As usual, VS received the worst item : crappy launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Akordia, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Andy79

    have you tried it in VR, seen others use it there ? there is basically a glowing finger of god pointing at your location when you fire it, let alone that you need to hit a vehicle a half dozen times fully charged to destroy it, thats alot of time to get away or find and blow up the obvious location the fire is coming from
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  2. kungflu

    Are we forgetting the flinch spraying Striker Squad and the 1-hit kill Phoenix Squad?
  3. Xasapis

    You probably missed the incredible bright white beam that stays there for 10+ seconds and directs you towards the HA that tickled your vehicle.
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  4. Marked4Death

    He's got a point there, VS vehicle guns may have 1/2 the DPS / twice the ttk of the other factions, their infantry may carry the least damage per loadout with neither best DPS, Dam per Mag, Dam per shot, Accuracy or ROF & their special weapons do SFA damage, but for real VS, BE MORE PRO!

    You guys have no drop FFS! Do you know how often I kill tanks at 700m with my magshot? Never, purely from drop.
    L2P VS!
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  5. Lafladitu

    Lasher is a really good weapon it has though it needs the player to play very long 5 min is not enough but I would guess a few days of constant use of the Lasher, it is not then any other weapons ingame to be good with it. And when you become rather familiar with the Lasher you can use it with some success in CQC.
    I am not a KDR player I'm more for supporting my team so I use Lasher nearly all the time with my HA

    Lancer to me is a KS weapon if your not in a position that allows for a 2-5 rear shot
  6. Valeriu

    Well, thats proves it, the Man's a delusional pillock.
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  7. Valeriu

    lasher has one use, thats when you are above the enemy can can suppress an area.

    Its low dmg, inaccurate, cant be used at range becuase of spread and slow projectile speed.

    Its usless in CQB as a shotgun will pwn you long before a lasher even breaks their shields.
  8. Xasapis

    The lasher is a unique weapon in the sense that it can be used as an area suppression tool. It's not very useful beyond that. However, exactly because it has a useful function to cover, it's been used a lot more than its counterparts. The jackhammer is a glorified shotgun, outshined by a lot better shotguns and the T1 is a glorified lmg that you can't aim with it. It's been used more than the jackhammer, but in the end, neither of those are any better than a normal shotgun and a normal lmg.
  9. roDDo

    I meant before you fire it. A couple of them (3?) = instagibbed vehicles.
    Which, I guess, is the reason it has a COF. It's not an absolute massacre at range.
  10. Niller

    Funny thing is, he is actually right. Most people on these forums just whines till there faction gets the OP weapons, without even trying to get good at it.
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  11. Valeriu

    explain to us what we are all obviously too stupid to see about the Lancer which makes it great?
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  12. Kurohagane

    Its like they reinvented the beamer armor-piercing firing mode from ps1
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  13. Xasapis

    No, he's not.

    All three empire specific heavy weapons are inferior to the lmgs and shotguns a heavy can pick, including the default weapons. The lasher happens to be better than the worst of those weapons, which is not much of an accomplishment.

    The situation is not the same as far as launchers go. The striker is a straight up upgrade to the annihilator. The phoenix is something unique and powerful. The lancer is ... not there yet. It has potential, but for now, the other launchers cover a lot better the role the lancer could potential cover.

    I wouldn't like our VS troops to feel the same disappointment they feel when they pick max and blueshift, expecting to do what TR do with mercys. Better to hold on touching this particular launcher, until it's properly balanced.
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  14. PLooschacK

    Dude. With that laser beam staying in air and considering how bright it is... player must be blind to not see from where did the shot come. And when you add Lancer's laughable damage, even a blind poerson will have enough time to locate the shooter.
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  15. Dawgpound12

    I'd trade anything for easy mode NC guns..
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  16. Poka

    We'll take your strafing MBT, your accurate weapons, and your esf that shoots where it points at please.
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  17. Steppenwulf

    If it had a standing COF of 0 this is basically a sniper which can effectively kill infantry. Tanks and vehicles are quite large targets and should be able to hit accurately with a COF of .03-.1 Either you are mistaking a rocket launcher for an AI weapon or the COF is a bit too large and should be reduced to a smaller but not 0 COF.
  18. Xasapis

    Deal lol.

    You'll end up with a MBT that strafes as fast as infantry can run. Trully hard to hit an infantry, no imagine one the size of a barn. Our "accurate" weapons are the most inaccurate weapons in the game. The only semi decent thing is the ESF, but you can have it if I can have everything else. After all, there is a reason the NC are the most populated faction in the game and it's not the looks.
    The weapon doesn't have the damage to kill infantry. It needs two full charges, that's 9 seconds and the full magazine of the launcher to kill one man.
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  19. VanuSovereignty

    The CoF is giant. It is purely luck if you manage to hit things from crown to magrider hill. The reduction will help a bit, but not enough.
    It also can't be a sniper because it has no zoom level and can't oneshot infantry.

    The mosquito is where it's at.
  20. roDDo

    Congratulations on not reading the thread. Here's your sign.

    You don't see the discrepancy there? It's not a sniper weapon. I see it as a medium-long range sneak attack weapon. You already have several long-range lock-on launchers available to you, this one doesn't need to fill that spot.