All my loadouts wiped since GU6

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Elrobochanco, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Elrobochanco

    All my vehicles have had their performance/defence/utility slots unequipped in their loadouts, and my character have their suits rest, so now I get to redo them all. Awesome.
  2. Nate

    Some of my vehicles had some of slots cleared. My Prowler was unchanged. My Mosquito had 2 of the 3 slots cleared. Weapons didn't get changed. Didn't notice any character suits? getting reset.
  3. Fanaticalist

    Same issue. I was wondering why I was dying so fast for a bit there - oh hey, no suit is equipped.
  4. Naxess

    Having the same issue, it doesn't help to logout either. Even after re-equipping all my loadouts, I logged back in only to find that they were once again empty. Please fix asap
  5. Dreamspell

  6. maxxlight

  7. Zan_Aus


    Also happens to "non-equippable" mods too, such as Infi recon darts. My L5 darts now have the same radius and pulse speed as L1 darts.

    Holy crap this "update" is a disaster.
  8. Kastrenzo

    as long as your stuff is still there right? what does it matter? set them up again

    the only thing you can really lose is single use camos,
  9. Zan_Aus

    Why are you defending this FFS? Really? Some things aren't equip-able so you can't re-add them. Plus it can happen on every respawn. I have to go into my loadout and unequip then re-equip my extra ammo every time I spawn a vehicle. NOT FUN.
  10. Kastrenzo

    Sorry, I only read the title, I assumed that his loadouts were just on default again. if that was the case then it wouldn't really that big of an issue, like I said the only thing I'd see as cause to be annoyed is losing single use camos.

    if it's wiping itself after every respawn though, yes that's annoying. but no I haven't experienced that
  11. Jupil@ire

    I had it to.

    I just equipped and unequipped all of the upgrades, even if some wouldn't unequip but still not work.

    When I restarted the game all those non-unequippable upgrades had their slot free and I had to equip them back.

    Now they work. SOE worked on the whole account system, which is very complex. That's a small resulting bug, that will make you loose 5 minutes.

    Nothing more.
  12. Elrobochanco

    And it just happened again after this little patch.
  13. PoisonedAl

    Same. I hope this doesn't become a thing because resetting my profiles after each daily hot fix will get really tedious, really quickly.
  14. Elrobochanco

    Yeah I'm done until this is fixed. I didn't think anyone could make something ever worse than when tribes would wipe keybinds every patch.
  15. PS4848

    now every time i log in my profile slots are all reset to default. As before but only after the GU6 it was just the utility slots leaving the guns, and camos as saved.