BR100 - There is nothing on the top.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KidApathy, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Stormlight666

    There WON'T be a PS3, since the PS1 players that paid the way for PS2 are to disappointed in what they got to pay for PS3.
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  2. Bill Hicks

    conscious being number 342983475893475893475983274590321747392874897218942 realizes that the top was never the goal.
  3. Kapernum

    The PS2 players will pave the way for PS3.

    It's natural progression. Like father and son.
  4. Razzyman

    Hey Codeak, I would suggest running with [HSTL] for a bit, rumor has it they've unlocked the secret to the most OP attachment in the game, the flashlight! I hear it's kind of like kung-fu though, it takes a long time to master it's full potential :p.

    On a serious note though, the BR progression is just one of the many things PS2 has to offer in it's sandbox format. You have finished that goal, now work on another, maybe see how many times you can kill me with a flashlight on your pistol, or how many times you can knife me as an infiltrator. Maybe dedicate yourself to killing infantry with bursters on a max, or only ever had use a pistol for a couple weeks with Cajual, there's lots of fun things to do. Or get really involved in command chat, from what I've heard of the TR on Water son some organization could be useful, that might be a real challenge, first to gain the respect of all the leaders, then organize them, and finally execute it. The possibilities are endless, we've have a canvas that is PS2 just waiting for us to make a masterpiece here.

    Oh, oh, I've got it, air to air combat Galaxy :). That would be good times and a challenge for sure.
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  5. Zaik

    where's mah raid boss

    i tried aimbotters but they're surprisingly easy in a scatmax. they don't drop purples either
  6. Xind

    Truest statement ever made.
  7. Codeak

    Well all the leaders already pay homage to me.

    But regardless I've already done all that stuff, and to be honest as fun as having a rotation of things to do each day I still would like to go somewhere with it.
  8. Paulus

    So you've just discovered the point of it wasn't the destination but the journey? Oh dear.

    BR100 is just a measure of how hard you've farmed other players, unfortunatly, it may be too late to try and impress on you the idea that the BR is just a marker to show yourself how far you've come, its nothing more than a cosmetic bragging right. This game is an Always On Perpetual Battle, by its very nature there is NO endgame, this much should have been easy to work out.

    Still welcome to the illustrious ranks of the other people who figured a number was worth more than the cumulative experience of getting there.
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  9. Codeak

    lol why are you here still
  10. Codeak

    Well, no. I've never farmed lol. I Circulate around the different aspects of the game and thats how i've always played.
  11. Razzyman

    Ahhh, I gotcha man, sorry its kind of platueaed on ya :(. Hopefully as more people hit 100 they'll add more for ya.
  12. Codeak

    It's funny because they can give 100's whatever they want since they are not after xp anymore lol. I wonder what they will do..
  13. Peter Daniel

    SOE, remove the level cap.
  14. Tommyp2006

    No PS3?!?!?!

    PS3 has nogaems

    Battle Rank is strictly a measure of play time, or basically how much exp you have gained. It's not a measure of skill, there's no reward. Being BR100 just comes with the reward of being one of the highest ranked players on the server. PS2 still doesn't have an endgame, but it's hard to find an endgame in a purely PVP game. Same issue most FPS games have. A game that you have more than 40 in game DAYS must still be pretty entertaining and rewarding if you are still playing it.
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  15. LanceHavenbay

    This is not a game of numbers, it is a game of skill. The end game is non-existent. You are rewarded for how well you do. Farming for a level, that means nothing other than displaying how long you have played, should serve no condolence to you.

    If you want end game, go play an RPG.
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  16. LanceHavenbay

    Beautiful analogy. :)
  17. Stormlight666

    Yup highest ranked which has nothing to do with being the best, just king of the grinders. However if this was an updated version of PS1 there would be a lot more "endgame", most of which was found in an outfit that actually tried to conquer the whole planet. Win all 7 continents and you win! Server resets all around! Winners get a medal!
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  18. Zaik

  19. Tarrick

    What endgame do Quake, UT, CS, TF2, BF, or CoD have?
  20. Zitroxious

    Just give every lvl 100 a big neonsign marker, and make em worth 10 certs minimum, there's yer endgame
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