At it stands, I do not feel Infiltrator cloaking is "broken". Please take a moment to review.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by NeonTiger, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. zenosarrow

    I've always said the cloak was just fine the way it was, sure a longer timer and other things would have been great, but overall with a little skill it was useful.

    Now it is completely worthless.
  2. Ztiller

    I used to think so to, during the FPS lag. My effectivness reduced down to almost 20%, at best. However, since the lag went away and i have gotten the flow back again, i have to say the difference is quite minimal. Sure, i still get detected more often, however i told myself, when i learned about the changes, that i would learn the new system, while waiting for a possible reset.

    So far, it have been pretty effective.
  3. Wobberjockey

    then get out from your bloody rock and stop sniping at the crown.
  4. Ztiller

    I'm sniping wherever there are people. And there are always people on the crown. I'm at TI-alloys now and then, and yesterday i got a killstreak of over 50 on Crossroads.
  5. Soylent

    I honestly don't understand the people whining about the cloak as it is now. Granted I have no idea how it looks on low quality as I play on a mix of high/ultra, but for me it's freaking impossible to spot a cloaked Infiltrator. Now that they've also made them completely invisible on IRNV scopes and IR vehicle optics when cloaked they're a huge pain in the *** for me. Oh and you also vanish from the scout radar once you cloak.
  6. RachelGomez

    Someone needs their eyes checked.
  7. Skin

    you should of stopped there.
  8. Ztiller

    More like: You need to understand the post in the first place.

    It was made about at the time when infiltrators on Low settings was close to 100% invisible and before anyone had noticed the new update changes, which the video clearly shows, so his post was completely justified.
  9. RachelGomez

    He said that infiltrators were hard to see even on high. That's just undeniably false. And has been since I've been playing pretty deep in beta.
  10. Wobberjockey

    thank you for proving my point.

    the infiltrator can do 2 things. rack up kill streaks, or affect the battle at hand.

    right now the cloak is useless at the latter.
    sending 50 people back to the sunderer isn't helping unless every single one was a medic/engie

    see also
    so again. step out from your rock, and try to use your cloak to do something that will actually help your team, and then come back here and try and tell us how usefull it is.
  11. Ztiller

    I didn't prove anything. You just made stupid assumptions. The reason i fight on the crown is because i like a challenge that comes with an increased amount of enemies and because it is an area riddled with possibilities. There is no challenge in sniping some lone guy trying to cap a far-out outpost.

    I play the game the way i want to. And that way is to get in there and do damage. It doesn't say anything about the possibilities for other gameplay. Just that i prefer a certain type of it. I have killed countless sunderers by getting into the enemy base undetected and then changing to engineers. But it is just not my main focus when i play.
  12. Wobberjockey

    and there again, you have shown yet another problem the class has. the complete inability to affect the single most tactically important object in the game, the enemy sundy.

    as long as the sundy exists, kills are pointless.
    and infiltrators cannot kill sundies
  13. Ztiller

    Sure thing. Why don't you try to get an engineer straight past the enemy lines, into the crown and close enough to destroy the sunderer, without using the infiltrator to get there.

    Once again, i have not proven anything and you just make stupid assumptions based on the way i choose to play.
  14. Wobberjockey

    i don't need to prove anything. this argument has been made over and over in the infiltrator forums. as it stands the most effective method of infiltration is good camo, approaching from a poorly trafficked direction, and staying out of sight. neither of these are the sole pervue of the infiltrator. the cloak does not aid us in this endeavor. in fact faction specific cloaking noises make it so the cloak actively hurts us.

    and i HAVE gotten an engie, through enemy lines, straight to the enemy sundy. on the CROWN no less. (granted this was because giraffe camo is OP) i didn't need to hack a term and announce my presence to the entire enemy team. i just dropped my mines on the sundy and ran off like i had just spawned. thing went boom then i went and prowled around the tower. it's easy to get kills when you are in a place nobody expects. when i finally got killed, i did it again... and again.

    and each time i assure you i was doing more to disrupt the enemy's defense effort than sitting back behind a rock sniping... which is the ONLY distance that the hunter cloak is worth a single bloody nanite.

    so. by the fact alone that you are talking about 50 kill streaks and how the cloak is awesome, it's not hard to conclude that you are either infiltrating near empty bases that are not being actively attacked, or you are hanging back sniping and not contributing to the battle at hand.

    again kills mean JACK as long as the enemy has a sundy.
    and right now that's the only thing infiltrators can do; kill.
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  15. Ztiller

    All of these statements are proven blatantly wrong by the following 4 videos. I really don't get how many time i have to post these things before people actually understand that the hunter cloak is extremely effective. People are just, on general, bloody useless at using it.

  16. Wobberjockey

    it's EFFECTIVE because the people in those videos are bloody oblivious

    dumb enemies =/= infiltration skill.
    even in the first video (~:30) the guy sprints across an open field uncloaked, straight at the enemy lines. that's not the hunter cloak being good. that's him being LUCKY that nobody was looking at him.
    and if you can't wrap your head around why balancing devices along an inverse relation to opponent skill is a bad idea (much less entire class abilities) then you really should leave this discussion.

    not to mention that you should not be holding these videos up as paragons of what should be... the dude passes up a sundy and can do NOTHING to it. heck i'm preddy sure that's the same sundy he passes like 3 times

    he's kill whoring, and the enemy engies and medics are too stupid to pull out a gun and shoot him
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  17. Dr. Euthanasia

    "The guy" in those videos happens to be the same person you're arguing with right now.

    He really hates it when people dismiss his successes as the result of luck, too. Hope you're ready for another angry reply.
  18. Jests

    Because that's the ultimate cop out o_O

    I think you guys are on to something with the "Infiltrators don't provide utility towards objectives" argument. That's a good strong one, and probably something worth pointing out is lacking in his videos.

    What you're saying is "Infiltrator is objectively broken, and anyone who has success is just lucky."

    Do you not see how completely asinine that is?
  19. Ztiller

    And this attempt at arguing is brought up every single time. So tell me, is my server completely filled with noobs and nothing else, or is there actualyl skill to it?

    You mistake Dumb enemies, for regular players. And that includes you. I could probably run straight past you aswell without you noticing. I'm sure you would claim differently. A lot of people do. Yet here we are, wit hthe video proof that people are not so good as they claim to be.

    What i do is to use the way that the player works and thinks to my advantage. That's not my enemies being dumb. That's me being smart.

    Now Look at Video #3 and tell me. What did i do differently from how you play, during the first 30 seconds of gameplay? In what way does my gameplay there, differ from yours?

    Please show me a video of Planetside 2, where someone pulls off something good that is completely unrelated to luck. Please post the link here. Does luck have anything to do with it? Of course. Luck also determines wether there is a AP mine around that corner you just rounded, or wether you get headshotted by a sniper the second you pull up your map.

    "The more i practice, the luckier i get"

    If it were only attributed to luck, like this community just loves to dismiss it as, then tell me why noone else have posted any videos of similar feats?

    Yeah, i pass up a sundie. And you are assuming that destroying a sundie is the only single way that anyone can possible, ever contribute to his team. How about helping your teammates destroy that sundie, by indirectly influencing the enemies? Or is it getting to complicated here? When you can't point and click at anything to make it go away, it suddenly is "broken."

    Of course i am "Kill-whoring". What, do you think i tried to knife down peopel because i thought it would contribute to the team? No, i'm pulling off stunts. Things that are entertaining to watch. Why the hell would i else rush straight into a Tech Lab, contested by the two other factions, where neither me, or any other class, could possibly influence anything?

    The reason i post these things, instead of the regular old gameplay is because it would be ******* boring to watch. For the same reason why News Stations don't report "nothing happened today."
  20. Dr. Euthanasia

    I much prefer the "Infiltrators don't provide utility towards stealth gameplay" argument myself, because it's less commonly acknowledged but, in my opinion, no less true. Hunter Stealth is, in far too many cases to simply ignore, an active detriment to stealth rather than the benefit it should always be. The noise gives us away, the distortion draws attention towards us in close range, and the weapons lock leaves us helpless. These things might not always happen, but the fact that they do is irrefutable, and they never should.

    Consider the circumstances under which an Infiltrator deserves to be punished. Did you include "being looked at while sitting still and crouched with the cloak active" in there? How about "deactivating the cloak after a 12-second sprint to the interior of a base and therefore making a noise"? As far as I'm concerned, it only has two uses that come even close to reliable enough, and those are avoiding detection at long ranges and granting an immunity to spotting. The former isn't even possible anymore against people running low settings, but even if that weren't the case I'd still be up in arms to get this piece of junk fixed.
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