BR100 - There is nothing on the top.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KidApathy, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Shockwave44

    This complaint about nothing at the end of BR100 is stupid. It's like hanging out with a girl, assuming she likes you, and after 6 months you finally decide to ask her out and she rejects you.

    Could have saved yourself a lot of time and found this out right from the start.
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  2. GraphicJ

    See kids this is why we don't rush things. :rolleyes:
    I'm glad the game still has juice in it for me at 78 BR.
  3. KidApathy

    BR80 Is half way. LOL
  4. Kedyn

    Yes, Planetside 2 needs an endgame. Once I reach the BR cap, I need to start grinding Nerdanium shards so I can do the epic quest to get them forged into an Epic Dragon Sword, so I can use it to slay the evil Lich and his Dark Council for fat lewtz.
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  5. Deronok

    Lol.... did people honestly think the game was going to magically be different at level 100? People have been playing WoW-esque MMO's for too long. The worst part is all SoE has to do is slap another 100 levels on and make the exp 10x higher to get each level.
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  6. R-A-B

    I can understand a desire to have a more coherent and lasting scoreboard than the current ones that I think are territory based only.

    But I've got a horrible, nagging feeling that is not what you want. God help us if the majority want something else too.
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  7. Gavyne

    ^ LOL

    I do wonder what people think an endgame for a FPS game should be. Because planetside 2 isn't any different from other FPS games on the market. Are people really expecting endgame PvE gameplay? Because if they put in PvE in this game, I'm out of here. I didn't come to planetside 2 to battle against AI, obtain gear that no others could get, and have the devs start spending 80% of their time catering to the 1% of the population that hit endgame fast.
  8. siiix

    ohh that's a releave EA dont do that like EVER .. SOE is a much better company the EA
  9. Kuklakot

    "BR100 - There is nothing on the top."

    More importantly - there wasn't actually anything below the top either. The cake is a lie and all there is is just an arbitrary number in a database hundreds miles away from you. There's can be no endgame for something that wasn't a game in the first place.
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  10. TomaHawk

    There's always outside.
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  11. Kedyn

    Dude you gotta grind faction next with the Vanu Aliens and the Esamir Separatists. Once you have exalted with both from sitting around firing your weapon into the ground, you can start picking up Neckbeardinite for them to use to craft your suit of epic armor. Only then can you face the secret purple crystal monster with your Epic Dragon Sword.

    But first you have to get BR100 by farming infantry with a Liberator. It's the endgame after all.
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  12. FigM

    If SOE is smart, they will definitely add some kind of reward for reaching BR100

    It could be something harmless like a really cool camo. It could be some 5% bonus to some stats. Basically anything that offers some appeal without being too powerful.

    Why is that smart thing for SOE? because then people actually have some motivation to play the game to that level. They spend money to get there faster. And more players = good for SOE.
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  13. GraphicJ

    Thank you for your oh so arrogant wisdom my PS2 overlord. :rolleyes:
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  14. Codeak

    Not even going to bother with you, it's like it goes one ear and goes out the other.
  15. Shanther


    I miss the days when trolls actually knew how to troll.
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  16. pnkdth

    "End game" is playing around with different loadouts, exploring something other than the most effecient way to farm certs, finding your niche among weapons, and so on. In an outfit this extends to tactics, strategies, and structure. In other words, the end game is playing the meta game and theorycraft. Least that is what it is for me. Gradually adding more layers of complexity.

    If you've been sitting a whatever FOTM farm vehicle/MAX in order to get to BR100 then I think you sort of missed the point of the game(least in the way I've come know the game). BRs are just some extra something-something on the side. Not really important but sort of fun anyways.

    Another part is respect/recognisition measured by your ability and skill playing the game, both for yourself and your outfit. That's another piece of end game if you're aiming for the competitive scene.

    So yeah, it is a sandbox. It becomes what you make of it.
  17. Dramma Lamma

    You stole my line.....
  18. Codeak

    how about you get a life...
  19. MasonSTL

    let me reiterate
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  20. Dramma Lamma

    Said the person with over a month in game.

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