[Suggestion] any chance we can unnerf the carv?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Doogle, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. LeBigJimbo

    The gun still works of course, just badly. Just look at the stats or post videos of you playing with it ^^
  2. Bennybones

    They might be un-nerfing it. I just peed my pants with glee.
  3. mazty

    It's not hard stats - you have stats and are then leaping to a conclusion. If you don't know how to effectively analyse stats, don't use them, k?
  4. Cloaking

    The Recoil needs to be around the same as the SAW. the tradeoff for 200dmg is the higher rof. why do we have such terrible recoil aswell? what good is a high RoF if you need to burst fire your gun just to manage the aim
  5. Epic High Five

    My normal gameplay isn't really interesting enough to have justified setting it up so far :( Just imagine me doing the opposite of what I do with the SAW - running around, and hammering people up close when they weren't expecting it. I don't even have conc grenades on my TR, that'd be nuts.

    You're crazy, the trade off isn't in recoil and ROF, it's in effective ranges. SAW is designed to be effective at longer ranges - hence it gets 6x/adv grip/comp/hva but no SPA/adv laser, and has monster vertical recoil but soft horizontal. CARV is designed to be short to mid range and honestly should get an adv laser, and the CARV S should get an adv grip. This is why the CARV has negligible vertical recoil but meaty horizontal and a punishing ROF.

    If the CARV had negligible recoil at range it would have literally no disadvantages and would dominate all other LMGs in all facets. Load up the test server and roll around with an Orion/CARV with grip right now before they (hopefully) fix the values to see this in action.
  6. Singed

    Try using the standard TR assault rifle. That's how a combination of 750 RPM and 143 damage should feel like. Competent at all ranges. That is how the CARV should be like. Remember that it is supposed to be a mid range weapon, not a close range blast em in your face gun.
    If you add the compensator and Adv. grip to the SAW that 'monster' recoil is reduced to manageable levels. The Carv's horizontal recoil isn't counterable. So honestly the Carv has a slight edge in close quarters with the higher ROF, despite equal damage output, but the SAW is better by a very wide margin everywhere else. The SAW is straight up the best LMG in the game. Hopefully after the patch the Carv won't be as bad.
  7. Epic High Five

    After playing around some on the test server, I'm less worried. Any gun with comp/grip has zero recoil, it's obviously a bug.

    The one and only TR AR for me is the TRV. That thing is nuts and has the TTK of an auto shottie, if not better after the shotgun nerfs. After I unlocked that, I didn't even try anything else. As a medic I'm never operating at range anyway, as the certs are all laying in heaps around a point so I need to be there :) I did like the Sabr because it was so unique and I'm a semi-auto fan in just about every game.

    There isn't much to TR LMGs unforuntately, which I think is part of the problem. As an NC, even I recognize the various VS LMGs and the purposes they serve - LSW is the laser hose, Ursa/Flare are NC guns, Polaris is apparently hot garbage, SVA-88 is the highly mobile, etc. When flinch was how it was before and low ROF guns were basically the dumbest thing to choose, I got sick of having the choice of "EM6 or another class", and that's probably how TR is now.

    When it comes to TR, there's the TMG-50 for ranged work and headshot fetishists, the CARV for close up and....I dunno. Bull, Rhino, I don't know what there is to these guns, they look identical except for maybe 2 stats are 10% different. CARV S is bad AND expensive which is just head scratching. Raise the ROF cap and lower the damage floor and really go nuts, SOE. How fun would a 150 round mag, 90/70 damage 1200 RPM gun be? With flinch how it is there's no reason it shouldn't exist, and at 1800 dps it would be right in line with the other LMGs.

    Moreso than the damage, the CARV outclasses the SAW in CQC because it can be hip-fired much easier. Like, MUCH easier - better than the EM6 by a good margin and that's not bad at hip fire at all. At least that's why when I use it.
  8. Doogle

    Literally proves nothing (too many other factors effecting that like camping or fighting from a defensible point).

    I can get good killstreaks with a T5-AMC does that stop it from being a horrible carbine? no not at all.
  9. Epic High Five

    I was assaulting a platoon held base with 2 squads of TR. My main point has been stated already - if the horizontal recoil was nerfed and it was more effective at long ranges it would have no downside as a gun. My TR guy has nanoweave 1 and nothing else on his heavy (all his certs go to medic for the deliciously OP TRV) - if I was as kitted out like my NC heavy is it'd be absolutely sick. The first two deaths were a direct result of me trying to switch to medkits that I didn't have. The 3rd I did a dumb and walked into the open between the crates near the spawn point and the vehicle shield gen when I had heard a SAW discharging nearby.

    I get confused sometimes - shotguns are OP because most combat takes place in CQC, but the CARV is UP because it's only dominant at CQC. Which one is it?
    • Up x 1
  10. WASD123

    You might have had a point if you were right since neither the CARV nor the Orion now since the nerf is dominant at any range. They are ok at short range and bad at everything else you can't be serious calling a 750rpm, 143 dmg gun "dominant" when every other class bar infiltrator has the same thing plus 800-850 rpm, 143 dmg guns with similar or superior stats in pretty much every other regard minus ammo capacity which is hardly a deal breaker in cqc.
  11. Epic High Five

    When I use the SAW, I ensure that my engagements are >20m, where my gun is best. When I use the Orion I listen to really loud techno and switch it out for a Lasher/Lancer which is the true combo of any VS. When I play my TR I keep close but not so close as to get instagibbed by shotguns. It's pretty dominant within the 10-30m range, and while the SMG does sortof the same thing it's even worse at range and has awful velocity/less damage.

    It's got a lot more competition in the ranges it's good in, is all. It's still competitive and that 100 round mag is pretty big as far as high ROF weapons go. I've heard that the Rhino and Bull are much improved this update, how are those faring? As the cheap upgrades, it'd be great if they had a clearly defined role instead of being "another TR gun" like they seem to be right now.