Balance Pass Post 1: Vehicle Weapons and the Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Slandebande

    That Harasser was not alone either.
  2. LordCreepy

    OR just nerf the harasser with all those nerfs they mentioned.
    THEN add another vehicle called harasser 2.0 ; it should look like this and have all the stats the current harasser has.(prior first composite nerf; exp equally shared between driver/gunner and spotting call is MRAV(Multirole Armoured Vehicle) )
    Resource cost 450-600 resources tank terminals only.
    Lets see whats favorited then.

  3. Lafri

    Yep thats right they won't go through 100% of the time but I've seen those missiles in action and they will deal a good punch.
    If you disable the tracks that's usually enough to take a tank out of combat or force the crew to abandon it. Where one rocket is coming from there's usually a second and third on the way. And sure the MBT would take out that squishy car with one shot. Therefore, stop, fire, **** or eat a 120mm HEAT shell :)

    I know the pic is kinda bad and that a bulletproof, IED/Mine explosion shielded, fully recon equipet Humvee is heavy and sluggish to drive. I drove the Swiss equivalent, Egale 2, it's about 8 tons.

    But you can put a 30kg manportable AT systems (like the Kornet or Javeline) on any vehicle, even a Motorcycle with a sidecar would do it or a modded ATV. Don't believe me? Take a look at pictures of improvised attack cars from the Libyan civil war, they even mounted large AA guns or AT guns on cars and pick-ups.


    But let's end this here it's going off-topic. If you want you can PM me and we can talk about it there.
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  4. Santondouah

    I totally believe you. What would result in an AP shell shot (or even HE/HEAT) on any vehicle illustrated above ? What about the Harasser ?

    Problem is BOTH the resistance and the speed/agility. These examples only exhibit one at a time.
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  5. Rak

    Nope, not saying that at all. I'm saying that as it is, on live, right now, when a skilled Harasser crew and a skilled tank crew meet, the outcome is determined by skill. That's how it should be.

    Also, in one of my earlier posts in this thread, I suggested severely reducing the damage that Harasser AV weapons do as an alternative to just turning the Harasser into a big Flash. Which is what SOE's nerfs are going to do.

    See above about nerfing the damage of Harasser AV weapons. I recognize and agree that Harassers are too strong against Lightnings. However, once these nerfs go live, a Harasser's engineer won't even be able to outrepair damage from a Skyguard :p

    And after the patch it will be "Oh a MBT.... Oh it hit us once, we're dead!"

    Anyway, I'm done here, gotta drive to NYC, see you all Tuesday.
  6. Goretzu

    The Harrasser should be fast, with high firepower, but low surviability/toughness against sustained fire IMO.

    Allowing quick, hard strikes, but without the ability to "tank" and survive when things go wrong or Harrassers get in over their heads (as it is now and has been since the Harrassers release).

    The problem with AA vs ESF is again SOEs own fault, allowing Air to be the counter to Air and basically ESFs to only be their own counter completely ballsed things up and will likely do for as long as PS2 survivest or at least until they produce an A2A fighter that can hunt ESFs without retaining A2G ability.
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  7. Goretzu

    ESFs now can still basically only be killed IF their pilot makes mistakes......... the difference is lolpods have been toned down a lot, to the point where the pilot has to risk more to get a kill.

    In your example infantry basically have to ALWAYS bring anti-Harrasser measures, or they are easy-Harrasser-meat......... this again is a classic example of an overpowered vehicle.

    There's nothing they can pull (with the possible exception of the Striker, which again is an issue considering the TR Marauders get the best AI and arguably the best AV options) that is really effective against them (G2G lock-ons have a lot of trouble given terrain - ironically the Striker "nerf" probably helped vs Harrasser due to decrease lock-on time).

    The NC probably suffering the most as the Pheonix performs by far the worst against Harrasser than the Striker or Lancer....... in fact I'd go so far as to say a Pheonix should probably 1-shot a Harrasser if it can hit it, to balance that.
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  8. CrashB111

    The difference is, all of those trucks would be turned into a burning pile of scrap from a single tank round, and the occupants likely killed from a few seconds of machine gun fire.

    The Harasser on the other hand takes minimal damage from light weapons, the crew (save for the rumble seat) is entirely protected from damage, and the Harasser itself requires 4 (!!!!!!) HEAT or AP rounds from a Prowler to kill.
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  9. dstock

    So, what's your gunner doing while you're trying to land 4 rounds? Tell him to get his hand off his joystick and pay attention.
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  10. CrashB111


    What a gunner is or is not doing has no bearing on the people defending the Harasser by comparing it to light trucks armed with AV weaponry. You either get speed and damage, survivability and damage, or survivability and speed. You do not get all 3 at once with no downside like the Harasser currently has.
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  11. dstock

    You realize you're saying the Harasser, with one 'Secondary' weapon, is doing more damage than an MBT with same or better 'Secondary' weapon and a primary turret. The Harasser does not have a damage advantage compared to an MBT, contrary to what you may believe.
  12. CrashB111

    Please indicate to me wherever I said that in my post as you are reading something that only you can see apparently.

    I'm just breaking down the idea that it is acceptable for the dune buggy to be a viable threat to tanks in its current state. The RL examples the person I quoted attempted to use are all fast and able to do damage, but also fairly flimsy and would die very quickly to anything firing on them.

    The Harasser is not like that in its current implementation, it instead has speed, damage, and the ability to take a hit and keep on rolling. If people want the Harasser to be like the trucks the other poster mentioned, they have to give up their survivability for the comparison to even by valid, and for the sake of game balance.
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  13. dstock

    It doesn't have damage, that leaves survivability and speed. The Devs are nerfing damage, survivability and speed. Where is the disconnect?
  14. CrashB111

    But the Harasser does have damage.

    The AV weapons the Harasser is allowed to equip can pump out more DPS than a Lightning Tank, and in many cases out DPS an MBT simply because they can dodge incoming fire incredibly easily while putting their rounds on target with remarkable ease. An MBT has to stop and aim if it wants to have a chance of accurately landing fire on the Harasser since driving and shooting is impossible for anything but the Magrider thanks to a total lack of stabilized turrets. Meanwhile Harassers can drive loops and juke around since the Gunner feels no bumps from the road (relative to what the Driver is experiencing) and put rounds on the stationary MBT.
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  15. DeadliestMoon

    Let's ditch the hatred for a spell and lay down some hard numbers that'll have the vehicles able to co-exist while leaving some room open for new vehicles.
  16. Boomotang

    I've only read the first couple pages and last few posts on this thread. But here's my opinion on the Harasser. It seems a little too survivable with the ability to repair while riding in the rumble seat. Even with 2 people, the gunner swapping into the back to repair while the driver speeds away and dodges is just too much, leaving very little time where it's truly vulnerable. Taking away that would improve balance a lot.
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    ever heard of a skygaurd bro ? burster maxes bro ? lock on missile's every infantry can switch to instantly bro? stop talking man.
  18. Lafri

    Thats correct but even a modern MBT would be destroyed/disabled/crew would abandon it ASAP if it is a same generation MBT firing 120mm HEAT rounds on it as the top tanks can and will penetrate each other.
    But the whole discussion had almost nothing to do with the harasser, and it was my fault to answer it at all. It was about how a 1 ton vehicle can destroy a 50 ton MBT. Man portable ATGM mounted on any form of transportation is the answer.

    I don't want to discuss RL Military technology/strategy here anymore as it's off-topic.
    Therefore my last post ITT that is not PS2 related.
    But you can PN me and I will answer :)

    I stopped reading after you said a mossy can 1 clip a vangaurd through his shield, what are you smoking friend.
  20. Goretzu

    All of them are "area denial", NOT "counters".

    The only counter to ESFs are other ESFs.

    So no I won't stop talking, as I know what I'm talking about, but we probably can't say the same for the both of us. ;)
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