About being an HA........

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Eternaloptimist, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    I am relatively new and not so quick/accurate/aware as many people in this game but I am slowly getting better. I have seen a lot of threads that say the HA is OP and others that say something like "this game is brutal to new players".

    I can see merit in both points. So..... I like to play HA when I want a bit of survivability and as I (slowly) improve I increasingly play other classes as well for a bit more challenge (or LA if I want a helluva challenge!).

    I have no problem with HA being well shielded and having a launcher (though I wonder why they get C4 as well). I don't mind getting killed a lot either......I knew that was likely in a player versus player game where a noob can be facing a highly experienced adversary.

    In other words, there is a kind of balance for me which is about how I use the options available with different class specs to suit my mood.

    I really hope things get left pretty much alone. Oh, and another thing, if a weapon is not good enough, I get another weapon instead of asking the devs to improve it for me.

    Final word about my HA experience: I regularly get killed by other classes despite my shield - partly out of not being so good/aware/accurate or well placed as they are and partly because my tactic as HA is to generally to run towards the sound of the guns, just like a good heavy trooper should.

    Sure, more people play HA than any other class but we are not all high skill players and the ones who are good and still play HA.....well is that any worse than coming up against the massive outbreak of Maxes that seem to be infesting the games at the moment?
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  2. OminousZ

    Even the high skilled players play HA all the time and it's out of control. The game should be called Heavyside 2. About 85% of the time, i bump into HA...I try and play every class evenly so i can help out my squad/team, but that's just me...
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    HA is the go to class for Infantry v Everything and by all rights should be. I don't play HA very much these days, but sometimes, you just need a scrub shield and an LMG.

    Plus it's one of the most effective classes for early players. You can do well with it right out of the box. Other classes require a fair amount of cert investment to be good at what they do. I find myself playing HA most when my toons are low BR and less as I gain certs and better equipment for other classes.
  4. Xasapis

    The bane of MAXes as a heavy are the AV grenades. If they explode anywhere near them, they take massive damage. Two of them kill them outright. One heavy with fully tiered grenade bandolier (4 grenades) can empty a room with entrenched MAXes. If you get a MAX in the open, thow a grenade and then switch to rocket and shoot at it. They know that one rocket can't kill them, but they usually fall when right after the grenade goes off.
  5. SerasVic

    Let people complain

    They forget that Assault rifles, gave to mediks, are straight upgrades of LMG with lower mag size. And many carabines have higher DPS than LMG.
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  6. OminousZ

    But you hef to understand when one class is used most of the time, by most people...there's a problem...it's not spread out evenly...
  7. SerasVic

    I don't know , i don't play medic because i don't want to spam rez, engi is support aswell.

    I hate LA, so i'm playing HA and SMG infil

    edit: there should not be an equal number of medic, engi and infiltrators than HA
    because those are not "frontal" infantry classes.

    Shoud looks like 6 heavy 1 inf 1 LA 1 Med 1 Engi for 10 people
  8. Xasapis

    Why it should spread out evenly?

    Most used class by far is the engineer. Second comes the heavy. Then the medic. The the infiltrator and light assault.

    First place is easy to explain, vehicles. Second place is also easy to explain, easiest class to play. The rest are a bit more advanced to very advanced, so less people are playing them.
  9. Commander Beanbag

    You usually run in to the main fighting class, and not so much the support classes that stay behind the front lines. Is there a problem?
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  10. SerasVic

    Medic is support, do you support supports?

    No you support main force. The game'ld be broken if we had 80% of medics in infantry fights
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  11. cruczi

    But why should one class be easier to play than the rest? If designed differently, HA could still be the most powerful frontal assault class, while not being any easier to play. Why should one class have a lower skill floor than others? Doesn't make sense to me.
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  12. SerasVic

    It's only his thoughts that HA is easier to play
  13. OminousZ

    Ok...next time you're in a squad of 12 people, see how many of them are HAs. Then switch to another 12 manned squad and do the same. Then draw your opinion. The fact is, there are a lot of players don't give a **** about team work or anyone else and will use the most OP equipment there is. When one class is used most of the time...there is a balancing issue. Personally, I use the class opposite everyone else just to spread out the squad.
  14. SerasVic

    You take heavy / inge for fighting Tank zerg
    You take heavy to fight Air zerg
    You take heavy/LA for making kills in an infantry "only" fight (arguably infiltrator)
    You take heavy/LA/inf when you don't want to teamplay

    Heavy is an all round- solo play class that's all
  15. Klypto

    What determines if a class is easier to play?
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  16. Stormsinger

    I get that this is a game, thus, it is not meant to be realistic. That said, look at the real world. When massive armed infantry combat takes place, do you expect to see... engineers on the battlefield? Sure, combat engineers exist. Medics? Yep, combat medics exist too. Snipers? Sure, although they don't typically run around with SMGs, giving away their positions with extreme cloak-induced flatulence.

    What would you expect to see most? Soldiers, people that specialize in combat - in PS2, that's heavy assault. I play Engie near 100% of the time, over 1500 hours spread over my three characters. I enjoy playing support, and that is exactly what engies are - combat support. They have tools vital to any push or defense, or AV / AI situations, but do you need 20 ammo packs for 48 people? Nope, maybe 2 per squad. Do you need 10 medics for 20 people? Maybe, but the AR is worth it, and gives the class versatility enough to justify bringing more along.

    Now, look at the heavy assault - with their ability to use most weapon types (not to mention their launcher) ... they are meant to be the grunts of PS2. Heavy assaults are obviously intended to be the most frequently used class. I would honestly see more of a problem if anything else was the most frequently used class. I don't want 30 infiltrators on my team, I want heavies, medics, and engies. a few flanking LA's are excellent, as are a few infiltrators - but the core should be composed of heavy assault.

    (Additional thought: Maxes have their place, but there should be a limit of how many can be actively spawned in a given hex, by a given team. Others entering from elsewhere is still fine, max drops via galaxy into an already maxed-max hex would just prevent more from being pulled until numbers drop below hex-max. )
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  17. OminousZ

    So, get rid of all the other classes...problem solved. Just equip the HA with a LMG, rocket launcher, AV grenades, and a med. kit and that's it...
  18. vsae

    Complaints about HA ruining skill balance with other classes is a nonsense in a game with skillsuits at every corner.
    Cereously tho, whats wrong with just headshotting them?
  19. gigastar

    People too lazy to aim up a few pixels, and until recently the misaligned scopes.
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  20. SerasVic

    Then i have no ammo, tank and maxxes got no repair
    No one get ever revives
    No one can snipe a cluster of RL HA
    etc etc

    Aiming a RL takes more skill than right click to revive IMO