Base Tunnel Exploits...or...THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Degenatron, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Degenatron

    So, the PS2 community ragged and ragged on the devs to put in some tunnels for the defense of large bases. And the devs bent over backwards to give us what we wanted. So what do we do as a community? We exploit them. Nice. Way to be. Stay classy.

    So, the exploits are placing spawn beacons in the exit tubes so that attackers can't destroy them, like so:


    And queuing up inside the tubes after a capture to farm enemies as they come down the gravity accelerators - a la "the new spawn room farm".

    So now the devs are going to have to go back and fix these by placing no deploy zones and pain fields inside of these tunnels. Maybe they should just take them out altogether. Either way, it's pushing back the roll-out of Hossin and Battle Islands. Smooth moves brainiacs. I hope it was worth it for a few extra XP.

    Also, before anyone spouts "they should have made it that way already," which I KNOW you will. Let me ask this, at what point do you, and by "you", I mean anyone who thinks this way, start taking personal responsibility for making this a better game to play? At what point are you going to start thinking about real squad based team tactics that revolve around communication and coordination rather than flash-in-the-pan gimmicky exploits like this? What makes you think this behavior is what the community or this game needs?

    You know, I get that this is a problem that needs to be fixed and that someone IS going to do it at some point, but instead of making it a part of YOUR routine, why not just report it as a bug and let it go at that? Let the devs take care of it when they can instead of forcing them into chasing crap like this down as a priority because you insist on forcing the issue.

    If you do this, and you think this is acceptable behavior, then you fully revoke any standing you have to complain about the pace of content updates or real bug fixes, because you are forcing the devs to coding in the policing of your behavior instead of fixing the things that are out of your control.
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  2. Angry Scientist

    I was pretty sure that tunnels already had pain fields for the whole length for the enemy. Slightly glitched, and you could tell. If you've ever gotten a pain field warning while at a tech or amp station, it was the tunnel underneath getting nudged for a moment.
  3. GSZenith

    oh that "feature" as outfit leaders call it still works? sweet :D
    (also to any defenders of said feature*)
    no it is an expliot stop trying to justify it ;) or i might go back to some more noobtubing featuring :)
  4. LT_Latency

    Never, If the game lets you do it, people will do it.
  5. Garbageman

    You're right, you can't have nice things.

    Here's a story for you. Many years ago, long before the advent of the Interwebs, as a university student, I bought a small refrigerator for my dorm room. Most of the students rented crappy ones, I bought a slightly bigger and nicer one. To help pay for it, I would sell soft drinks. There was a vending machine selling 12 oz. cans for 50 cents. I sold 16 oz. glass bottles for 35 cents. Good deal, right? In addition, I was on the 3rd floor,while the vending machine was in the basement, down 4 flights of stairs. I drove to the store, and carried those heavy glass bottles up the stairs. I carried the empties back down stairs and took them to the store to get the deposit back. So what was the thanks for offering 33% more drink for 30% less money? My fellow students would keep the bottles instead of returning them, take them to the stores themselves and get the deposit back. So I was forced to start adding a deposit to the price and giving it back when the empties were returned. You know what happened then? Other people who had bought their own bottles tried to get their deposit back from me, so that I'd have to do the work of taking them back to the store for them. These were fellow students living on the same floor of the same dorm. If your 'friends' will **** you in every way possible for a few cents, how can you expect random game players to not act like dicks?
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  6. HadesR

    The tunnels do have pain fields ... There's an exploit to avoid it but I personally have bug reported it ..

    But before the base flips its a good area to defend after the spawn doors come down. People wanted the ability to go into spawns and clear them out , well you need to clear the tunnels out as well..
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  7. Tobax

    No they really didn't, they half listened and then did what they wanted to do, there was a lot of good suggestions for how to setup the tunnels which would of worked but instead they of course did it all different. If they had followed the popular suggestions by players then what you show in your picture wouldn't of even been possible to do. Hell if they had just put the spawn rooms in the right place like we had asked then we wouldn't even care if there were no tunnels.
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  8. LowTechKiller

    It's no different than squad leaders placing them in spawn rooms, which has ALSO been going on forever. Nothing new here. It allows squad members to drop near that beacon, but it doesn't actually put you IN the tunnel.
    Spawn beacons are like satellite TV dishes...they just need a clear view of the sky to work properly.

    Why do some players feel the need to complain about things that aren't hacks and that are equally available to everyone?
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  9. haldolium

    In every game players trying to break the mechanics. No matter the genre, no matter the game. Thats human.

    If you make a competitive MP game like PS2 and ignore that simple fact, you failed as developer. Especially this case is a product of ridiculous carelessness once again in the endless cycle of PS2 updates that introduce failures like this.
  10. ManualReplica

    Welcome to the internet and online multiplayer.

    If there is any way whatsoever for a player to have even the sightliest advantage over the next, even if it comes at the cost of using exploits and seriously griefing and ruining the game for everyone else, they WILL do it.
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  11. HLM

    Yeah, I wouldn't really call those tunnels "bending over backwards". Anyone who has any experience with level design can tell you that was a 5 minute quick fix. Carve out a 6 sided block that runs the length of the base, chuck in a gravity lift and call it done. Don't even bother making it look nice, it'll do.

    As for the spawn beacon thing.. I'd never have thought of that. I'm guessing now you've told the whole word about it, well be seeing it used a bit more.
  12. IamDH

    But you can stand over it, why dont you shoot it?

    Yes its a pain field but you'll have enough time
  13. Ganelon

  14. IamDH

    What doesn't it work? Pain field takes your shield then your health and it only takes like 2bullets to kill a beacon
  15. Tommyp2006

    The tunnels are blocked from above. You cant shoot or grenade into them
  16. IamDH

    Oh.. Well that sucks :S
  17. sladuog

    GU14 has come and gone, and this is still in the game, and still being regularly used during alerts. This is really dumb. You can also put spawn beacons in most spawn areas, and in the corners of turret bases. Those ones have to be knifed out.
  18. Giggily

    Because doing these things is effective and not initially apparent so it's really unfair!

    On the other hand, it is pretty annoying that the reverse maneuver can stay in but drop pods are getting nerfed for being too effective.
  19. The King

    You cannot look down that far if you could... This game has no feet in 1st person view, so it prevents you from looking directly down.

    You'll see the Vanu Matterson with 4-5 of em there. lol
  20. Cab00se187

    Ya tunnels that they shove you through. What I expected out of tunnels were actually tunnels that you can physically walk and fight in. Not get warped around like a ping pong. The tunnel system in PS2 is a joke.