AA is just fine

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malevolent, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Vendettta

    People seriously don't even bother with Male's posts about everything being balanced anymore. After he admitted he doesn't want balance in the game we really shouldn't take anything he says seriously about this issue anymore and probably shouldn't even bother responding other than to mock him... rofl
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  2. vaxx

    Either Mal plays against god awful pilots, or he only runs into a few Libs, OR ESF's at a time.

    So do I have this right?

    2-3 man crew (or 1 man for ESF), fast spawnable aircraft, low risk of death, plenty of kills. Damaged? Fly away.
    20+ man crew (10 burster Max suits, 3 engies, 2 medics, and not including your others to fend off infantry), low kills, great risk of death, and boring. Damaged? Engies dead? Sunderer blown up? You are SOL.

    Makes total sense......oh wait, it doesnt.

    Note: Your video doesnt show proof of anything, but neat looking cinematics. Want to show how leet your AA squad is? Show an uncut video of your "AA crew" taking out about 5 Libs, and 10 ESF's, while fighting off an infantry and tank squad at the same time. Then Ill shut up.
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  3. Malevolent

    You and I are in agreement then.

    Cut vehicle spam.
  4. Vendettta

    hahaha the Man of 1000 Logical Fallacies talking about logic. Comedy gold at its best. Actually I accept your challenge bro
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  5. Protential

    Vehicles need common resource pools...

    I am done for today.
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  6. Vendettta

    You're confused. Male IS a pilot.
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  7. axiom537

    That is incorrect, I resupply my grenades (regular and sticky) and mines all the time and I spawn my max all the time as well. The trick is you never want to spend all your resources on mines and grenades at one time. Always leave enough resources to spawn a max. It is a matter of resource management...
  8. Vendettta

    and yeah Male, i'm a total ******* zealot about game balance.
  9. Malevolent

    This is a matter of opinion. There are others who think like me, just as there are others who think like you.

    It doesnt destroy my credibility, but does point out that you base credibility on whether someone agrees with you versus logic, evidence, or practical experience from players who are eyewitnesses and support what I am saying
  10. Vendettta

    No what destroyed your credibility in any argument about game balance is when you admitted that you DON'T WANT game balance. hahaha.... That is why you have no credibility in this debate anymore.
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  11. Malevolent

    No its not my argument, I just feel like the endless swarm of vehicles is a bit much, and I think resources should be more important.

    My argument is, there are effective tools to deal with aircraft if people are willing to use them
  12. Vendettta

    Notice the keyword he always uses in this phrase.... "deal" instead of "kill"
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  13. Malevolent

    Typical response from someone who loses an argument.

    Resort to name calling, belittling, and trying to get an angry mob on your side.

    Still doesnt make you right.
  14. Protential

    The problem is that ony leaves you enough mines or grenades to use them ONCE every hour or so.

    Thats not fair considering every other class in the game can spam explosives at no cost what so ever.

    I highly doubt you can afford to buy several mines, and two different types of grenades, and still pull max suits whenever you want. Not to mention the max unit is one of the ONLY things I have ever seen a cooldown on.

    Just remove cooldown from Max's all together, its not like they are that OP in infantry combat. 2players can easily kill a max.

    You think its fair if ESF and LIbs have to purchase rockets and **** for 100 air rescources a pop? No that would beBS
  15. axiom537

    Maybe, you are not playing the game in a balanced manner. Why don't you spawn a Skyguard or an A2A Aircraft. And why would you use Kamakaze tactics? What an inefficient use of a good vehicle that could be used to counter other enemy vehicles.
  16. Malevolent

    I dont need or want you to shut up, you are free to post your thoughts here just like anyone else. I invite you to group with us as well and see for yourself.

    If the only proof you will accept is a video then I will not attempt to prove anything to you as Vendettta has shown it is easy to dismiss a video as proof. Also I am not in the mood to spend valuable time and energy creating a video to prove to you, whom I dont know, or really give much of a hoot about my argument.

    The only reason I am even typing this is because I cant be in-game killing things right now.
  17. Vendettta

    And for those of you who are new to Malevolent's arguments here is a short list of phrases you will see over and over.

    1 - "Combined Arms"

    2 - "Effective Tools for Dealing with ..............." Meaning you can use these tools to chase away the enemy but don't expect a lot of kills.

    3 - "Do some research" - His basic response whenever he is faced with an argument that he has no counter for...

    4. "Teamwork" Meaning you should organize an entire squad of one class with a specific weapon and use teamwork to deal with one or two of something else that doesn't use teamwork.

    This has been a public service announcement.
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  18. Protential

    Mainly because I do not like to fly, so I only use aircraft to jump out of ontop of enemy bases...WTF am I going to do with a Skyguard, just what I want to do is spawn the single most useless weapon in the game to get Lol'd at by the entire server.

    Kamakaze tactics are legit, just look at the guys jumping out an ESF to Mine your sunderer.
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  19. Protential

    Honestly I wish you guys weren't on matterson or I could use my NC weapons and stuff there. I play only NC now, and have spent some station cash but don't want to restart without my fancy HA weapons :(
  20. Vendettta

    And because you desperately want to convince people everything is fine before the inevitable nerf comes.
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