[Guide] Amazing Sniping Locations + Mustarde Reveals True Feelings.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Darkelfdruid_LOL, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Gundem

    Mustard is for the weak.

    Real men season their certs with debris.
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  2. CuteBeaver

    Lesbians are the most magical of creatures! They are like Yodas with bewbs and less wrinkles.
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  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I would have liked to work up to my Parallax this weekend...but I can't even play right now. I don't know what they did to the game, but the traditional lag and freezing of the game would be a godsend compared to what I'm experiencing now. It literally takes me about five minutes to switch weapons...and then it'll give me the graphic of a completely different weapon for about three more minutes without the ability to use it.

    Completely unplayable right now.
  4. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    So... lesbians will marry scudmungus?!

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  5. Get2dachoppa

    I..uh...what was this thread about again?
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  6. Mustarde

    its about infiltrators. which is why every single post in this thread makes perfect sense :)
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  7. Ripshaft

    I guess if I keep checking the forums I will occasionally come across a post containing actual useful information/feedback. It's been 4 months... but regardless, you've done the community a great service... this explains alot lol
  8. BloodyG

    Nice spots thanks for showing^^

    But i just can't get up most of them... can i make a macro for "trickjump" or will i get the Banhammer for that???
  9. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    I think macros aren't allowed , might be wrong tho.

    Just keep practising. Easy spots like top of tech plant, or go see the first vid I made on climbing. The easiest place atm to climb is inside of the bio lab. I'd recommend practising there
  10. BloodyG

    In the Bio Lap i can get up the tree but it takes like.. forever:(
    Well i will keep tryin and check out your other vids, your tips are always very much appriciated, thx.