Bad sunderer placement destroys base attacks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by phungus420, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. DeadAlive99

    This is how it was a few weeks ago, then they changed it. People complained that there were too many spawn points and that it would basically guarantee the attackers a win.

    Then they put in the 200m radius rule, which IMNSHO, was a horribly thought out idea. This rule is like throwing mud against the barn wall and hoping it sticks. It's flakey, flimsy, and results in many more of the TK's spoken of here.........but, some people are happy, so, who cares if it created more problems than it solved..........

    The rule needs to be repealed and something different put in; something that allows all Sundys to be deployed, but with spawn count limitations, and yes, remove the XP reward just to be sure there are no TK's happening over it. There are many ways to earn xp in this game, spawns do not need to be one of them.

    Possible solutions:

    * Remove all xp rewards for Sundy spawns

    * Require Sundy to be at 75% health in order to enable spawns

    * Link all AMS Sundys within the 200m radius such that a Sundy below 50% health will disable spawns at all Sundys within the 200m radius

    * Give infinite spawns to first Sundy deployed in radius, but other deployed Sundys get fractional spawn limitations.

    * Anything but the current rule which blows chunks.

    ETA: I don't like the voting idea: Voting in video games is always a cesspool of idiocy, spite and favoritism. It just never seems to work well in my experience.