Attention Waterson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by daniel696, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. daniel696

    All the alerts are, the TR command channel is a total desert and when the things become hard the channel is complete silence.
  2. Stargazer86

    That about sums up Waterson TR at the moment, yup.
  3. doombro

    Ignoring alerts is a step in the right direction.

    Now all we need is to get the masses to stay on indar.
  4. DJPenguin

    Smells like 2012 in here. What did i miss?
  5. Tommyp2006

    TR has 35% world pop, still can't manage to take more than 2/9 amp stations, almost lost 1 of our 2 last minute.
  6. Shanther

    Get rekt!
  7. Tommyp2006

    I regularly claim that Waterson TR are the worst faction in the game. If your post is intended to upset or insult me, you're going to have to try harder.
    • Up x 1
  8. Zapon

    I am going to get a bit of heat for this xD, and to be fair I am not TR- but rather a VS Waterson commander(who hasn't been on in a little bit of time, so I cannot comment on any alerts in the past half month) - but it sounds like things are improving

    from this-
    (NOTE: This is not Waterson, to my understanding)

    My Real opinion: I think something all factions should rememberr to do is encourage potential leaders to try to work together, and remember they have support over command - people just need to get the cert
  9. SOE-MOD-03

    Locked for non-constructive posting and profanity.

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