Best NC shotgun?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Bape, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Turiel =RL=

    The Piston is the Hacksaw's best friend.
  2. Intruder313

    Incidentally as twice now in my MAX (only 1 Hacksaw) I've had Shotgun enemies simply run "under my guns" and kill me in 1 clip.
    The MAX shotguns seems to have all kinds of problems hitting people who are essentially clinging to your leg (and shooting you in the face).
  3. Adamar09

    You just gotta punch 'em in the face when they do that.

    Someone mentioned tighter CoF being specific to the short-semi, I thought it was varied between factions?
  4. Ghoest

    I also have an Aux medal with my mauler - buut thats beside the point.

    I wasnt making a personal attack I was warning him to ignore you because you arent giving true information.

    The sweeper does not have an automatic mode. Saying it does is just ridiculously wrong.
  5. Cirevam

    Yeah, I just checked this and it doesn't have any alternate fire modes. :( I didn't think it did but it would have been a nice surprise.
  6. Rhumald

    well I'm sorry, they must have ghost nerfed it, it Did have that functionality when I tested them all at the start of the month.
  7. PopeUrban

    The Piston was the first gun I ever certed and as a point defense/sunderer engi is still my go-to for anything other than long range outdoor battles (for which I use the X11, because its just plain better at the job than slugs) It's full auto right out of the box, and although it chews ammo like popcorn it has a tendancy to kill everything you aim it at, often even if what you aim it at shot first. Extended clip is a MUST however, as with the standard 6 round clip it simply suffers too much for missed pellets, but with the clip extended to 10 and some rudimentary ability to click heads you'll find yourself killing three, sometimes four people before reloading if you can catch them in the right situations.

    Solid TTK, controllable recoil, and a wide but powerful cone of fire make this a an *extremely* effective CQC weapon.