[Suggestion] About new PPA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    So, I understand old PPA was OP and needed a nerf. Im not saying its useless, it possible to get kills with that and heres a proof:
    (I hope you can see those images, I had problems with them)
    Whats my problem? I think it was overnerfed a bit. CoF is so big that you cant use its only advantage which is RoF. Magazines are small, but reload is better now - some people will like it, some not, I think its better than old PPA in that case. I dont really understand splash damage inner radius nerf, because of it I rarely see circle hitmark (which is 250dmg I think). And velocity feels bad even in close range.
    Overall, weapon feels cool and more interesting than old PPA, but it needs changes.
    My solutions are:
    - decrease max CoF a bit, and decrease CoF decrease time, to make semi auto shots quicker (so much decrease in this sentence lol)
    - increase inner splash radius (not to old PPA level, but 0,3m would be nice)
    - increase velocity, but make it slow down with range to not make it long range weapon again

    What are your thoughts?
  2. KiakoLalene

    My thought is to wait more than a day for people to get used to it before complaining.
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  3. SeanFree

    Looks like a Canister killstreak.
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  4. patrykK1028

    Looks like NC main.
  5. SeanFree

    TRRRUUUUUUU. <--gotta read that like 2 Chainz

    But seriously, the PPA was changed to be close range just like the other two faction specific AI weapons. I think the magazine should be 15-20 rounds default though, every other change staying the same.
  6. KnightCole

    Oooh, so this didnt affect the PPA nose gun on the Scythe? Well thats a bummer, thats the PPA I find annoying as ****...
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  7. TriumphantJelly

    And here we observe someone toppling a decent construcive thread.

    I agree with CoF reduction (a slight one) and a magazine size buff (seriously, 5 rounds? PLEASE?) but then it'll be a good offensive AI weapon, still, IMO, outshined by the Canister, but a solid choice. Currently I'd rather run with a Saron, but hey, that's just me.
  8. TriumphantJelly

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  9. a-koo-chee-moya

    Like everyone did for Striker :p
  10. Halkesh

    Actual PPA need minor buff to be a correct weapon. It should be able to full auto at more than 20 meters, plus it should be able to hit airplane / vehicle easier.

    Improve the CoF to 2 (instaid of 3).
    Increase the muzzle velocity to 300.
  11. RyanGUK

    No, that's somebody who has seen enough buff and nerfs to know that time is the best indicator of whether this weapon is useful or not. You can't find out if a weapon has been nerfed too far if all the people who were using the OP version of it have stopped using it. You also can't find out if it's been nerfed too far because the weapon required so little skill that people need to actually learn how to aim and use a gun properly.

    The person you quoted is spot on.
  12. KiakoLalene

    No one, no matter the faction, tends to wait more than a day before pointing their fingers and saying "x is broken, I want ice cream to make me feel better".
  13. KiakoLalene

    Because having consistent data on something isn't constructive? The reason that there is a discrepancy between the weapons is that the PPA just got nerfed/changed. If someone gives you a weapon you've been trained in for who knows how long, and then fundamentally changes it (say, taking away your M4 and giving you a FAMAS), then duh, of course your first day with it is gonna be off.
  14. TriumphantJelly

    Okay, sorry. I misread the tone, then. :confused:
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  15. patrykK1028

  16. patrykK1028

    This is suggestion thread, not complain. Trust me, these are different things.
  17. a-koo-chee-moya

    The ironic thing was that while some TR were saying that striker was bad and needed buffs now, some of those same TR now are saying to "wait a few for PPA to pan out.
  18. Foxirus

    The Banshee already has a confirmed nerf coming. Higby himself said it was next on the latest edition of Higbypls. That includes the ravens. The only thing is that we don't know how hard the Banshee will be beat with the nerf bat.
  19. Arsonix

    Saron would be better AI than the PPA right now if it wasn't for the splash damage and the double mag size. Because the Saron has minimal CoF bloom and can tackle armor there is no real reason to run PPA right now unless you absolutely have to spam doorways and corners.
  20. Zotamedu

    Very different situations. It was a basic mechanical problem with the new Striker, it did not do enough damage to be useful even in theory. It had worse TTK than even the grounder but much higher risk. It had no redeeming features at all. It was painfully obvious that something was very flawed. The whole risk reward mechanic was completely borked since you had a higher risk than any of the other launchers but no reward. Pretty much everyone who tested in on the test server said the same thing. It was not a matter of learning how to use it since the very design made it a straight downgrade from any other launcher in the game and it did not have a niche. It seemed like SOE threw a gimmick on it and hoped a niche would just magically appear. No one based any argument on some usage statistics. People looked at the mechanic, tried it and found that it was lacking. Something had to be changed and they needed to give it an actual role.

    The PPA is a different beast. They designed it to be worse at longer ranges because that was a problem. People who tried it in its new intended role seem to agree that it's pretty decent. It might need further adjustments but dragging up KPU and KPH for a new weapon is just plain stupid. Give people a week or two to actually test it in the new intended role as a close range AI weapon and then your statistics might say something. Right now they are just useless numbers. So is there something fundamentally wrong with the way it works compared to the other AI weapons? Apart from it not being the old PPA?