Absurd Gameplay... Tanks Firing INTO Buildings

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadlyPeanutt, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. MrMickson

    Ahh, windows....
    Why have you ever had to be invented?!
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  2. LordMondando


    'I don't like things that kill me' is essentially the theme of the thread.

    If a base is completely overrun and is being pounded from all sides and is completely suppressed, your surprised when you blunder into the killzone?
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  3. PraetorGavorn

    So basically you're complaining that you and your buddies sqeezed yourselves into a bottle neck and the guys with the cannons that fire high-explosive shells were slaughtering you while you were at it?

    The strategy is sound, other than the friendly fire problem.

    But your strategy isn't. Where's your own vehicles fighting them? Your Halberd Harasser hitting their rear armor? Your light assaults dropping bricks of C-4?

    You got outplayed son. Fall back to another base and change up your strategy.
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  4. Johnnyseven

    Well, no you clearly didn't get it straight, despite other people pointing out that infantry are kind of god-like in open ground. I clearly said.

    Glad I could clear that up for you.
  5. TheFamilyGhost

    If a group of tanks OUTSIDE a base makes the defenders surrender, something is very wrong. Why even have the base? Why even have walls? Quite frankly, why even have the infantry at that point?

    Doesn't sound like blind shelling- sounds like accurate shelling.

    Then you're going to be very disappointed. Weapon-specific arenas are BORING and PLAYED-OUT. The evolution of gaming is in combined arms. Now, its up to the players to evolve too.

    Generalize much? That may be the root of your angst. C'mon- step up and realize you're up against skilled opponents. Now, go get 'em.
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  6. Degenatron

    First, I'm a tank driver, but I run an anti-vehicle tank with AP rounds and an AA top gun, so I'm not out to farm infantry.

    Second, I haven't made any certs by "spamming" buildings. With AP rounds, it's far closer to "sniping".

    Third, I'm calling BS on the original post because that kind of behavior would lead to weapons-lock in minutes if not seconds. You CAN'T spam HE rounds into a area filled with friendlies without serious consequences. Even if you don't get weapons-lock, you'll likely get C4'd by your own team for TKing that much.

    Finally, fight fire with fire. Expecting to hold ANY facility with infantry alone is a fools game. You need to match your enemies force with the appropriate counter. A fly-over by a couple of Dalton Liberators with a fighter escort would have ended the spam-fest pretty quickly.

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  7. Vaphell

    I hope you are not implying we have that.
    There are no layers of defense, there is a perimeter and there is a spawnroom with not much in between and breaking the perimeter is not a problem. In most bases attackers get nearly full surround pretty much for free, which puts orders of magnitude more pressure on defender's awareness. Defenders are in predictable places having only few obvious exits, at the same time attackers can be everywhere: boots on the ground behind every crate, LAs on ledges and roofs, tanks on hills lobbing shells, ESFs and libs hovering above, pointing weapons at said exits. That's not superior tactics, that's shooting fish in a barrel.

    Either way you are setting up a false dichotomy here. Not every base has to be the old crown or a biolab, but that doesn't mean you need to have every single base in a hole with deployed tanks shooting down at top tower levels and into courtyards above defensive walls which is par for the course atm. The Stronghold is not omg impossible to take, but tanks have very limited efficiency there and don't get to spam the **** out of the base for free. It's amazing how few meters of elevation cut the spam.
  8. indianahoops

    Indar Excavation Side and Coramed Labs is the best example.
  9. stalkish

    yeap, poor base design, poor base design and more poor base design.
    imo tanks should (and do) help a force to assault a defended base and surround and seige it, they should not be able to directly interfere with the fight to take control of the base (unless your seige draining it like in ps1, but this took hours). The reason for this is the force mutliplier that tanks provide.
    If a 10v10 force is fighting for a base and all the attackers bring a tank, lock down the vehicle term and prevent the defenders from pulling their own vehicles, then they are already at an advantage in that hex. At this point the defenders should be able to say, 'tanks have us surrounded, dig into the base and hold out for reinforcements. The battle then would revolve around who has the most skill, for lack of a better word, or awareness, the ability of the 10 defenders to hold off the 10 attackers using chokepoints, stairways and a hard spawn point is what should be tested, not the attackers ability to shoot HE aoe into buildings hoping to get a kill.
  10. deggy

    Go to those bases and look around.

    You'll see low ridges, large pieces of coral, rocks, sets of bones belonging to an animal I NEVER want to meet.

    There is nowhere in the game that truly has no cover.
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  11. indianahoops

    and what about in between those bases?

    Ya know, the area where infantry needs to stop the armor before it gets to the base?

    Its all good, Hossin and Amerish are coming.....
  12. FaLI3N

    As deggy said that is as open as it gets. When an enemy is using the rock as cover it is now an obstacle to you and circling around it will expose yourself to the enemy therefore its an obstacle. Infantry are at the advantage in the open and in facilities due to close range instagibs and long range non rendering infantry AV. If you cant take out a tank it is your fault not the games, they have given you every opportunity and everything you need to counter it.

    I understand that you don't like the tanks showing up and ruining your infantry play but tanks are a part of the game, as are aircraft and such. If you are doing what you are supposed to be doing inside a facility and start getting shelled by vehicles it's because your faction has screwed up by not taking enough anti-vehicle weapons or enough vehicles to counter them. Any vehicle that is shelling infantry is at a disadvantage as soon as a dedicated AV tank turns up and odds are that they have engaged them from the rear because most vehicle hunters are smart enough to avoid fighting them head on. A single anti-armor tank can decimate a column of infantry farmers if played correctly because most of them have close to no situational awareness and are sitting still all facing the same direction.

    So long story short hope that your faction gets their act together and pulls anti-vehicle or do it yourself.
  13. Pirbi

    Most towers in this game are fairly easy to defend.
  14. Johnnyseven

    I have to agree with this, with a couple of exceptions on Esamir that I can think of, because the towers are actually significantly lower than some very close surrounding terrain. Which is dumb.

    There usually just aren't enough people on the pads with anti-air anti vehicle focusing on the important enemy targets as they approach.
  15. indianahoops

    Crimson Bluff Tower, the mountain to the east/southeast.
  16. indianahoops


    I didn't mind loosing the base, it was the how....
  17. Johnnyseven

    Right, so you have one direction that isn't almost suicide to attack from. Hard times for the defenders I'm sure.

    Not to mention the bases that are facing onto that hillside from behind just asking for you to spawn there and shove rockets up the Sunderers / tanks of the attackers.
  18. JonboyX

    Unfortunately, towers located in a depressed area of land offer neither. I don't believe tank shelling inside towers is interesting, fun, dynamic, and requires employing superior skill, tactics and/or strategy to win.
  19. FaLI3N

    Well that's the first step, it's only a base and you can take it back so pull back and spawn an AV tank. Farm the farmers :cool:
  20. dopy7dvs

    Guys, you don't have to spawn AT THE BASE BEING SPAMMED!
    If you see a spamming tank force, spawn at a friendly territory BEHIND THEM, get an anti-vehicle set-up of some kind, and take a bunch out!
    Or, spawn at said territory, get a sunderer, and deploy directly BEHIND the enemy tank line. Ask squad mates to spawn at the sunderer, and take them out. Granted you may not destroy the entire column but it just might distract the tank columns attention long enough for friendlies to push the points at the original base.
    Always remember, this is a war of ATTRITION. You will die! It's just a matter of how many enemies you take with you :) In the end, it is a territory control game.
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