Best Looking Camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Borusa

    Didn't see anyone else with it, but I really like the Tundra camo - though as usual the default overly visible empire specific colors kinda ruin it on some vehicles.
  2. Panache

    For my TR medic, I like using Esamir Snow with the Skull-faced helmet, no matter what environment I'm in. Sure, it makes me stick out, but it just (in my mind) screams "Medic" to me.
  3. vsae

    As long as we have this garbage camo coverage the only cool looking would be anything grey or black.
  4. Witblitz

    Since using Grey Scales I've been getting team killed a lot.
  5. SniperCzar

    The new Industrial Mix is going to be next up for my MAX and most of my vehicles. Either that or Snakeskin. Most camos just look horrible on a MAX, with very few exceptions.

    Plasma looks awesome in general on NC. Black plasma looks amazing on a Vanguard. Grey scales and a lot of extra cosmetics makes a harasser hide 95% of its faction colors.

    Carbon fiber is probably the best looking high-contrast gun camo when you're staring down the barrel. If I were frivolous I'd get the Nuke camo for my Decimator.

    I just wish I could recruit some people and get the nice black camo, along with the sexy Vanguard cannon and MAX lumifiber :p

    You can tell I like bright yellow "shoot me!" camo, can't you? Though I will say, you get a lot more medics jumping on your body when your MAX suit looks like a crash test dummy!
  6. Erendil

    Drakon armour + Comic Book camo + composite helmet look pretty hawt on VS.


    OOoooo!! Shiny! :cool:

    Composite armour is basically the same a Drakon but with beefier shoulder pads, breast plate, and boots.They're both good choices for HA, but composite looks better than drakon on all the other classes.

    Scales, Grey Scales, and Forest Ground Armour camo all look great on VS too. They all have that glossy, just-shined look to it that Comic Book has, but without screaming, HI I'M PURPLE!!!.

    Scales looks pretty stupid on NC tho. The scale pattern is much smaller so it looks ike you're wearing black and gold clown pants. :p
  7. Kanil

    Esamir Snow. It lets everyone know you've got plenty of bleach in the laundry room back at the warpgate.

    Looks especially nice on the reaver, all white with yellow highlights... mmm!!
  8. Crackulous

    Amerish Leaf master race.
  9. phreec

    I mostly use either the Sandy Scrub, Temperate Forest or Rocky Tundra as environmental camos. Some other camos I find aesthetically pleasing:

    Dark Digital (not yet released)

    Macro Tigre



    Black Crystalize Recon Camo (referral reward)

    Halftone (Make vehicles really funky)
    • Up x 1
  10. AngryPlayer

    Dude Shard camo is the coolest! It's so shiny and awesome.
  11. Saool

    I guess it depends on what you mean by 'camo'. Most are just textures, and quite rubbish ones and that. Of course with heads up displays and coloured triangles above heads you found argue that camo is pointless.

    But I'm terms of real camo's, anything that fits the continent will do. I use my three slots for each continent, each slot with an appropriate camo.
  12. Prudentia

    Halftone and Lumifiber is the way to maximum style.
    Also Urban forest for the non shiny variant.
    And i think Snakeskin has a similar shine as Halftone, but with a different texture.
  13. Prudentia

    You should switch to VS. The Highheels, Spandex and swag would be perfect for you :p
  14. raumfahrer

    I think Splatter looks pretty nice on VS vehicles


    Looks a lot like copper carbonate patina.
  15. Kvakva

    Did i miss the camo sale? Or was it just talks?
  16. raumfahrer

  17. Meeka

    I mainly use the Black Flames camo... and honestly... while I drive a Prowler mostly, it looks absolutely the best on the Vanguard. The yellow NC colors with the black flames camo make it look like the meanest yellow jacket you're about to get stung with. :D
  18. Pikachu

    True but vanu only looks good with artistic camos. :L Comic book, plasma and phoenix looks somewhat good on vanu too.

    Btw splatter for TR looks like a mixture of blood, muscle and fat blobs. o_O Similar to how their urban forest looks like dry blood and pus.
  19. MallowChunkage

    I really like the combination of TR digital, Comp. Armour and the dreadnaught helm on a heavy
    It just has this certain something...
  20. Vinakis

    For NC, I always use Dark Digital for general to-lazy-to-bother-with-it wear, because I dislike the khakis. :D

    On Esamir, I go with Esamir Ice
    On Amerish, I go with Amerish Scrub
    On Indar, it depends on the area I'm fighting in. Amerish Scrub for the southwest, Indar Rock for the canyons, and Desert Scrub v2 for the salt flats.