buff deterrence please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tapioca Express, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. siiix

    sorry i assumed you asking for the same thing like many others to make the bases more defend able... witch i disagree with

    i actually agree, now that i read the whole thing

    there is no reward in defending a base, except XP farming from spam, so i usually just take of and capture, and more and more people do the same thing... on the other hand not sure how a defense reward would work, in battlefield you get extra xp if you kill an enemy near a capture point... but i'm not sure if the same mechanic would work here as there are so many people on the server, you could end up with the opposite that no one wants to capture because you get more points defending as bonus XP adds up real quick to more then 250-1500XP, also smaller capture points are much harder to defend then bases... so this is not an easy thing to balance, maybe its better to be left as it is

    also i play every day AA/AV and i get just about no XP what so ever , i feel a bit cheated

    and actually since the last update the AA rocket launcher dont even work anymore, it only hits planes maybe 30% of the time after lock of course... but i guess they will fix that because now its just scary to the planes, but not actually taking them down
  2. KarlR

    Every class has a role on the battlefield, and each role should be (if preformed successfully) just as rewarding experience wise as any other. Right now infantry kills dominate for certs per hour, if you are not involved in lethal combat in some way (scoring kills directly, reviving, supplying ammo, ect) then you are not in that sweet spot for cert gain.

    This dynamic leaves certain niche battle field roles out in the cold, such as anti-air and non sniper infiltrators. What they earn per hour is not even close to what a smart light assault can earn. Now is that a problem? Well in the case of anti-air I would say yes, becuase it is a limited but necessary role on the battlefield. Infiltrators, well they get fine certs if they are sniping, but what if they are hacking? Or trying to provide reconnaissance for their team? Like I said complex issues.

    As I said before the developers have appeared to shy away from giving palyers certs for dealing damage to vehicles becuase they can be repaired.This could easily lead to exploiting for cert farming.

    So the issue remains, anti-air needs more experience for the job they do, but they cant get unlimited experience for dealing damage. The answer seems simple to me, hard cap the amount of experience players receive from dealing damage to vehicles. Furthermore give them progressively higher amounts of experience based on how much damage they deal. This experience would be rewarded upon reaching damage milestones.

    For example, you deal 25% damage to a target you get 25 experience, at 50% you get 30 exp, at 75% you get 40 exp. Now if you dont kill the vehicle in question and it repairs then returns for more punishment you would not gain any more experience for dealing damage to it becuase you have already received the damage mile stone experience for that particular vehicle. However someone else could come along and receive the same milestones becuase the vehicle is 'virgin' or unexploited to them.

    Bare in mind that when I refer to damage I mean the health points of the vehicle not the actual percentage of it's total health. So if a vanguard had a theoretical health of 100, but it was damaged and had 65 health and you hit it for 60 points of damage taking it down to 5% health you would only receive the damage bonus for doing 50% damage, not 75%. Because after all, that is how much damage you dealt. In that way multiple players can gain fair levels of experience from hitting a single target, and you wouldn't have one guy waiting for it to get low to hit it so as to get maxim experience.

    I would also propose that the entire amount of milestone experience would get shared between players who are in the same squad that each individually reach at least the 25% mark. So two buster maxes could get the full benefit of of the entire milestone for a ESF, in this case the theoretical total of 95 experience for all three tiers. This would encourage team play and focusing fire, increasing anti air lethality though team work.

    I would love feed back on this system, dose any one see a issue with my logic? I am afraid I am too close to the idea to get a good objective perspective.

    TL: DR I propose a system for rewarding players with experience for dealing damage to vehicles that should not (in theory) be able to be exploited for unlimited fast experience gain.
  3. Tapioca Express

    i have to agree with your idea about rewarding players based on % damage done, however i think that issue can be solved by buffing the assists and critical assists % exp. A critical assist should be worth just as much as a kill or be pretty close to it and an assist should be worth at least half of the exp. Currently the % split for assists and critical assists is laughable and is just a slap in the face to players imo. Its like i put in all that effort to suppress a person, and i only get 25% of the exp cut even though i allowed other players to safely kill that person.