Aircraft Controls: Yaw on mouse?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sarmon, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Evgen

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  2. Ziogatto89

    Yeah unfortunately SOE decided to NUKE the forum that topic was in and couldn't be bothered to transfer it over.

    16 pages of people talking about yaw binding on mouse X all gone because someone thinks that if you bury the game's problems they go away on their own....

    What they don't realize is that if you make problems go away like that they tend to take players away with them.
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  3. WarmasterRaptor

    That's total bullcr... 16 pages... can't be an accident.
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  4. HaridasPL

    So will we have this yaw on the mouse?
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  5. SGT-Bilko

    Buy a better mouse, you can add virtually anything you want. Horrid way to have to do it, but I can pull off every basic movement including infantry with *just* my 20 button mouse. lol

    Also for yous having air troubles, try hanging around in the warpgate bubble. Spawn your aircraft and fly it there, stay away from the edges, and you will not blow up even if you land up side down - as long as you remain inside. You can learn to fly very well that way. Took me months to get decent at it but once you get it, you will enjoy it all much more.

    Another consideration is the small aircraft for each faction has differences to get used to, they are not big, but you can fly a Reaver up side down...not moving at all. I am not aware of any other craft that can do that.
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  6. Lord_Mogul

    You don't have to be a "good" pilot to do this, just good enough too know remapping like this is possible.. (andd, of course you need a mouse with an appropriate number of keys)

    And don't forget the VR training area. It might be small, but for basic flight training this doesn't matter. And anythin you do there, won't count to your stats, so flying and dying is no issue there.

    And purchase the Dogfighting Airframe, its name might suggest it is only useful when encountering enemy pilots, but it greatly improves the maneuverability of the ESFs.
  7. I play by many names

    Pretty sad. I remember people asking for this IN CLOSED BETA. Seems like such a basic feature....
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  8. Hosp

    Just gonna drop this here since I've said it time and again.

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  9. WarmasterRaptor

    Get all my cookies. Except one. I want at least one !
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  10. taod3mon

    It is an extremely basic feature that has been around for 10+ years in PC games. Amazing how they can't even do basic control binding options correct.