[BUG] Black Light (on by default?) still seen by players when off.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EdwardLand, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. EdwardLand

    Hi, Sorry if this is a bit of an old or already reported issue.

    I was told by another player that my black light on my weapon (most of them) shows up when i first spawn and that it still shows up when i turn it off. (pressing x)
    I have to toggle it twice before it with go off completely. I have to do this every time i re-spawn or my black light can be seen by other players but not me.

    I'm worried that to me its off but to other players its shines out bright (saying shoot me here... bright light!)

    I have had a look through bug reports and cant find any reference to issues with the black light weapon attachment.

    Would some one else kindly confirm if they have the same findings please.
    Should the black light be on by default at spawn?

    It would be nice to confirm this odd issue with another player looking at them in game.

    Thanks in advance
    Ill await the forums giggles and wrath...

    • Up x 1
  2. JKomm

    More information could be helpful, such as what weapon were you using at the time? Sometimes when an attachment is buggy it doesn't affect all weapons that can equip it, let alone not everyone uses Darklight on most weapons so it could have never been encountered before.
  3. Diggsano

    Happens on lasersight too