Best Looking Camos?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Hot Pockets

    Hey guys-
    I've got a few questions regarding camos.
    I'm wondering what you think are the best looking camos/helmets and armors.
    Keep in mind I'm referring to aesthetically pleasing camos, not the ones that are actually most effective.
    Your input wOuld be much appreciated- thanks!

    Happy Holidays!
  2. deggy

    I really like some of the Desert ones for TR and VS vehicles, the Lightning especially. NC Lightnings already have the yellow, so they don't look as good IMO. Vanguards look good with Forest camo.

    My outfitmates love the Shard camo, and I like Halftone, both for standing out.
  3. Tommyp2006

    Love Zebra on TR (not VS or NC though due to the white stripes), Esamir snow looks great, as does Esamir Ice. Really like the anniversary camo for a green camo. Desert Scrub v2 is nice for a desert camo. The new Digital dark looks good, normal digital looks nice as well.
  4. Hot Pockets

    yeah I main on TR and Zebra is especially orgasmic on TR and VS
    Not alot looks good on nc on my opinion, at least for all faction accessible camos.
  5. deggy

    If you want OMGLOOKATME camos, try Splatter.

    It looks pretty good for NC.
    • Up x 1
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    as someone who uses camos (with environmental colors) a lot and who actually hates empire-specific (blue/red/purple) camo, i gotta admit halftone is an impressive camo, but that one is an exception

    also i pretty much like the looks of indar highland v1, indar canyons v1, indar scrub and indar rock. also esamir ice and snow look nice

    that said, delta is another cool looking camo. also i dig the TR pixelated (gray) camo!
  7. Hot Pockets

    cool I'll check it out
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    if you're more into fancy camo, Hyper is also pretty nicely looking
  9. Liquid23

    Half-tone is the best!

    Go shiny or go home!

    also giraffe camo... for some odd reason it will make all enemies see you as a friendly... and all friendlies see you as an enemy
  10. Hot Pockets

    Thanks for all the input!
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    Halftone is awesome on a Tr Lightning. Very sexy. Any of the brown ones (I like Indar Scrub the best) look great on TR stuff too. Delta Camo looks great on everything TR as well, and can go on any continent since its dark.

    I suggest going into the VR to test out aesthetic stuff. Thats how I figure out what to do with my stuff.
  12. Kristan

    Alpha Squad camo. But only cool kids have it. :cool:
  13. Pikachu

    I like many camos. :D TR and vanu has problems because red and cyan are really bad as secondary colors for most terrain camos. NC yellow is far more neutral and therefore fits better. The change to TR vehicle's colors makes them less suitable for camos than before. :( TR red looks very good with white Esamir camos. Especially prowler and MAX. I think vanu looks bad with most camos.

    I use:
    Indar Highlands v2 - Looks great on vanguard and lightning. Suits both forest and desert environment. My favorite for NC vehicles.
    Esamir Ice - Looks great on all things. My favorite of cold camos.
    Indar Dunes - Looks good on vehicles for all of Indar. Looks best on vanguard and prowler.
    Urban Forest for NC. - Blue and white makes it look good on Esamir both for vehicles and infantry.
    Amerish Brush - Pale green for any vegetation. I use it for infantry. Might look boring on vehicle.
    Sandy Scrub - Yellowish desert camo looks great for NC infantry for Indar which is what I use it for. Looks very good on prowler but not so much on vanguard.

    Other good ones:
    Indar Scrub - Beige desert camo that looks good on everything. Especially vanguard because of the different scale.
    Esamir Snow - Simple but great white Esamir camo. Looks good on everything. Prolwers with their dark red are note worthy.
    Temperate Forest - Forest camo that looks good on everything. Especially vanguard and NC medic.
    Desert Scrub - Desert camo that looks good on harassers and great on TR infantry.
    Hyper for TR - Looks like ash and lava. Look good on all their stuff.
    Indar Dry Ocean - Looks like clay. Suits Indar northern territory on all things.
    Black Plasma for TR - Only available on vehicles. Looks similar to hyper but more evil.
    Forest Ground - Somewhat desert style camo that looks good on infantry and to a lesser extent some vehicles.
    Phoenix for TR - Artistic camo that looks good on infantry.
    Indar Rock - Red-brown desert rock that looks great on lightnings. Best of NC but good for TR too.
    Indar Canyons - Good for vehicles. Especially prowler and sunderer. Less good on vanguard.
    Ink Spots for TR - Artistic camo that looks good on vehicles and to a lesser extent infantry.
    Northern Forest - Cold light grayscale camo. Looks great on all things when being on Esamir.

    The effect is strongest on NC with their high contrast blue and yellow. Plasma has the same effect for them.
  14. vsae

    Grey scales. Although friendlies often confuse me with the enemy and vice versa
  15. ZeroErrorz

    shiny camo and anything black/green brown (like delta and the annerversery) is good for me.
  16. Kristan

    Jeez Pika, you're such a fashion wh*re :D
  17. Pikachu

    I love the camo part of this game. :D But I wish there was more even distribution of their popularity. There's so many giraffes and esamir snow. I don't care for the other cosmetics like hood ornaments and decals. :L Well some strong chassis lights are good too.
  18. Ribero

    Esamir snow on an NC Medic, with a Composite Helmet is classic.

    Delta Camo also looks nice on NC engineers with that Helmet who's name I forget. The full steel faced one, with a tint orange eye slit.
  19. Pikachu

    More talk here please.
  20. PurpleOtter

    Is Giraffe still considered cool?