Any advice for a new HA?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by lp998, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. lp998

    Ok, so I'm fairly new to PS2. I'm pretty bad at this game. In the 4 days ive been playing, I've had 3 kills, one against a team mate. I've died more times than I would like to admit. I do get assists every so often, so I'm not thaaaat bad at aiming. So, what are good tactics and certifications for a new HA? When should I use what weapon? Any shooting strategies?
  2. shd

    I'm assuming, by your profile avatar you play VS.

    You have a kick *** starter gun, the Orion. Get 1x scope first, then few cheap ranks of Nanoweave armor. Next take the first Med kit and use your infantry resources to build a stockpile. Start with the default shield (nmg) maybe even get the first rank. You will switch to the resist shield when you get a bit more used to the mechanics. I suggest forward grip for the orion as it makes it a bit more versatile and you should be using it for a while. It's a hipfire beast with the laser sight tho.

    Don't be afraid to get close and personal with the Orion, it's a great hipfire weapon. It has a .75 movement speed when aiming down the sights (best you can get) so make use of it by moving left/right when shooting.

    Once you get used to the shield mechanic you can switch to the resist, The difference is that you can turn the default one anytime in the fight to get the full benefit but you will have to switch the resist one on as early as possible in the fight. If you are good with micromanagment, you barely need the extra ranks as it lasts a while and regenerates fast.

    The default launcher is excellent so any other dumbfire is a luxury for a new player. As soon as you feel comfortable with your infantry performance get the Nemesis. It's cheap, kicks aircraft **** and can be dumbfired.

    By the time you have enough certs for the other stuff (lancer, concussion grenades, decimator, c4) you will have enough experience to decide for yourself.

    Hope this helps, and welcome to PS2! :)
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  3. vulkkan

    Again, assuming that you ARE a VS, keep your default LMG, the Orion for now. It's one of the strongest LMG's in the game. I would cert into medkits, resist shield, and nanoweave. Also, it sounds like you're having trouble killing, so head into the VR training room to get a better feel for your gun. Never spray an entire mag. Burst, lead your target when necessary, and know when and when not to ADS/hipfire. Planetside 2 can be horribly difficult at first, but keep learning and it becomes very rewarding.
  4. lp998

    Thanks for the tips! As for the shields, i have one question, does the resist shield have better protection, or do they have somewhat the same strength?
  5. lp998

    Thanks for the help, i didn't know about bursting, i usually just emptied my mag on them. Also, would i be better off shooting at the same level as my target or if im at a higher position?
  6. vulkkan

    Higher ground is ALWAYS better. Most players rarely look up, so shooting from an elevated position (as long as you have adequate cover) is an excellent decision when possible. However, do keep in mind that rules are meant to be broken: when your skills are honed enough, you should be able to judge how well you'll be able to perform best in any situation.

    Also, regarding resist shield, it reduces most incoming damage by 45%. It will stay active as long at is has charge, which is 6 seconds at default. It stacks with Nanoweave armor, which grants you extra health. Hence, a resist+nanoweave heavy is basically a human tank. It's the type of shield that requires you to actively plan when to turn it on/off, which gets more natural the more often you use it.
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  7. Morpholine

    It depends.

    The default (and adrenaline) shield absorbs a flat amount of health when switched on.

    The resist shield reduces incoming damage by a large percentage, but that damage is still applied to your health pool.

    With high ranks of Nanoweave in the suit slot, the resist shield grants more effective health, but this is conditional upon it being activated extremely early in (or before) a firefight. If you take even a couple of bullets before turning on the shield, the other two options will provide more benefit.

    If you are good at turning on the shield before engaging, use the resist shield (eventually). If you are better at turning it on in reaction to taking damage, stick with the NMG (stock) or Adrenaline variants.

    If you're me, you die with a full shield capacitor most of the time anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
  8. Tamama

    I would suggest playing an Engineer or a Medic for starters, these support classes earn mega high certs. Before you really know about the game, you are going to die horribly no matter how good you are at shooting. Play support classes to learn the game, once u know about the game very well, you can proceed to kill effectively with combat classes.
  9. lp998

    Ok, I took everyone's suggestions, practiced a bit, and my kill total is rising a bit quicker. The upgrades to the Orion really helped.
  10. SevenTwo

    Remember that you also can use your rocket launcher for killing infantry.

    If they are wearing Flak armour (you can't really tell if they are), they won't take that much splash damage from shots at their feet, but a direct hit to the body will usually take out any infantryman regardless of their armour (Think HA with full nano armour and resist shield up might survive the blast though).

    It's not a terribly effective method of dealing with massed infantry, but if you are holding your rocket launcher and someone pops around a corner, sometimes it's better to just unload it in his face instead of switching weapon. It can however also be used more aggressively due to body shots being so extremely lethal - running into a room and just slagging the first medic you see can really make for some bad times for those left inside.

    Oh, and the anti-air rockets are wicked fast without a lot of drop when fired without lock-on, which makes them somewhat easier to use for fighting tanks at longer ranges (though they do less damage than basic rockets) and on some occasions for pseudo sniping. :D
  11. Schwak

    Its a strange game to start playing believe me. When I started playing I think after maybe 5 hours at a crown fight I was like 6-80. I've since scrapped the character and moved servers but it was pretty bad. Don't give up though its only a small learning curve!
  12. MavCooL

    Upgrade ur default gun aka the orion... Its the beast of the beast weapon CQC
    Get the resist shield lvl 1 ASAP, its stronger at lower level
    Full nanoweave or get it to lvl 4 and you are good to go

    As for aiming you hav to learn that yourself
  13. MajiinBuu

    Even in close quarters, ignore your main gun. Always carry the rocket launcher. If you see something move then blast it. Send a sorry /tell if it's a teammate. If you miss that's okay, twirl your knife in the air to finish them off.
  14. DashRendar

    -Go to the VR training zone to practice with your weapon (use the Continent terminal in the warpgate where you spawn in when you log)

    -Get up to rank 2 Nanoweave (and don't forget to equip it!)

    -Buy a 1x reflex, 2x reflex, or HS/NV scope for your LMG (your preference, try them out in the VR to see which you like better)

    -Put some certs into your shield, the Nanite Mesh Generator. This is the most noobie friendly and cheapest shield. Get it to rank 2 or 3.

    -Get up to rank 4 Nanoweave

    -Buy a Grip for your Orion and by the time you've earned enough certs to complete the list up to now, you should have good enough aim to hit heads, the grip will help you.

    -Buy a Laser Dot for your sidearm

    After this you will be about as upgraded as any HA out there, you just need practice and to build awareness.
  15. lp998

    Taken everyones advice, been dying A LOT less, ive even got medals on several of my guns :D i still die often, but doesnt bother me since its not as much. I use the rocket launcher quite a bit and its pretty effective, and the orion has a nice amount of attachments.
  16. TheBloodEagle

    You can use your shield to jump off relatively high places to dampen the damage.
  17. bubbacon

    Ya know, I wish someone would have told me to start out as a Medic or Engi when I started. Classes like HA/LA/Infi require alot of time and certs to be profecient at imo. As a new player your still trying to learn the game mechanics and the lay of the land and bases. Why run around as a new HA only to be cheese farmed by more experienced players when you can actually be an asset to your squad by healing or dropping ammo, which are HUGE functions to this game...not to mention your gaining alot of certs vs running around giving opfor easy certs or just wasting time in general..
  18. Blackinvictus

    Yes the AA launcher is awesome as an anytime weapon. I have either the Hawk for NC, or Nemesis if I am running around on VS. They both dumbfire great and very nice to have handy when that Lib or ESF happens to fly overhead when you are doing grunt stuff.
  19. Blackinvictus

    Yes the AA launcher is awesome as an anytime weapon. I have either the Hawk for NC, or Nemesis if I am running around on VS. They both dumbfire great and very nice to have handy when that Lib or ESF happens to fly overhead when you are doing grunt stuff.
  20. Posse

    I wouldn't discard the default iron sights, in fact I prefer them over the 1x reflex, of course it's just a personal decision.

    Laser sight is better imo, the advantage in CQC is quite clear, the advantage of the grip in mid range isn't that noticeable really.