[Suggestion] Buff NSX Amaterasu

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halkesh, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. Ziggurat8

    They seem to have gone 180' for new weapons. Instead of releasing op weapons and tuning them down they're releasing turds and (hopefully) balancing them up.

    The wave is a 7 hit kill with a ttk higher than a spitfire turret plus worse range and velocity. Wow. So basically only good for killing afk's AND it has double the ttk of a regular knife. The "Am Free Certs For You" knife won't be in my arsenal.
  2. Sharkasaur

    I honestly think this is the smarter thing to do. Instead of artificially boosting sales by releasing an OP weapon, only to frustrate all the buyers by nerfing it soon after, it's better to releasing new stuff UP, then as it gets better people will pick it up. Those who'll buy it with DBC will still spend the cash, just at a later date. This way you don't repeatedly frustrate customers, most of whom will wise up even.
  3. Demigan

    Allright, much clearer.

    But here's a question: Why should the knife be buffed?

    It's an infinite ammo silenced back-up weapon. Unlike it's extreme-CQC counterparts this one has an added range attack. The difference between 3-hit kill and 4-hit kill is important for the knife... But is a 3-hit kill justified? Sure it would make the knife more viable, but so would upgrading the bullets of SMG's to deal 200 damage per shot and no damage dropoff. Does that mean we should do it?

    Just to be sure, this is a legitimate question and not criticism. Is making the Ameratsu more viable justified?
    Normal knife: 2-hit kill extreme CQC.
    Ameratsu: 4-hit kill extreme CQC plus ranged 7-hit kill infinite ammo no reload.
    proposed Ameratsu: 3-hit kill extreme CQC plus ranged 7-hit kill infinite ammo no reload.

    The added ranged back-up shot from the Ameratsu is pretty important. Just like having a solid side-arm is pretty important in a fight. Knives are relatively little used. The current iteration is used mostly for CQC shot+knife combo's. The Ameratsu, due to it's added ranged option, is definitely not supposed to be used in that capacity. I would see it used as a finisher weapon as that's what it seems designed for. Does it really require that 3-hit kill for that? Does the weapon really need viability in the CQC slashing department? The knife doesn't seem to be intended for CQC combat to start with, and considering the mass of 334 damage model weapons I guess this is a deliberate choice by the developers.
  4. Ziggurat8

    So for a terrible ranged knife you give up 33-50% of a regular knifes effectiveness. Just can't see it. You're right, it's a finisher if you've run out of ammo in your primary and secondary, either you need a reload in both or you're entirely out of ammo. If you still need to "shoot" someone at this point I seriously doubt this weapon is going to "finish" anything. Though I suppose for the kind of player that routinely gets 10+ kill streaks it could give you 1 or 2 more kills before you redeploy or respawn. For everyone else you're just worse off.
  5. SarahM

    Unfortunably, construction update didn't add any structures/modulse to VR. Can anyone post a vid killing a module?
  6. kr47er

    just not gonna let this post fall.
    this knife can be beautifull if properly balanced.
    you guys are looking this weapon like it`s a secondary but i doubt you have time to equip in the middle of an engaged battle.
    plus equiping this makes you even weaker than holding a pistol, since melee is that nerfed.
    personally i would make 3 bodyshot any range ( i would even accept 2 ) and single headshot kill. this weapon deserves a primary weapon damage model, it even has sight sway...
  7. Shadowomega

    Just going to add this in as well, while messing around with it today I noticed that the Knife has sway to it as well.
  8. Campagne

    The PS2 devs. added a knife that --in your eyes-- isn't intended for CQC. At what point does one simply step back ask what the Hell happened? :p

    If I wasn't so happy with the quote from Chingles, I'd slap this onto my signature instead.
  9. Shadowomega

    Ok some further tests 3 headshots with just the swing and 4 body shots will net a kill. However, hitting the legs or the arms will take 6 to 7 hits. Regular knives and the power knives on arm or leg hits still do 1x damage not the 0.9x damage the Amaterasu has.
  10. Demigan

    It's a ranged knife, ofcourse it's not intended for CQC! The question is, how much CQC power would be fair for a knife that has a range that no other knives have?
    • Up x 1
  11. Campagne

    I don't disagree that it should be less than a standard knife for melee, but the current version of the Amaterasu is like using your ***** as mace. It hurts to use and is generally less effective than the weapons you were born with. (Fists/standard knife).

    Three stabs being a total of 999 damage out of 1000 is about as painful as it gets. :eek:

    Note: apparently a game about an endless war in which players kill and die without end, one which features executions on its loading screens, believes that the word "p e n i s" is taking a step too far. :p
  12. DIGGSAN0

    The DPS is what is Important... With Amaterasu the TTK is too high which does make it less valuable than a standart Knife
  13. Demigan

    And a Sniper Rifle has a much lower DPS than most weapons, but it's still balanced because of how and where you can use it.

    I'm not opposed to buffing the Ameratsu, but what I'm opposed to is saying "we should buff it so it's more viable" and leaving it at that.
    Let's look at shotguns (which replace normal knives for now) and SMG's. Both weapons are CQC weapons, but the SMG has a longer range than the Shotgun.
    We could make the SMG more "viable" by upgrading it's damage so it's even closer to the Shotgun DPS and TTK. Does that mean it's a good idea? Maybe the SMG and Shotgun are supposed to work differently and have different advantages, and maybe the Ameratsu isn't supposed to be used as a normal knife most of the time.
  14. SarahM

    Damage vs. 'lightly armored targets' could be buffed a little bit imho.
  15. Halkesh

    IMO, amaterasu CQC damage (333 instaid of 334) is a misstake. I almost did a bugreport hen I've realized it. All I do here is to propose to buff it by +1 dmg so it will stop frustrating amaterasu user with the 3 stabb "999damage / 1 hp left."

    This is my logic : if the amaterasu was intended to 4 stab-kill, the knife would deal 250dmg, not 333.

    PS : yes, this is thread necromancy. :D