Balance of power... did NC draw the short straw?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zanthal, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Konstantinn

    NC is in a good place, VS has few more exploitable in certain situation toys, TR kind of got the shaft in most ways possible.

    So overall I'd bring VS a bit down to have same amount of advantages as NC and bring TR up to having same amount of useful toys as NC.

    Problem is counting these little advantages and rating them, this is what causes a lot of controversy and disagreements.

    How do you compare usefulness of let's say Phoenix and Lancer for example? I'd personally rate Lancer above Phoenix, but by how much? Useful and more effective in 10% more situations? 25%? 50%? At the same time you can't argue that you'd pick either Lancer or Phoenix (or any common pool launcher) over TR Striker pretty much 90% of the time. That's just one example, think of how hard it is to rate and agree on usefulness and effectiveness of other issues like hover+boost vs lockdown vs shield on tanks. or shotgun short-range maxes vs others.

    Once a concrete rating system is worked out you have to add them all up and compare factions. It's almost an impossible task to be honest. So there'll always be imbalances, but NC are in a decent place overall.
  2. Demuerte

    As many have already said, the NC are just fine gear wise. The main problem I am seeing with NC, at least on Connery most of the time is the faction is generally disorganized. No amount of buffing/nerfing will ever fix that.
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  3. PostalDude

    AH, the Ben Garrison hat.
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  4. Jubikus

    Keyword is *can* our rate of fire faction trait means we start getting unfavorable COF dice rolls much sooner than a slow rate of fire weapon our infantry weapons arnt overpowered not even close if they were Farmers league wouldn't dread playing TR
  5. JohnGalt36

    This hurt my head. Punctuation is your friend.
  6. Jubikus

    yeah im pretty **** at that but i try
  7. Jubikus

    Best response in this thread
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  8. PostalDude

    NC guns only pull upwards.... TR guns are the ones that go up down right through the door, onto the floor, and do the dinosaur.

    Yes you fire slower, but you do more damage. Which is a big help in Client-side 2. Whereas high ROF tends to get screwed over by lag.

    So you're basically saying TR guns are op because they can hit you.....

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  9. SamReye

    I agree-- the Gauss SAW is no beginner weapon. I'd love to see it, and some of NC's other starter weapons altered. I think the Anchor or the peasant Anchor would do fine for HA, Merc is fine for LA/Engi, maybe something else on Medic? idk. Mostly I see NC as being the most difficult for new players using HA.
  10. natowpnzor

    actually, I do VR training alot, and I know that guns do go in all directions. They don't fly in one direction the who time, but the general movement is up, while kicking all directions. I don't think that I should listen to a guy that mains TR when he talks about NC guns.
  11. Farlion

    Idiots still believe DPS matters or that NC weapons are bad? Never gets old.
  12. iller

    At the range that NC weapons are effective AND accurate at .... you might as well be using the OHK knife
  13. BrbImAFK

    Says somebody who's clearly never dropped a target at 100+ metres with the SAW.
  14. CorporationUSA

    NC got the worst ESF hitbox, but they have loads of other things that are great.
  15. iller

    I wouldn't call 9 times "never". But 9 times out of 900 is still a statistical anomaly
  16. Takara

    Take off your blinders...look again.
  17. Turiel =RL=

    TTK matters and it has a lot to do with DPS. The problem for NC is not only that landing every shot has more value - while NC weapons have the worst recoil - it is also that even if the NC-player hits his target, he doesn't do enough damage.

    What I don't understand is why devs designed a competitive game around weapons with different base-stats. How fair can a game be where one guy does 143 damage at 750 RPM while the other guy does 143 damage at 650 RPM? Sorry, but this is totally ridculous!

    Planetside 1 had a funny solution to sidestep the problem: You could loot enemy corpses and keep their weapons. In fact there were even events where you had access to enemy tech, so you could see NC go all Magrider and laugh about other empires using a Vanguard.
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  18. RykerStruvian

    The ******** would cease to be if people could loot corpses and hack vehicles.
  19. Turiel =RL=

    Maybe, but it certainly would be a lot of fun!
  20. Farlion

    No, no, no.

    This post is all wrong. First, your weapons have the easiest recoil (Since Vanu all but have no recoil) out of all factions. All your guns do, is go up a little, and with Grips/Compensator even that is at very manageable level, especially at range.

    Meanwhile TR weapons end up in Europe if you try to hit a target further away than 30m. Even those long range weapons we do have, are a complete joke when compared to their NC (and VS) counterparts.

    As for DPS, it is completely irrelevant. If we were talking about a Hard Mode Mech Boss during a raid with 1 million HP, you might have a point. But in a game where players die so quickly, DPS is completely worthless, since it assumes every shot will land. See TR recoil on why it won't.

    Now try to imagine how it feels to be TR.