Battle Rifles still junk

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -CDL-Peacemaker, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. ghnurbles

    Jimmy Whis said he wanted to buff the Scout and Battle Rifles a bit on one of the recent FNOs. It'll get done.
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  2. TheBloodEagle

    Excellent, thanks for posting that bit of info.
  3. Koadster

    Since all the BRs share the same stats except for the AMR having 2 higher rof lol. Buff all BRs!

    But guys we all know SOE.. There wont be any buffs to current BRs.. they will bring out NEW ones that are good so we have to spend another $7. Thats been the design scheme so far for weapons
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  4. supahitecjetfyta

    after using it for a while i think the Warden is pretty good as it is.
    i wouldnt say its underpowered its just not overly powerful but it is effective and very accurate at any range.

    if you cant aim you dont want this gun, spray and pray does not work with it.
    headshots are what its good for.
  5. Koadster

    You clearly havent used the SABR13 or TX1 Repeater.. Both burst fire (sabr is only 2rd burst too btw) but both are total beasts!

    I really hate the 30min edit lockout feature on this forum
  6. Deavonere

    *shakes fists at SOE*
    DO IT! Fix mah Warden!
  7. Rwcw

    I'm gonna chip in my 2 cents into this discussion i've had this weapon now for almost 2 months and have spent a couple hundred certs into the weapon.

    I originally bought the Amr-66 (tr battle rifle) because i had heard the developers talking before about how they modeled in game guns off of guns in real life. so i figured well wouldn't this be a marks-man weapon for medium range. that'd it would be like having a FAL or M1-garanda. something fun to use while rewarding intelligent play.

    However after playing around with the weapon for a solid hour i began to feel as if i was being outclassed constantly, i figured maybe i just needed to upgrade the rifle to try and make it better, slapped on a forward grip,slapped on a x6sight. And the weapon while being better to use ended up being a worse version of the 99sv,while this isnt a bad thing per-say it really has no role inside this game, i put it down for a good 2 1/2 months and waited while they went through and fixed up all their other guns (i had bought 2-3 weapons which were all working terribly.)

    Then after enough patchs finally i figured hey they fixed my other guns that were basically either worthless (g2a rocket launcher.) or barely working (underbarrel gernade launchers.) maybe they fixed up the battle rifles. so on my outfits friday op's i began to test it out again. i ran with it faithfully for almost 2 hours of constant combat and came to the same painful conclusion. this weapon simply is outperformed by almost any other weapon in this game.

    Now i don't except you to change gameplay mechanics which hurt this rifle like flinching when shot. But i do except to have a weapon worth owning.

    Some changes i think should be done:

    - Lower bullet damage dropoff over range.
    -Add the attachment of high velocity ammo (this is where its really hurting, even while using the weapon at longer ranges you are outdamged by lmgs or semi-auto sniper rifles.) atleast high velocity ammo would let the weapon fill its intended role of medium range. when i can barely trade shots with guys at 40-60m away and am constantly getting out performed its just demoralizing.

    this weapon has been almost a total waste of certs and money. for people who say its still good on an engineer you can have similar results while being more versatile with a shotgun with slugs. I wanted a FAL rifle. give me a FAL rifle SOE! after seeing how poorly designed this weapon is and the poorly released state of other weapons done inside this game i'm beginning to wonder if i should keep spending more money on this game.

    Because it seems like you guys fixed g2a rocket launchers because the majority of the game was crying about how air was owning everyone and people began to leave the game.

    You fixed underbarrel gernade launchers because people were complaining. (and alot of people owned this weapon.)

    I guess not enough people own battle rifles for you to care so instead of fixing this with a simple tweak and attachment you've just left it sitting.

    how unprofessional of you.
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  8. Zitroxious

    ah thats good to hear, they need some love.. higher velocity bullets would already make a difference, the amount you have to lead right now at only 50 meters is ridiculous
  9. itzCujo666

    I used the Eidolon a lot, for about 2 months.

    Then I switched to a shotgun with slugs. For the play style niche I believe a battle rifle should fill (hang back, longer range, second line), the shotgun with slugs is significantly better than the battle rifle.

    The Eidolon, and all the certs that went in to upgrading it, I consider wasted.

    I want so much to like it, but there's no point when the shotgun with slugs drops at long and short ranges faster. Yes, I have to lead much more with the shotgun, but after a lot of practice I'm a good shot with it now, and it feels only a little slower than the Eidolon. I got my auraxium medal (or however you spell it) last week for my Nova, and I've never fired anything but a slug with it (I didn't even equip it until I got slugs).

    Every now and then, I equip the Eidolon just to air it out a little, but after a couple of engagements, I quickly go back to the shotgun because it simply drops enemies at longer ranges more easily. It feels like I'm shooting little darts versus something big and powerful (but super slow).

    From my experience - The new pump action shotguns (hopefully they make it through the poor voting on the road map) will be the upgraded battle rifle. ;)
  10. -CDL-Peacemaker

    Pet peeve rage quote. Who in the hell started the idea that the M1 Garand (pronounced Gah Rhand) was the M1 Garanda....... I apologize, I'm a big RL gun nut, and this annoys me to no end. I see it all the time on the Internet and it always makes me rage.

    Aaaanyways a few people are saying the BRs are fine, and are perfectly accurate. I agree, if your shooting at a target that isn't moving and does not start moving... I.e. you blind side someone or catch them unaware at medium range. Fine ill give you that, now please go have a medium range duel with someone with an LMG (and some of the carbines) an Assault rifle or a slug gun. I run around average 2.5 - 3 k/d no problem with most weapons but the BRs.... Terrible. Unless your actually sniping at someone your not going to do good. The ONLY way to use this thing is from back behind friendly lines.

    It needs some buffs to make it a side grade not a downgrade. It should do good at medium ranges on a target that is aware your going to shoot at him. As it is now you'll be lucky to drop his shields. If he hits you ONCE your not going to hit him again. It needs work so it's not constantly out classed.
  11. -CDL-Peacemaker

  12. TheBloodEagle

    M1 Garand by John Cantius Garand you had it right the first time. =p

    Anyway I completely agree with you on your post. I wonder when they'll finally look at it again. It took them 2 months to finally fix the tracer bug for the AMR-66.
  13. Autarkis

    /fistbump for suffering through the Eidolon. It's like we both dated the same gold-digging, high-maintenance girl who took all of our time and money and never even gave us so much as a half-hearted handjob.

    It's near the top of my "most regretful SC and cert purchases."