back to back.

    The only time infantry don't fear my tank is when they realize I have an AV loadout and think I won't be able to hit them, but that just makes them easy kills.
  5. PastalavistaBB

    Don't even make me start about the "Iwin" button on the Vanguard. It can even counter C4. The Magrider has less View therefore less "situational awareness", but has high mobility so if you get C4ed in a Magrider, it's really your fault. Lightnings have decent mobility and the driver has a good view of things happening around him. An Anchored Prowler on the other hand just begs to get C4ed. Even if you see the Infantry placing C4 at the last moment, you can't drive away. Good luck jumping out and shooting him before he detonates. Even though it's boring to play Artillery from Infantry render distance, the render distance is actually too short to keep you out of harms way. If the Infantry and Vehicle Render Distance would be equal, tanks, -especially Prowlers- could do some decent AI work without being suicidal.
  6. MostlyClueless

    Why are you anchoring near infantry? The anchor animation is not that long, use Anchor when you want to lay down some fire and then move once you've nothing left to shoot. Don't sit in one position anchored down going "Ho ho, I shall camp them here and they will never get wise to me" because they will.
  7. Schwak

    C4 is by far the stupidest infantry item on the market. The fact that while being in an MBT you have to constantly scan for lone people suicide rushing at you for 1000xp is beyond annoying.
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  8. MostlyClueless

    I wish I had people suicide rushing me more often, its a free kill.
  9. Alarox

    And being farmed by tanks who sit on a hill with HEAT, pointing and clicking at infantry for 1000s of exp, isn't also beyond annoying?
  10. PastalavistaBB

    I never Anchor near a tower or spawn room. But the Infantry render distance is very short and becomes even shorter if there are many players in that fight. And off course, you don't have a LOS to the base you are shooting at from long distances.
  11. PastalavistaBB

    On a side note: Yesterday when an AV Mana Turret 1 km away on a hill on Amerish started shooting at our tanks, I mentioned in /yell chat how much broken the AV Mana Turret is. Some guy responded with "The AV Mana Turret is the only thing that Infantry has to use against tanks". So I really don't expect an unbiased Opinion from the majority of the player base, because the majority of the Player Base in Planetside 2 are Infantry only Scrubs who start whining "Vehicles are OP!" after the first time they get farmed in a spawncamped tower because they keep rushing blindly out of the spawnroom 10 times in a row. Sure, getting farmed by ESFs as Infantry is annoying as hell and there really is not an effective counter against "Ace" Groundpounders, yet there is an abundance of AV available to every Infantry player for free. (Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of AA around. It's just that most good Pilots can avoid it with their ESF's high speed after racking up a few kills with LoLpods/Light PPA/Banshee/AH:eek: then rinse and repeat.)
    Like it or not, there is a Foodchain in Planetside 2 and ESFs seem to be sharing the very top with Infantry -In Numbers- when Infantry should actually be on the bottom and if you need AV or AA work to be done, you should have to pull the related vehicle for it. I'm not saying that all Infantry should be Cannon Fodder for vehicles, just that Infantry shouldn't be able to do AV/AA work more than dumbfire rockets or burster Maxes (Which is actually a vehicle).
  12. Meliorist

    I concur a c4 nerf is long overdue. It has been overpowered ever since the resource cost increase on tanks and maxes really, the two things it hard counters.
    It's also cheesy and easy to use, I laugh every time someone claims those kills are 'earned' when you dash in a crowded room and fling stacks of c4 for group kills. Real skills right there I'm sure.

    Check this post of mine for my idea on how to balance it and make it more of a specialized tool. Leave throwing explosives in crowded rooms to grenades.
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  13. Pacster

    I don't get it. Does it make any different in which direction I drive away from c4? Cause that's about the only advantage the magrider got...that he can go left and right. If you get into a position with a prowler or vanguard then you can likely drive the same way back...which means you got all you need to get away from the c4. You want to compare that to not even being able to see to your sides or back? Really? If you got no chance to know what is comming then you won't get away from it either. On top of that: Let's not forget that the Prowler got 2 chances to kill the infantry before it can detonate any c4....the other MBTs only got one chance.

    If someones uses 200 resources on c4 then at least 2 such players should have a 50/50% chance to kill a 400 resources vehicle. I bomb a lot of vehicles by shooting at my own mines or exploding c4....but I don't think that more than 20% of my runs are successfull. Often I get killed before being able to plant the c4....and even IF I manage to place it I think my chance to actually place 2 AND detonate them is not much above 50%(and it would likely be much less if players would actually care for what is going on around them instead of just farming blindly).

    That aside: Urban warfare is not what tanks are made for exactly cause it's too easy to kill them there...so don't get close to buildings. Know your role....

    I hate that too. But fact is as well that people are greedy for kills and hence do not propperly defend themselves against such attacks. If not all would be shooting at the spawnroom shields in hope for cheap kills then someone would likely notice that LA jumping from the roof....
    Placing a c4 and detonating it needs way too long to be a good strat against a group of people that actually pay attention.....and have halfway decent aiming skills.
  14. Ducktective

    [Vehicle/airfag on] Yep, infantry needs to be nerfed,I can't farm them and get 350.00 kdr if they got lock ons and c4. Pls nerf so i can continue to farm them. [Vehicle/airfag off]
  15. Meliorist

    That poor strawman what are you doing to it! What has it ever done to deserve this!
  16. Aegie

    I'm not saying that I do not believe they can toss C4 50m+ but I have play a lot of LA and I've never tossed C4 that far- next time I'm on I'll give it a try. Anyone have video of LA tossing C4 that far?
  17. Aegie

    Not even, C4 is not the LA's tool- LA does not have a tool and it is the only class in the game that does not have one.
  18. Tbone

    I understand the sundy thing i told it.The problem is that the C4 now is like a second grenade not and actual explosive like it should be.All of you came with the sundy example.Tell me if you could deploy the C4 like the ammo box you could still blow up sundys right,but can not throw it like a grenade.So the C4 will be a threat to sundys but not to cqc infantry cause you need to deploy it like a C4 not drop it right.Still you come with the sundy problem.Why a deployable C4 could kill a sundy just like a throwable but can not be used as boms(LA) that all i am saying.
  19. Shinrah

    I drive tanks, if I die to C4 it´s always well deserved. Dying to C4 means:
    - You didn´t move for an extended period of time and neglected to at least check your surroundings frequently.
    - You didn´t have a gunner to do that job for you or said gunner was incompetent
    - You didn´t think that a proxy radar would be a viable option instead of armor/naniterep
    - You thought tanks and vhc´s were intended to slowly drive by buildings, through narrow canyons, and generally don´t pay much attention to you the fight around you.

    I say it again, death to C4 is in 9/10 cases the result of your own inadequacy and lack of attention. For every attempt to C4 an enemy tank or vhc I usually die twice or thrice as often. Even if the guy I´m targeting is an unaware snail there might be someone around who isn´t.

    Stay away from a legtitmate tool to punish those who don´t pay attention. Nothing is as satisfying or annoying as C4 kills. It´s one of the few remaining weapons in PS2 that reward risk and awareness and punish a lack thereof.
  20. Tbone

    Let me tell you the tale of the striker.

    Once upon a time there were the hard core bad *** pilots who,if they get locked,drop there flares and moved on,or the just fly in,emptied the lol pods ,killed people and fly out .Went behind buildings and rocks, and we didn't have time to lock them, or if we did well flares.Then came the Orkis..ööö beginer lvl 0 and 1 dumba$$es who thought that they can be a floating lolpod turret without punishment(not pay attention and not be punished for it?Here is your orange)and they get shot down by the striker and there, in that horrible dark moment the cryers were born. Cryers who couldn't accept the fact that the striker were fine, they didn't pay attention so they get punished.The soldiers who used it agreed that some range (- ) would be good, but no ,the cryers wanted ulimate destruction so it happend.

    Here, we don't want to destroy C4 we dont want ultimate nerf.Let it blow sundyes ,let it blow tanks like and explosive ,not a throwable grenade.Cause you say that we deserve punishment for watching the map in a tank that is about 4-6 secs and a LA comes in bomp go away boom just because i played the game.Sorry i am not a mutant to have spider senses tingling.Or to sprint to the combat area ,and above the door an LA drop a C4 and boom kills me and the man behind me.Where did i go wrong ?I say nowhere.

    Everybody says that the C4 is legitimate cause you didn't pay atention i think the striker was the same if you didn't know when to fly out of the hot zone you died.People called it OP and call this legitimate. Justice=0
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